Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death / たとえ死の陰の谷を歩むとしても
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4
Psalm 23 has been one of the chapters that sustain my life spiritually, emotionally and physically in this most challenging time. David knew that GOD WAS WITH HIM when walking through the valley of the shadow of death. And that was his secret to overcome fear.
God's Word and prayer are irreplaceable and uncompromising, and nothing can outweigh them when we want to know God personally and deeply. (We are reading/eating the Word like starving children and praying like helpless babies.) Through the Word of God and our prayer-life, we know that God is real and He is with us. But not only that, the Lord is so gracious that He also lets us FEEL, SENSE and EXPERIENCE that He is with us through circumstances, other people, and in a supernatural way, etc. (Even if we don't feel, sense nor experience anything, God is always with us and loves us the same because His Word tells so.)
David feared not, because He knew God was with him. When we walk through the darkest valley, what we need the most is to KNOW (not only in head but also in heart and spirit) that God is with us.
At 6:30 a.m. on 9 July, Sachi and I went to the hospital check-in counter. Gerhard kindly came with us again. To our surprise, the staff said that Sachi's name isn't on the list and therefore her bed isn’t there. After being shifted from one section to another, Gerhard who is often very gentle rather strongly negotiated with the hospital and everything became in order. Without him, we couldn't have made it.
Gerhard left for another appointment and a nurse very fluent in English guided us to Sachi's room. She took Sachi's blood and prepared her for PET-CT and MRI. I saw two tattoos on her arm; silver fern (Symbol of New Zealand) and fish (ΙΧΘΥΣ), and I asked her:
"Is the tattoo a New Zealand leaf?"
"Yes, I stayed in New Zealand for half a year."
"Wow, really?! We also lived in New Zealand before."
"Is the fish tattoo from Christianity?"
"Are you a Christian?"
"Wow, we are Christians too."
"Yes, we came to Austria to serve God."
"Wow, how cool!"
"I went to a Bible collage in Waikato, New Zealand."
New Zealand is a very special place for Sachi and me. That's where God brought us together and began our journey with Him.
What's the probability of meeting an Austrian born-again Christian nurse who has lived in New Zealand? The Jesus-following population is very small here and New Zealand is the farest place from Austria. Meeting the nurse was truly God's comfort for us and we felt the Lord's kindness and care.
After the PET-CT, Sachi and I got a message from Esther, Gerhard's daughter who has been helping us in many ways with her husband, Uli: "hab gesehen die sachie hat heute an termin am mr...ich sitz zufällig genau an dem gerät wo sie eingeteilt is. From ○○○ (T) from church!!! (The Christian radiologist works at the hospital) She will do Sachie's MRI today. She said usually all of her colleagues want to be at the MRI and when she came this morning all of the devices were already taken except for the MRI - this is very unusual and she was able to take the place and then saw Sachi's name on the list of patients for today! You‘re in very good hands today." T said to Esther that this hardly ever happens and it was a miracle. Sachi was very much comforted and encouraged by T.
All the examinations were done without delay nor problems and the results will come back next Tuesday or Wednesday.
Gerhard's negotiation, the Christian nurse who has lived in New Zealand and T who "happened" to do Sachi's MRI were all God's care and kindness for us. And they didn't happen just by chance but because you were praying for us. Thank you for your prayers and please keep praying for God’s healing for Sachi and for our appointment with an oncologist on 16 July. We want to KNOW more that God is with us.
たとえ死の陰の谷を歩むとしても私はわざわいを恐れません。あなたがともにおられますから。あなたのむちとあなたの杖それが私の慰めです。 詩篇23篇4節
PET-CTの後、私たちはエスターから次のメッセージをもらいました。(エスターは、ギャーハートさんの娘で、夫で牧師のウリと様々な形で私たち家族を助けてくれています。)「hab gesehen die sachie hat heute an termin am mr...ich sitz zufällig genau an dem gerät wo sie eingeteilt is. 教会の○○○(T)から!!!(クリスチャンの放射線技師)彼女が今日サチのMRIをします。通常、彼女の同僚全員がMRIの担当をやりたがるので、彼女がMRIをすることはほとんどないんだけど。彼女が今朝出勤した時、MRIを除くすべてのデバイスがすでに使用されており-これは非常に珍しい-、彼女がMRIの担当をすることができました。そして今日の患者リストを見ると、サチの名前が表示されてた!今日はあなたはとても良いケアの中にいます。」 Tはエスターに、こういうことはほとんど起こらず、奇跡だと言ったそうです。サチはTにとても慰められ、励まされました。すべての検査は遅滞なく問題なく行われ、結果は来週の火曜日または水曜日に出ます。