In the midst of struggles / 葛藤の真ん中で
Sachi was extremely tired from Monday to Wednesday last week and I called the hospital to ask them if PET scan could be made earlier than 9 July. The answer was unfortunately "no" but I could get a doctor's appointment on Friday. On Wednesday afternoon Uli, Esther and Anna Joy visited us at home, which turned to be tremendous refreshment for Sachi. Esther offered to come with us to the doctor's appointment on Friday.
On Friday the doctor told us that the result of Sachi’s blood test was looking good (She didn’t tell us the details though). And later we found out that nothing had been planned except for the PET scan on 9 July. Then the nurse told us that the appointment with an oncologist was made on 19 July (10 days later!?) and on a later day (unknown) was the start of chemotherapy. Sachi and I could do nothing in German but accept the plan but Esther came in and negotiated with the doctor and the nurse.
Here is the fixed schedule thanks to Esther: PET scan on 9 July, Second opinion at another hospital on 12 July, Appointment with an oncologist on 16 July, Chemotherapy start on 19 July.
Uli and Esther adopted an Asian baby girl. She was named Anna Joy. Esther prayed to the Lord that He would send an Asian Christian family to church especially for Anna Joy. Two weeks later, she got to know that our family was coming to the church. She says, our coming was the answer for her prayer.
Our kids LOVE playing with Anna Joy and Liana thinks Anna Doi (She can't pronounce 'Joy') is her real sister. Uli is one of the pastors of Rheme church we attend and it's always refreshing and encouraging for us to spend time with Uli and Esther.
Esther's father, Gerhard has been coming to help us with doctor’s appointments. Without him, we're convinced we couldn't have made it so far. Esther's mother, Martina is a teacher at Lior's school and she's been truly an amazing help for Lior's German improvement.
Through the experiences with these two families and people at Rhema church, God has been really changing our hearts. Before the diagnosis, we felt we were "outsiders". But now we feel we are ‘IN’ Austria. People include us in their prayers and lives. This experience has significantly altered our hearts and perspectives. We love our own people, the Japanese and long for their salvations. We pray for the salvations of the Japanese and do anything possible to serve them like Paul loved his own people, the Jews. In a similar or the same way, we see and love Austrians now.
Our neighbors and doctors and nurses are all helping with Sachi's life on this earth. We really appreciate it. When I see it, now a deep desire comes within me to pray for and somehow help with their eternal life.
As one of our neighbors was seeing us struggle, she shared with me about what she has been going through. Really big struggles. So, I asked her if I could pray for her in person and she accepted it. It was a big step. I quietly but surely in Jesus name prayed for her for God's peace and comfort.
In the midst of our struggles, we see the Lord working in various ways. Your prayers are heard in heaven and making huge differences here.
Chemotherapy would be tough. And I have prayer requests:
1. Please pray that cancer hasn't spread nor wouldn't spread.
2. Please pray that chemotherapy would effectively work and cancer would disappear.
3. Please pray for Sachi.
4. Please pray for Lior and Liana and me.
5. Please pray that God would kindly send to us helpers at each necessary time.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
From left, Gerhard, Martina, Esther and Anna Joy. Each time we spend time with them, our suffering and heaviness is eased.
Uli made a fantastic and delicious pizza for all is us. ウリがとてもおいしいピザを作ってくれました。
This is a song that helps me sing to the Lord even when going through a valley. この賛美は、谷底にいる時でさえ、主に歌うことを助けてくれる賛美です。
ウリとエスター夫妻は、アジア人の赤ちゃんを養子にし、アンナ・ジョイと名付けました。エスターは、特にアンナ・ジョイのために、神さまがアジア人クリスチャンの家族を教会に送ってくださるよう祈っていたそうです。 2週間後、彼女は私たち家族が教会に来ることになったことを知ります。私たち家族が教会に来たことは、エスターにとって、祈りの答えだったそうです。