Official diagnosis/ 正式な診断
Unfortunately it is cancer. The type is Her2 positive and hormone receptor positive. The lump in the armpit is also cancerous and is more invasive than the one in the breast. The staging can be only known after the PET examination that is planned on 9 July. Sachi will stay in the hospital for one day and will go through some examinations. After the examinations, the real treatments will follow on a later day. As for now, the suggested treatments are Chemotherapy/immune therapy, surgery and hormone therapy respectively.
Now the most important thing is that the cancer in the lymph node in her right armpit stays there only and hasn't spread to other parts of the body. PET will examine the whole body and will show is where cancer is. The good sign is that the CT scan we took a few weeks ago shows no evidence of cancer cell in her neck and lungs. PLEASE pray that the Lord would have mercy on us and that the cancer hasn't spread yet to other parts of the body nor won't spread.
We are so heart-broken but still try to find God's grace and blessings.
1. The type of cancer is Her2 positive that is upper half in the range of aggressiveness but still well-treatable.
2. The doctor who will perform Sachi's surgery is the top of the cancer department of the University hospital, one of the two best hospitals in Linz. He also does lectures at the university and oversees all the doctors. The hospital treats 300 breast cancer patients a year and he has many experiences. He knows exactly what to do. When I asked if Sachi can live, he confidently said, "Of course, of course. How many children do you have? (We answered two) How old are they? (2 and 7) Boy or girl? (Boy and girl) So, we will help you. We will help you grow older (We will help you live longer)."
3. The doctor said that the cancer has been in the body for 1 to 2 years already. It means it's slow to spread. There is no possibility of it spreading before the PET exam or the first chemotherapy.
3. Gerhard, our local church member and a father of our good friend is an incredible comfort and help. He comes with us to our doctor's appointments. He helps us with translation and clarification.
4. Our house doctor. He and his wife have been very supportive. Twice so far, the doctor took over hour to explain the diagnosis and discuss the best options for Sachi, outside of his normal work hours. He will contact another hospital today for an appointment and the second opinion, etc. If the doctor thinks, the transfer to another hospital is ideal, he will write an transfer letter.
5. OM Austria team members, Rhema church members, our neighbors. All our friends from all over the world and our church in Japan who have been praying for us, messaging us and calling us.
From Sachi:
"Thank you so much for crying with us, suffering with us, praying for us, supporting us, but from now on, please don't cry and don't be sad anymore. Instead, please be thankful to the Lord with us, please encourage us with positive words that will stop cancer from growing, please pray for, believe and expect Jesus' miracles and healing with us. Thank you for your love."
In the most difficult time of our entire life, we hold closely on to Jesus and literally cry out to the Father. The verses we have received from the Lord (through others and from ourselves) that spoke very strongly to our hearts are Psalm 91:14-16.
“Because he (she/Sachi) loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him (her) ; I will protect him(her) , for he (she) acknowledges my name. He(She) will call on me, and I will answer him(her) ; I will be with him (her) in trouble, I will deliver him (her) and honor him (her) . With long life I will satisfy him (her) and show him (her) my salvation.”
Recent photo. In front of Liana‘s Kindergarten. /最近の写真。理歩名の幼稚園の前で。
今、最も重要なことは、右脇の下のリンパ節のがんがそこだけにとどまり、体の他の部分に広がっていかないことです。 PETは全身を検査し、がんがどこにあるかを示します。良い兆候は、数週間前に行ったCTスキャンで、首と肺にがん細胞の形跡が見られなかったことです。主が私たちを憐れんでくださり、がんが体の他の部分に広がっておらず、また、広がっていかないことを祈ってください。
2. サチの手術を行う予定の執刀医は、リンツで最高の病院の1つである大学病院のガン部門のトップの方です。彼は大学で講義を行い、すべての医師を監督立場の人です。この病院は年間300人の乳がん患者を治療しており、彼は多くの経験を持っており、何をすべきかを正確に知っています。サチが生きられるかと尋ねると、「もちろん、もちろん!子供は何人いますか?(2人と答えました)何歳ですか?(2歳と7歳)男の子か女の子ですか?(男の子と女の子)私たちはあなたを助けます。私たちはあなたが年をとるのを助けます(あなたが長く生きるのを助けます)。」と自信を持って言ってくれました。
3.医師は、がんはすでに1〜2年体内にあると教えてくれました。それは広がるスピードが遅いことを意味します。 PET検査または最初の化学療法の前にがんが広がる可能性はないということです。
5. OMオーストリアのメンバー、Rhema教会のメンバー、近所の人たち。祈り、メッセージを送り、電話してくれる世界中の友だちや母教会の神の家族。
14 彼(彼女/幸恵)がわたしを愛しているから、わたしは彼(彼女)を助け出そう。彼(彼女)がわたしの名を知っているからだ。わたしは彼(彼女)を高く上げよう。
15 彼(彼女)が、わたしを呼び求めれば、わたしは、彼(彼女)に答えよう。わたしは苦しみのときに彼(彼女)とともにいて、彼(彼女)を救い彼(彼女)に誉れを与えよう。
16 わたしは、彼(彼女)を長いいのちで満ち足らせ、わたしの救いを彼(彼女)に見せよう。