

1. We're very privileged to be a part of the Building Bridges team that reaches out to refugees and immigrants in Linz with practical help and the Gospel.  

We're four households from Austria, Switzerland, America and Japan, and we're waiting for one more American to join the team. 

Recently the Nolands (Steven and Alison) have arrived in Linz with their cute dog named Kaiser, despite the strict Corona restrictions. Praise God! (Austria has got a Kaiser/emperor again! ) The American couple was serving in Linz with the team for half a year before but they had to return to the US due to some reasons, then the Corona crisis hit hard. Like us, they’ve waited long time to join/rejoin the team. 

All our team members love the Lord and God's Word, and are also sensitive to different cultures. I'm convinced that all of us are here not by chance, especially after we've all gone through hardships such as long waiting, but by the Lord. God has plans and desires for the team to make Him known and glorify His Name. Please remember us in your prayers. 

2. Our family was invited to a dinner at our neighbors' house. It was our first time to eat with non-believers and it was a lot of fun! We like them very much. Why are we able to build good relationships with the locals relatively fast, which is often difficult to new comers and foreigners like us? It's because of your prayers!! So, thank you so much!

The husband (They're actually not married and call themselves partners) also took me to his mother's house for the weight training (Yes, I'm too thin here!) and his work place on the weekend. He showed me around and we sat and drunk coffee. Then out of the blue he opened himself up and shared about his life. About good things and a lot of difficulties. He has negative opinions on religions and I was mainly listening to him while praying for him in my heart.

May the Holy Spirit enable him and his beautiful family to know God's love and reality. 

For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. Hebrew 10:36

The Building Bridges team Linz/ リンツのビルディング・ブリッジーズのチーム

The Building Bridges team Linz/ リンツのビルディング・ブリッジーズのチーム

Steven and Alison / スティーブンとアリソン

Steven and Alison / スティーブンとアリソン

Our friendly neighbors/仲良くしてもらっているご近所さん

Our friendly neighbors/仲良くしてもらっているご近所さん


1. 私たち家族は、難民や移民に実際的な助けと福音を届けるビルディング・ブリッジーズ・チーム(橋渡しの意味)の一員であることを非常に光栄に思っています。チームはオーストリア人、スイス人、アメリカ人、日本人の4世帯で構成されており、もう1人アメリカ人がチームに加わる予定です。

最近、ノーランズ夫妻(スティーブンとアリソン)が、コロナの厳しい規制にもかかわらず、カイザーという名前のかわいい犬と一緒にリンツに到着しました。神さまをほめたたえます! (オーストリアは再びカイザー/皇帝を持つ国となりました(笑))ノーランズ夫妻は以前半年間チームで奉仕していましたが、いくつかの理由でアメリカに戻らなければなりませんでした。その後、コロナ危機が起こり、私たち家族のように、チームに参加/再参加するのに長い間待機を強いられていました。 


2. ご近所さんの家へ夕食に招待されました。クリスチャン以外と一緒に食事をするのはオーストリアでは初めてで、とても楽しかったです!オーストリアに来たばかりの私たちのような外国人には難しいことですが、なぜ地元の人と比較的早く関係を築くことができているんでしょうか?それは120%皆さんお祈りのおかげです!!ありがとうございます!




Akihiro Yabe