Building a relationship/関係作り


As I wrote before, we want to integrate to the society well, in order to share the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ with the people. We've recently discovered that  the term "missionary" is almost like a taboo. It has so much negative connotation in the Muslim culture and even in the Austrian society. In the Muslim culture, a missionary is someone who leads people to the wrong path, away from Allah, to destruction. So, none of our team members introduce ourselves as missionaries here but something different. We introduce ourselves as "Flüchtlingsarbeiter" (Worker for refugees) or "Seelsorger" (Soul care; councilor) as our visa defines us. 

Good news is that by God's grace, we've been building a good relationship with our neighbors (though we sadly speak much English). We heard that in Turkey there is a saying, "You don't buy a house. You buy neighbors." (Good neighbors make your life peaceful and abundant.) We're very blessed with kind and friendly neighbors.

Sachi and Liana go for a walk with one neighbor with her baby. Sachi invited the neighbor's family to our home on Saturday and we had a good time. The husband doesn't speak much English, so it's great for our German practice. 

Another neighbor's family is also very kind to us. The husband is a good cook and keeps giving us his food for a try. We also give them our food when we cook Japanese. The food exchange never seems to end... It's so great to have a relationship with non-believing neighbors.  

Sachi and I sometimes get discouraged and frustrated with ourselves because we can't speak German well enough, and can't obtain enough time for the language study because our kids take our time, etc. (At the end of a day, both of us are very tired.) There are some nights Sachi spends crying because of the language learning. We've been trying to find a German language school but due to some factors, we haven't succeeded it. 

Please pray that the Lord would lead us to the right school and give us both opportunities to improve German. At the end of this year we need to set the A2 exam and unless we pass it, we can't extend our visa. 

Thank you for your prayers as we build a relationship with the people here.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

We bought a second-hand child seat and struggled to install in our car. Then two neighbors came out and helped us for a long time and it was successfully installed! 中古のチャイルドシートを買って、車につけようと苦戦していたら、二人のご近所さんが出てきて助けてくれました。長い間奮闘して、ようやく無事に設置できました!

We bought a second-hand child seat and struggled to install in our car. Then two neighbors came out and helped us for a long time and it was successfully installed! 中古のチャイルドシートを買って、車につけようと苦戦していたら、二人のご近所さんが出てきて助けてくれました。長い間奮闘して、ようやく無事に設置できました!


My relaxing time nowadays is listening to Messianic Jewish worship music and worshipping the Lord/僕の最近のリラックス時間は、メシアニックジューの賛美曲で主を賛美することです。








主は、ある人たちがおそいと思っているように、その約束のことを遅らせておられるのではありません。かえって、あなたがたに対して忍耐深くあられるのであって、ひとりでも滅びることを望まず、すべての人が悔い改めに進むことを望んでおられるのです。 (第2ペテロ3:9)

Akihiro Yabe