"War is like a TV game" /「戦争はテレビゲームのよう」


1. This shocking statement was from a Syrian man with whom I went for a walk. 

We as a team value building a genuine relationship with people we share the Good News of Jesus Christ with. The Muslim culture is very relationship-oriented; spending a lot of time with family, relatives and friends is the very core of their lives. 

Austrians like to go for a walk! When they want to talk, they go for a walk. When the weather is nice, understandably they go for a walk. When the weather is not so good, they go for a walk anyway. After a meal, they say “let’s go for a walk”. When there is nothing to do, of course they go for a walk. (Now Sachi and I actually like walking!) 

So, my Austrian leader, Gernot invited me to a walk and to his meeting with an ex-refugee from Syria. Despite my limited German, we talked and walked for good three hours. I really enjoyed it. As we were walking, we found a displayed bullet used to destroy Linz during the First World War. Then the Syrian guy said, "This is our every day thing in Syria. War is like a game over there." Life seems not so much valued over there...

The conflicts and wars were not very much related to us up to now. But spending time with refugees and immigrants opens our eyes to the sad reality many people of our planet Earth are facing. 

The shock was big and I couldn't share Jesus with the Syrian nor could I offer to pray for him that day. I felt a regret and somehow defeated inside but promised we'd meet again. Maybe we would cook something together. (But he doesn't like Sushi(!?!?) Please pray that the Lord would reveal Himself to him. 

2. Last Sunday I had the first opportunity to lead the Bible discussion/study for our Turkish and English group at our church planting project, Neue Heimat. We're currently doing the Book of Luke and people at the deportation camp also join us online. Not only is the study refreshing to our souls, but we're also experiencing God work in our hearts and circumstances. Our God is the Miracle Maker. All glory and honor to the Lord alone.

We started at 5pm and /午後5時に散歩を始めて

We started at 5pm and /午後5時に散歩を始めて

at 8pm we finished our walk. /午後8時に終わりました。

at 8pm we finished our walk. /午後8時に終わりました。


1. この衝撃的な発言は、散歩に行った時シリア人の男性から聞いた言葉です。






ショックが大きく、僕はそのシリア人とイエスさまを分かち合うことができませんでした。祈ってあげることもできなかった。後悔の念に苛まれましたが、また会う約束をしました。たぶん一緒に何かを料理しようと思います。 (でも、彼は寿司も刺身も嫌いなんだとか(!?!?)


2. 先週の日曜日、教会の開拓ミニストリーNeue Heimatで、トルコ語と英語のグループのバイブルスタディとバイブルディスカッションのリードを初めてしました。今はルカの福音書から学んでいます。国外追放者用のキャンプにいる人々もオンラインで参加しています。


Akihiro Yabe