What we‘ve waited for/待ちに待ったもの
1. Finally our Austrian visa was issued. For us it was a rather emotional moment as we received it in our hands because there had been so many obstacles and difficulties along the way, but the Lord came through each time with His grace and power. In an elevator going home, we four of us paused and thanked God for the official residency. Thank you so much for standing with us in prayer.
2. Finally we bought a car. It was not easy to find a car that we wanted because first of all our budget was limited. If it was in Japan or New Zealand, we could have bought a good, reliable, decent second-hand car with that budget but the currency Euro is expensive and the exchange rate is unfortunately more and more becoming disadvantageous for us because our support mainly comes from Japan.
Plus, we heard stories from a number of people having bought cheap cars and ended up paying A LOT of money for fixing. The car warrant of fitness is obligatory once a year in Austria and cheap cars are treated strictly by mechanics.
We wanted an automatic car especially for Sachi who is not used to a manual transmission (stick-shift) car but the ratio in the market is manual cars being 80% and automatic cars being 20%.
So, after all there was no way we could buy a sustainable car with our budget. Then out of blue, two friends of ours in Germany unbelievably and surprisingly gave us very generous donations towards the car purchase. Our coworker at the church-planting project also connected us with a car mechanic and at this garage there was this 11 year old automatic car with 105,000km. We know the Lord gave us the car and we will use it for His glory.
1. 遂にオーストリアのビザが発行されました。ここまでたくさんの障害や困難があったので、ビザを手にした時は、ウルウルっときました。壁にぶつかるたびに、主は恵みと力もって臨んでくださいました。建物を出て、エレベーターの中で家族4人感謝と祈りの時を持ち、オーストリアの正式な滞在許可を神さまに感謝しました。ここに来るまでのみなさんのお祈りや励まし、本当にありがとうございます。
2. 遂に車を買いました。予算が限られているので、私たち家族の希望に沿う車を見つけるのは簡単ではありませんでした。日本やニュージーランドなら、その同じ予算で信頼できる良い中古車を購入できますが、ユーロは高く、残念ながら為替レートもますます日本円にとって不利になっているので、購入のタイミングも難しい時期でした。