Answers of prayers /祈りの答え
1. Each country/culture has an unique way/custom of greeting the new neighbors when you move into a new house/apartment. In Japan you 'buy' a gift and hand it to your neighbors but in Austria you 'bake' a gift.
With an advice of our Austrian friend/co-worker, Sachi baked Japanese green tea cookies. She wrapped the self-made gifts nicely and we went to greet our ten neighbors door to door in German in our apartment. (Here it's important that we try to speak German at least at our first encounter.) We were well-received and they included us in their WhatsApp group for better communication.
Yesterday a lady was kind to Sachi and explained the washing/hanging rules in the apartment. Later her partner came to help us set up our TV, which we'd been struggling with. He was very kind and surprisingly invited us to their house for an Austrian meal. He also offered us a ride for shopping because we don't yet have a car.
As I wrote in my previous update, we believe that "good integration" is a key to serving among the Muslims in Europe long-term. But before integrating to the Muslim society, the integration to the local Austrian society is extremely important. The Lord loves people here and we want to do the same.
2. Lior has been crying a lot because he doesn't want to start school on 15 February. So, we decided to set a time apart every night after Liana goes to sleep and specially pray for his school. Two days later I received this email from a person at our local church we attend:
"Hello dear friends, and WELCOME in Austria
my name is ○○○ and I am a member of the Rhema church in Linz.
I also work as a teacher in Neuhofen. I was very excited to hear that Lior is going to start at our school. I am sure he will like it a lot! ….
I am really looking forward to meeting your son in our school. I pray, that he will find new friends, and that he will feel at home in Austria soon.
Lots of blessings and a good start in Austria, I hope to get to know you soon. “
And what is also amazing is that the teacher's daughter came up to us on Sunday at church, and said, "You are the answer of our prayers."
She and her husband, one of the pastors at church adopted a girl from Mongolia, and they had been praying for a committed East Asian Christian family that looks like their daughter to come become part of the church, so the little daughter wouldn't feel "alone" in the environment where people look different to her. We were astonished and we all thanked our God.
We are 100% sure all these have happened because you have been praying for us. Thank you. God is gracious and faithful. May the Lord Jesus receive all the glory and honor.
“I have so much to do that I shall have to spend the first three hours in prayer.” - Martin Luther
What an inspiration! In our busy life, may we not forget/neglect to be in communion with the Lord in prayer.
Rhema Gemeinde
1. それぞれの国/文化には、新しい家/アパートに引っ越した時、どのようにご近所さんにご挨拶するか、独自の方法/習慣があります。日本では何か「買って」挨拶にいきますが、オーストリアでは何か「焼き」ます。
2. 理央は、2月15日に学校に初登校したくないとずっと泣いています。そこで、私たちはリアナが寝た後、特別に時間をとって、静まって、毎日理央の学校のために祈ることにしました。2日後、私たちが通っている地元の教会の人から下記のメールをもらいました。
私の名前は○○○で、リンツのレマ教会の教会員です。私はノイホーフェンで教師としても働いています。理央が私たちの学校に登校すると聞いてとても興奮しました。彼は学校とても好きになると確信しています! …
それを聞いて驚き、神さまに感謝しました。 これらのことは、皆さんが私たちのために祈ってくれているので実現したのだと100%確信しています。ありがとうございます。神は恵み深く、忠実なお方です。主イエスさまがすべての栄光と名誉を受け取られますように。
「私にはやるべきことがたくさんあるので、すべてを成し遂げるためには、最初の3時間は祈りに費やす必要があります。」 マルティン・ルター