I am sorry/ごめんなさい


Visiting immigrant/refugee families is one of our biggest ministries. We sit, drink the Middle Eastern tea served with the oriental sweets and listen to people. In the Middle Eastern cultures, it is more honorable to be visited (to receive guests) at home than to visit someone. So, we're often well received.  

I enjoy the time. Their German is not perfect and my German is broken, and we can communicate very well! Their life stories are often very overwhelming but it's a privilege to go with them before the Lord in prayer and afterwards we hear amazing testimonies of God's faithfulness and power. 

My leader and I visited an Iranian family on Monday. I praised and complimented their house, the world famous Iranian carpet, tea and more. It's a good way to start a conversation and who feels bad when complimented, right? It wasn't a flattery and I meant it. After the visit, as we got on the car and set off, my leader told me the compliment wasn't a good idea and I should be careful. Here is the reason why. 

In the Middle East, the concept of "the evil eye" is predominant and people are seized in this superstition. What is the evil eye? A simple explanation is this. The evil eye is a curse believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, unintentionally or intentionally. 

So, if you see a Iranian carpet and praise it, the owner of the carpet would understand that you want it and feels compelled to give it to you. If the owner refuses to give it away, your "jealousy"/"malevolent glare" turns into a curse and stays on the owner. The curse is believed to bring misfortune to or destroy one's life. To prevent the curse, people carry and wear amulets/charms, or religious (Islam) leaders rebuke it. 

How do we avoid creating a curse? For example, when seeing a cute baby or child, the Middle Easterners might say, "wow, what an ugly baby!" even in front of the parents, in order not to create a curse. (If you say the baby is cute, it would mean you're jealous and your jealousy would turn into a curse on the baby and the parents.) You have to know how to compliment. So, I should have said, " this Iranian carpet suits in this room!" instead of "this carpet is very nice!" which might indicate I want it.

I felt sorry for the family and regretted my ignorance. 

Unbelievably so many people are living in fear and enslaved to sin.. Fear of curse, evil spirits, karma, etc... But Jesus is able to break the curse and set us free. He is the only One who can set us free. 

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Galatians 3:13-14 

On this Good Friday, I am reminded of why Jesus had to die. It was because of my sin and the sins of the world.

The Good Friday wouldn't be good at all if there had been no Resurrection. Praise God that the third day came and the Resurrection became reality!

Dear Jesus, I am sorry for my sin and thank You for the Cross. I feel privileged and want to be faithful to Your calling to share Your Good News to people living in fear. 

The Persian (Farsi) Bible/ペルシャ語の聖書🇮🇷

The Persian (Farsi) Bible/ペルシャ語の聖書🇮🇷

The Neue Heimat church celebrated the Iranian New Year and praised Jesus who only can forgive our sins and make us the new creation! イランのお正月をノイエ・ハイマット教会でお祝いし、私たちの罪を赦し、私たちを新しく造りかえることのできる唯一のお方、イエスさまを皆で礼拝しました!

The Neue Heimat church celebrated the Iranian New Year and praised Jesus who only can forgive our sins and make us the new creation! イランのお正月をノイエ・ハイマット教会でお祝いし、私たちの罪を赦し、私たちを新しく造りかえることのできる唯一のお方、イエスさまを皆で礼拝しました!



訪問の時間はとても有意義です。彼らのドイツ語は完璧ではなく、僕のドイツ語もBroken German(壊れたドイツ語)なので、うまくコミュニケーションをとることができます!(笑)移民や難民の方々の問題や苦労話にはしばしば圧倒されますが、彼らと一緒に主の御前に出て助けを求め祈ることを特権に感じ、その後、神さまの力と忠実さの証を聞くことは大きな励ましになっています。


中東では、「邪視(evil eye)」という概念が人の心を支配しており、多くの人がこの迷信に捕らえられています。邪視とは何か?簡単に説明するとこうです。邪視とは、無意識的にまたは意図的に、悪意(嫉妬)あるまぶしさによって、人に呪いをかけること。









Akihiro Yabe