New apartment / 新しいアパート


As we moved into our current apartment in Feb 2021, some people said to us that our two-bed-room property would be too small for our family of four. But it was the only suitable option during the Covid pandemic, as we wanted to live in the countryside.

It has been, as a matter of fact, such a blessing to live here. Our children have grown since then, however, and the apartment is becoming smaller and smaller. Lior's school study is increasingly challenging, and he spends much time in 'his' room doing his homework, but his innocently annoying sister comes into 'her' room and disturbs the brother.

For a long time, we had been looking for a little bigger apartment with three bed rooms. However, the price of houses and apartments has significantly gone up since the covid outbreak and the Ukraine war, etc. There was only a handful of apartment options, but they were way beyond our budget, especially becasue we didn't want to move out of this small town -- The Lord has granted us good relationships with the residents of this town, and our kids are well settled in their school and kindergarten. I have built a friendship with refugees here and the weekly Bible study has begun in their refugee house -- All of those factors made our new apartment hunt seemingly impossible.

One day Sachi and I stopped searching, and we sat down in quietness to pray. We thanked God that we may live and serve Him here, and presented our request to Him. (We have experienced several times in the past that when we put all our trust and security in the Lord Jesus alone, He would show up in glory.)

Some days later, Maria, a Romanian sister came to visit Sachi at home. When my wife happened to share that we were looking for a new apartment, Maria remarked that it'd be nice if one of our neighbors would let us rent their apartment room. As wonderful as Maria's remark sounded, it seemed impossible, because almost all our neighbors have bought their apartment rooms, and were not going to move out.

The next day Sachi was searching in the Internet, when a new property within our budget suddenly popped up! I contacted the real estate company and they booked us a visit appointment in 10 days. Then we realized that the property was from our neighbor. We live in the apartment building No. 44 and the property is from No. 46, the next door!?!?

I contacted the neighbor, Mr. T and told him that we were interested in his apartment room and coming for a visit next week. Mr. T is the CEO of the real estate company but has been living in the "humble" apartment for his status for 15 years. (He's recently bought a massive house and will soon move out.) We had hardly talked with him but he knew about us. (In the countryside you don't need the Internet for your information to spread quickly. Your neighbors talk or gossip about you, and you find yourself known.)

We immediately got Mr. T's reply and we were invited for a visit in 3 days instead of 10 days. As soon as we visited and saw the apartment, we liked it. Mr. T then said, he would cancel all other visit appointments, so that we could have it. Last Wednesday, we signed the contract that runs from May.

My concern was, however, not yet all gone; what and how should I tell our current landlord about our move-out. She has been wonderful, very helpful and supportive. She wrote to us, however: " is a pity that you are moving out, as I appreciated you very much as tenants. But I understand about the children."

We told some of the neighbors in the No.46 about our move-in and they wrote back : “

“Hallo Aki, Jetzt ist mir vor Freude fast zum Heulen. Voi schee, dass ihr do bleibt.” (Hi Aki, now I’m almost crying with joy. Totally great you are staying here.)

“Hallo Aki, nach den ersten Worten waren wir traurig… aber hey, das sind wirklich super Nachrichten!!! Wir freuen uns sehr - mit euch, dann sehen wir uns öfters un können uns öfters sicher auch besuchen! Cool 😎…” (Hi Aki, after the first message we were sad, but hey that’s really fantastic news!!! We are very happy - with you that we can see and visit each other more often! Cool 😎…)

We are again blown away by the Lord's grace and faithfulness, and feel privileged to be able to continue living in this town and serving the Lord Jesus.

Ministry update: I will write in detail another time, but the Holy Spirit has been leading us to more refugee contacts and new doors are being opened. Neue Heimat, the church plant continues to meet for worship in a ‘house church’ style, and the Bible study at the refugee house is, without exaggeration, incredibly deep and blessed. Two other refugees from the Middle East also started reading the Bible regularly. We are excited to what the Lord would do among the unreached people!

Encouragement: we have recently had an opportunity to get to know new believers as well as to reunite with "old" friends. Our backgrounds, our cultures, our languages might be different, but we have the same God and Lord, and have unity in our diversity. We were very encouraged by their love for Jesus and people!

Pictures: Lior's soccer team won the second prize at the futsal tournament! Liana started going to the local ballet class.

2021年2月に現在のアパートに引っ越した時、この2ベッドルームの物件は 4 人家族には狭すぎると言う人もいました。しかし田舎に住みたかったこともあり、パンデミックの最中、適するオプションはここ以外ありませんでした。


ですので、3ベッドルームある少し大きめのアパートに引っ越したいなと長い間良い物件を探していました。しかしながら、コロナやウクライナ戦争などの影響もあり、住宅やアパートの価格は大幅に上昇。この小さな町から出たくなかったので (というのも、主はこの町で私たちに住民との良好な関係を与えてくださり、ここで難民と関係を築き、難民ハウスで毎週のバイブルスタディーも始まりました)、アパートの選択肢はほんの一握りしかありませんでした。しかも、それらのどの物件にも予算の関係で手が出せません。






でも僕の心の重荷はまだ下りません。引っ越しについて、現在の大家さんにどのように伝えればいいのでしょう?彼女はとても親切で協力的、私たちを何度も助けてくださいました。でも彼女もすぐ理解を示してくれました。" is a pity that you are moving out, as I appreciated you very much as tenants. But I understand about the children." 「あなたたちが賃借者であることをとてもありがたく思っていたので、引っ越すのは残念です。でも、子どもたちのことはよく理解できます。」

No.46 の近所の人たちに引っ越しのことを話したところ、次のような返事がありました。

“Hallo Aki, Jetzt ist mir vor Freude fast zum Heulen. Voi schee, dass ihr do bleibt.” 「こんにちは アキ、今嬉しくて泣きそうです。あなたたちがここに留まってくれて本当に良かった。」

“Hallo Aki, nach den ersten Worten waren wir traurig… aber hey, das sind wirklich super Nachrichten!!! Wir freuen uns sehr - mit euch, dann sehen wir uns öfters un können uns öfters sicher auch besuchen! Cool 😎…”「こんにちは アキ、最初のメッセージの後、私たちは悲しくなりました...でも、わお、めっちゃ素晴らしいニュース!!! とてもハッピーです - あなたたちがここに来れば、お互いもっと頻繁に会えるね。クール 😎!」


ミニストリーについて : 詳しくは別の機会に書きますが、聖霊さまは、私たちをより多くの難民と繋げてくださり、新しい扉を開いてくださっています。Neue Heimat、教会開拓は「家の教会」の形で礼拝を継続しており、難民ハウスでのバイブルスタディーは、誇張ではなく、驚くほど深く祝福されています。中東からの別の2人の難民も定期的に聖書を読み始めました。主が未伝の人々の間で何をなさるのかワクワクしています!



Akihiro Yabe