Doors being opened & hindering force / 開かれる扉 & 妨げる力
Hallelujah! This week Sachi was able to start her 6-week long rehabilitation program. She goes to the hospital 3 days a week by the bus and train.
There're three people in my life, except for my family, that have most influenced the course of my life. One of them is Pastor Hiroyuki Anjiki, the former senior pastor of our sending church ( Upon returning to Japan after 8 years in overseas, I moved to Tochigi prefecture, 800 kilometers away from my home, because of the church he was pastoring. If I would write how the Lord has blessed me/our family through him, the volume of a university thesis would not be enough.
Tochigi used to be called "a graveyard of pastors", very hard ground for Christianity. But there was a young man, who had just refused to be a professional baseball player for the sake of Christ despite the millions of dollar contract, brave enough to respond to God's calling. Since Pastor Anjiki started pastoring 40 years ago in Utsunomiya city in Tochigi, the Lord has blessed the church from a dozen or two dozen people in the congregation to now a few hundreds worshiping the Lord Jesus every week.
I once asked the pastor about the secrets of growing a church, to that he responded: "I don't know. Everything is by God's grace." But he then told me a thing he had in mind as he reached out to people in the community. "People would gather, if you find out what needs or interests your target people have, and befriend and evangelize, while trying to meet their needs. In my case, we did the English class, mother-child class, and cooking class, etc. to meet people's needs."
Now the Lord has been mightily opening new doors/contacts at the refugee home here. Our OM church-plant leader, Gernot joins in now and I learn from the experienced leader each time we serve together. It's such a blessing to serve as a pair, not alone, like Jesus sent out his disciples two by two.
There are three strong Muslims in the home, and God has connected us with all of them. We try to meet their needs in whatever way possible, whether it be refreshment through playing soccer, and helping with job-hunting and asylum applications.
Last week one of them came to our weekly Bible Study for the first time! The proud Middle Eastern Muslim shared about Islam, and we discussed the differences between our faiths. Gernot was on fire🔥 ! and shared his testimony and preached the Gospel in a very clear manner! The Muslim wrote afterwards, "I was also very happy to talk to you and your friend".
The Holy Spirit is moving among refugees here and opening new doors, praise the Lord! At the same time, we are also experiencing unusual setbacks. Gernot's daughter's laptop got stolen in a church in which her school graduation assignments were saved. My car got another hit-and-run accident, while parked on the street in front of another church, while I was serving in the church. Thankfully the car is not broken, but repair is necessary. This time, however, the insurance pays for the most of the repair cost, as we’d purchased a better insurance shortly before, praise God! Other teammates are also facing various forms of disturbances.
It reminds us that sharing the Gospel is not a play nor game, but causes a spiritual battle. There is someone who doesn't want people to hear about the salvation only found in Jesus Christ. "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).” It reminds us to wear the full armor of God everyday (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Let us be alert and of sober mind and daily cover ourselves and our loved ones with prayer. Our ultimate help and protection comes only from God of Israel (Psalm 121). Our hope is in Him alone (Psalm 33:20-22). Please remember us in your prayer too.
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4)."
The song: “Holy Spirit”. The lyrics is about: we need you more, the Holy Spirit. Please move mightily.
家族を除いて、人生で最も影響を与えてくれた人が 3 人います。その一人が、母教会の元主任牧師である安食弘幸牧師です(。
難民ハウスには 3 人の信仰深いイスラム教徒がいて、神さまは私たちを彼ら全員と繋げてくださいました。リフレッシュのためのサッカー、就職活動や亡命申請のお手伝いしたりと、可能な限り彼らのニーズに応えようとしています。
そのうちの 1 人が先週バイブルスタディに初めて来てくれました。 その中東のムスリムはイスラム教について熱く語り、私たちは信仰の違いについて話し合いました。 ギャーノットはon fire 🔥!聖書が教えるイエスさまについて力強く証しし、非常に明確に福音を語ってくれました。そのムスリムはその後「あなたたちと話せてとてもうれしかった」とメッセージを送ってくれました。
福音を分かち合うことは遊びやゲームではなく、霊的な戦いがあることを思い出させてくれます。イエス・キリストにだけある救いについて人々に知られたくない存在がいます。「身を慎み、目を覚ましていなさい。あなたがたの敵である悪魔が、吠えたける獅子のように、だれかを食い尽くそうと探し回っています (1 ペテロ5:8)。そして、神のすべての武具を毎日身に着ける必要性を思い起こさせてくれます(エペソ6:10-18)。
身を慎み、目を覚まして、毎日自分自身と愛する人たちを祈りで覆いたいと思います。私たちの究極の助けと守りは、イスラエルの神からのみから来ます (詩篇 121 篇)。希望は主だけにあります(詩篇33:20-22)。どうぞ引き続き私たちを皆さんのお祈りに覚えていただけたら嬉しいです、よろしくお願いします。
賛美: 『聖霊』聖霊さま、あなたがもっと必要です。どうぞ力強く働いてくださいという歌詞。