Our wound and Kintsugi-Maker/私たちの傷と金継ぎ職人

We, humans like stories of victory, not struggle. We like stories of success, not failure. We like strength, not weakness. But when I suffered from burnout, people who most encouraged me was no one but a previously burned-out missionary and two well-known American pastors, Louie Giglio and Wayne Cordeiro who honestly shared about their mental illness, and about how God intervened in their situations. From the experience I also consciously share about my own weaknesses, hoping it can be an encouragement to someone also struggling.

Ministry is blessed - the Lord has been opening more new doors. Gernot and I were invited to Chaharshanbe Suri (traditional fire celebration before the Iranian new year) by Iranian families. Another African refugee wanted to show appreciation for our regular visits by cooking a delicious burger. One Kurd and one Syrian also spontaneously welcomed us into their room for tea after we finished one visit. An Iranian couple came to church with us. A committed atheist came to our Bible study group at the refugee home. (He became atheist and left Islam, which resulted in severe persecution in his home country.) Our topic on that day was 'forgiveness', and it somehow led to a fervent discussion on whether there is God or not. More than 4 hours went by like Shinkansen, the fastest bullet train. I got to know all the asylum seekers about half a year ago, but now the Lord has been blessing and connecting us in a deeper way where spiritual conversations are possible, as our mutual trust and friendship has been established.

Then something unexpected happened. I was playing soccer with the locals, when a guy ran into me and his leg accidentally bumped my head. Electricity went through my neck, it was like lumbosacral strain in the neck. What I suffered more than the physical pain was the unexpected emotional waves when lying in bed. Like a cork of champagne was popped, all kinds of emotions came out such as groundless anxiety and down-feelings. After a week I went to a doctor who told me, it's normal after all that our family went through, I just need to look after myself. Thanks to God, my physical pain and mental state is becoming better.

I am repeatedly reminded of Paul's word in 2 Corinthians 1:8-9 " We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead."

Watchman Nee states in his book, The breaking of the other man and the release of the spirit that the Lord is committed to breaking our outer self (namely fresh, independency from God, pride, ego and self-centeredness, etc.) so that our inner self (the Holy Spirit) can be released and bring about the fruit of the Spirit.

Our ultimate success is nothing but to love God and to be loved by Him. The Lord loves us and He wants us to totally rely on Him. Because He loves us, He allows hardships that break our outer self. The One who knows the number of our hair doesn't allow hardships to come into our lives for no reason. Even if the hardship was set to destroy us at the first place, the Lord is in control and He will make it work for our good (Romans 8:28).

Kintsugi (golden joinery) is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the breakage with lacquer and gold. It treats breakage and repair as the object's 'history', rather than something to disguise. Normally brand new things are most expensive, like car and house, and they get less valuable as they get older or break down, but in the case of Kintsugi, the value of the object increases after the breakage and repair.

Isn't it like us, the children of God? When we have breakage in life and humbly bring it to the Lord, God treats and repairs us. He creates Jesus-likeness in us. HIStory of God's intervention and healing in your life reveals God's glory. Let us not to be discouraged by our hardships, but with our wound and hurt, go to the Healer and our Kintsugi-Maker.


ミニストリーは祝福されています - 主はより多くの新しい扉を開いてくださっています。 ギャーノットと僕は、イラン人の家族からチャハールシャンベ・スーリー(イランの新年の前に行う伝統的な火のお祝い) に招待されました。他のアフリカ人難民は、おいしいハンバーガーを作って、私たちの定期的な訪問への感謝を示してくれました。あるクルド人とシリア人も、他の人を訪問し終えた後、お茶を飲みに来いと彼らの部屋に迎えてくれました。イラン人の夫婦が私たちと一緒に教会に来てくれました。頑なな無神論者の難民が、難民ハウスのバイブルスタディーに来てくれました。(彼は中東でイスラム教を離れ、無神論者になったので、激しい迫害に遭ったそうです。)その日のバイブルスタディーのトピックは「赦し」。しかしそこから、「神はいるのか?いないのか?」の白熱したディスカッションになり、4時間以上の時間が新幹線のように一瞬で過ぎ去りました。僕が難民ハウスの難民たちと知り合いになってから半年が過ぎましたが、相互の信頼と友情が確立された今、主は私たちの関係をより祝福してくださり、深い霊的なディスカッションもできるようにしてくださっています。


2コリント1:8-9 のパウロの言葉が繰り返し思い起こされます。「兄弟たちよ。私たちがアジヤで会った苦しみについて、ぜひ知っておいてください。私たちは、非常に激しい、耐えられないほどの圧迫を受け、ついにいのちさえも危なくなり、ほんとうに、自分の心の中で死を覚悟しました。これは、もはや自分自身を頼まず、死者をよみがえらせてくださる神により頼む者となるためでした。」





Akihiro Yabe