Guests from New Zealand / ニュージーランドからゲストを迎えて


It is said, "Life can be changed by the people you meet". The course of our lives can be greatly influenced by our encounters with people. So, as parents our prayer and heart-desire for Lior and Liana is that they will experience blessed encounters, and have good and godly friends who love Jesus and people.

Ken and Sunny Shibusawa are such people for us. Ken was our pastor in Christchurch. He was my mentor and Sunny was Sachi's. Sachi and I first met each other at their Japanese church in New Zealand, started our relationship under their leadership. Sunny thought Sachi was too good for me (lol), but the couple was supportive and God was gracious. Christchurch JCF (Japanese church), South City C3 church (local church) and Rodem House (international ministry) where Shibusawas and we were involved have become our spiritual home and faith family in New Zealand.

Without the years of Ken and Sunny's faithful support and prayers, we would not have been able to marry, have our family, become full-time missionaries, and move to Austria where the Lord has called us to serve. So, to welcome them in Austria as their 35th wedding anniversary trip was such a privilege for us.

The couple had two objectives for their trip; one is to spend time with Sachi, the other is to visit Kanaan in Germany. Although recovery will take a long time, Ken and Sunny were glad to see Sachi doing better and living a 'normal life' after the battle against the disease. Together we were able to do a couple of day-trips, eat some Austrian food, family worship, visit our local church, meet people dear to our family. We also got the key to our new apartment earlier than expected, and Ken and Sunny prayed for the Lord’s blessing and protection at the new apartment, before we moved in. (They even helped us move our stuff!) Going to Kanaan was, however, a chain of unexpected events, and the train ended up being cancelled because a bomb from the Second World War was discovered nearby! Even though all trains were fully booked, we were barely able to secure seats the next day. The Shibusawas enjoyed their blessed days at Kanaan.

Ken and Sunny visited our ministries too. They attended a monthly OM prayer day. At the Neue Heimat church-plant, Ken was spontaneously asked to give a message to the group, and he delivered an encouraging and inspiring message on faith; two kinds of faith. At some times we need faith to wait, at other times we need faith to step out and move, even if things are uncertain. How do you know whether to wait or step out? The key is to listen to the voice of God, for which we need to daily spend quality time with Him.

My personal highlight was when my refugee soccer friends got excited when they heard about Ken and Sunny visiting us here from the opposite side of the globe. They invited Ken to Eid al-Fitr (festival at the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting). They prepared a feast and welcomed Ken. We matted plastic bags on the floor, sat and ate with our right hands. It touched me to see them welcoming Ken, because not only do they consider me as their friend, but they also let us join in their circle, by embracing someone important to me. After the meal, we sat and discussed the differences between Islam and Christianity, talked about our favorite sweets from the childhood, our different school systems (in their country, even if you are excellent in other subjects, if you don't pass the Islam class, you can't go on to the next grade), etc.

Their distorted image and view on Christianity is often based on what the Western media/movies broadcast. What the West does is often in their mind what Christianity teaches. So, they were surprised and even impressed to know some facts from us about the Christian faith, including marriage being sacred and purity being much encouraged in Christianity. Afterwards I received a message from a devoted Muslim: "We were very happy to have you. Really, it was very nice. Give my regards to everyone. I hope they liked everything."

We are very thankful to the Lord Jesus for Ken and Sunny. Sachi and I and Lior and Liana are very grateful for the days we could spend together with them in Austria. And we are already looking forward to our next reunion with them. Thank you, Ken and Sunny for your visit!


渋沢先生(以下いつも通り「しぶけん」と呼びます)と彩子さんは私たちにとってそのような人です。しぶけんはニュージーランド・クライストチャーチで私たちの牧師であり、僕のメンターでした。彩子さんはサチのメンター。私たち夫婦は彼らが牧会している日本人教会で初めて出会い、彼らのリーダーシップの下、交際を始めました。彩子さんはサチは僕には勿体なさすぎると思っていましたが(笑)、ご夫妻はサポートしてくださり、神さまは恵みを注いでくださいました。渋沢夫妻と一緒に信仰生活を送ったクライストチャーチ JCF (日本人教会)、サウスシティC3教会 (現地教会)、ロデム ハウス (インターナショナル・ミニストリー) は、ニュージーランドでの私たちのホームであり、信仰の家族となりました。



ご夫妻は私たちのミニストリーの視察もされました。月に一度の OM 全体祈り会の出席したり、開拓教会 Neue Heimat では、聖書からメッセージを突然依頼されましたが、しぶけんは信仰に関する励ましとインスピレーションいっぱいの即興メッセージ「2種類の信仰」をしてくださいました。待つために信仰が必要な場合もあれば、物事が不確実でも一歩踏み出して動き出すのに必要な信仰もある。待つべきか、出て行くべきか、信仰を働かせてどうやって判断するのか?鍵となるのは、神の御声を聞くこと。そのためには、日々神さまと一緒に充実した時間を過ごす必要がある。

僕の個人的なハイライトは、渋沢夫妻が地球の反対側から訪ねに来ると知った難民のサッカー仲間たちが喜び、しぶけんをイード・アル=フィトル(断食の月ラマダン終了を祝う行事)に招待してくれたことです。 彼らはごちそうを用意し、しぶけんを歓迎してくれました。床にビニール袋を敷き、腰を下ろし、右手でいただきます。彼らがしぶけんを歓迎してくれるのを見て嬉しくなりました。僕を友だちと見なしてくれるだけでなく、僕にとって大切な人をも受け入れ、私たちを彼らの仲間の輪に加えてくれたからです。食事の後、私たちはイスラム教とキリスト教の違いについて、幼少時好きだったお菓子について、私たちの異なる学校制度などについても話し合いました。(彼らの国では、他の教科で優秀であっても、イスラム教の授業に合格しなければ、進級できないそうです)。

キリスト教に対する彼らの歪んだイメージと見解は、多くの場合、西洋のメディア・映画に基づいています。彼らの見解ではしばしば、西洋世界がしていること=キリスト教が教えていることなのです。ですから彼らは、私たちからキリスト教信仰についていくつかの事実を知り、驚き感銘さえ受けていました。例えば、結婚が神聖であり、純潔はキリスト教で奨励されていることなど。その後、献身的なイスラム教徒からメッセージを受け取りました。「We were very happy to have you. Really, it was very nice. Give my regards to everyone. I hope they liked everything.(今日は来てくれてみんなとても喜んでいます。本当にとてもよかった。皆さんによろしく伝えてください。彼らがすべてを気に入ってくれたなら嬉しいです。)


Akihiro Yabe