Update and prayer/アップデートと祈り
Today at Rhema church we had a wonderful time of worshiping the Lord. It was especially a blessing for our family because it was the first time for us in half a year that we attended the Sunday service as a family.
The whole congregation prayed for Sachi and our family. (the video attached) We couldn’t be more thankful for the amazing faith community that the Lord has given us in Austria. We truly love the church.
Sachi’s treatment plans have been confirmed. The hormone therapy has already started. This Tuesday on 8 March is the start of the chemotherapy. It’s going to be once every three weeks for 14 doses. On 22 March is the start of the radiation therapy.
Please pray :
That the Lord will protect Sachi from any infection or sickness and help her complete all the planned therapies.
That Lior and Liana will always have fun and joy in their lives even in the mist of our family trial.
That the Lord continues to be the strength for Sachi and me.
That the Lord will completely heal Sachi for HIS GLORY.
サチの治療計画は確定されました。 ホルモン治療はすでに始まりました。今週の火曜日、3月8日が抗がん剤治療の開始です。 計14回、3週間に1回の投与になります。3月22日は放射線治療の開始です。
1. 主がサチを感染症や病気から守ってくださり、計画されているすべての治療を完了できるように。
2. 家族の試練の中でも、理央(りおう)と理歩名(りあな)が、生活の中で常に楽しさと喜びを持つことができるように。
3. 主にすがる日々に、主が私たち夫婦の力となり続けてくださるように。
4. 主がご自身の栄光のためにサチを完全にいやしてくださるように。