Is God good?/神は良いお方?
Sachi's new chemotherapy began on Tuesday, 8 March. It's been a challenging week for us. Here are some things that happened:
- When Sachi went to the hospital at 7 am on 8th, she was told that she would have to stay overnight at the hospital, which we hadn't been told in advance! It was a bit hectic to manage things since Liana is always at home as her kindergarten has corona cases.
- We were told before that the side effects of the new chemotherapy wouldn't be as strong as the previous ones, but Sachi has been suffering from the strong headache, fatigue, stomachache, etc.
- The result of her bone density examination on 10 March came back as osteopenia. She will need the basic therapy with calcium and vitamin D3 for the rest of her life.
- On Friday, 11th March Sachi had fever and we drove to the outpatient of the hospital in the morning. (Liana behaved quite well!) Sachi had a number of examinations and the doctor found some inflammation in her lung. She got antibiotics prescribed and the fever and coughing has been eased. Praise the Lord!
- On 14 March, Sachi had a spontaneous appointment at the dermatology department of the hospital. She noticed that a mole had shrunk after the first round of the chemotherapy and the doctor wrote a referral to the specialist. The dermatologist diagnosed that the mole is harmless. Praise the Lord!
- My, Aki's whole body has begun to hurt apparently because of stress.
We are feeling exhausted and Satan comes and whispers, “Is God really good?”. Fight against doubt and confusion is not easy when we are weak. But we keep counting God's blessings.
- Franz, our friend and coworker from the Neue Heimat was kind to drive Sachi to the hospital at 6:30 a.m. on 8 March although he was busy that day, so that I could bring Lior to school.
- As we found out that Sachi must stay at the hospital, our kids were crying loudly. But Uli and Esther let us visit them for dinner so that Lior and Liana could play with their daughter. It was a peaceful night!
- Gerhard and Martina* took Lior for skiing with their granddaughter A. on the weekend. (* Our children call them "Opa" and "Oma" meaning "grandpa" and "grandma" in German. Lior and Liana are truly so blessed to have the Austrian grandparents.)
- Our work bosses and coworkers (they are also our friends) are very understanding of our situation. They give us grace and flexibility as to how we work.
- Tabea, our dear radiologist friend visited Sachi at her hospital room after work and came with her to the outpatient last Friday.
- Our friends encourage us by sending us surprising gifts of food, toys and many more.
God’s nature of ‘goodness’ doesn’t change, depending on our circumstances. The Lord is surely good. Always. We need to keep reminding ourselves of this especially when suffering comes.
God has been teaching us important lessons. I will share them with you when I gain more time and strength, but some of them are: "Seeking the Lord first before anything, even before healing (e.g. Psalm 63:1)", "Suffering comes if one wants to follow the Lord (e.g. Hebrew 5:8)" and "Walking with the Lord is the ultimate blessing (Psalm 73:28) " .
Thank you for your prayers and support. Please continue praying for Sachi and us. May the goodness and glory of the Lord reveal even through our and your suffering.
- サチが8日の午前7時に病院に着くと、抗がん剤初日は入院と言われました。前回は日帰りだったし、そんなこと事前に知らされていなかったので、戸惑いました。リアナの幼稚園はコロナ感染がひどいので、しばらく登園しておらず、子守りをしながら柔軟に対応することに苦労しました。
- 新たな抗がん剤治療の副作用は前回ほど強くないと聞かされていましたが、サチは実際、激しい頭痛、倦怠感、腹痛などに悩まされています。
- 3月10日に行った、サチの骨密度検査の結果は「骨減少症」でした。残りの人生ずっとカルシウムとビタミンD3による治療が必要になるようです。
- 3月11日金曜日、サチが発熱してしまい、朝早く病院の外来を受診しました。(リアナもお利口さんにしていました!)多くの検査を受けた結果、肺にいくらかの炎症を見つかりました。抗生物質を処方され、発熱と咳が和らぎました。主をほめたたえます!
- 皮膚科に紹介状を書いてもらい、3月14日に受診しました。前回の抗がん剤治療の後に、ほくろが縮小したことに気づいたからです。でも、専門医はそのほくろは無害であると診断してくれました。主に感謝します!
- 僕もここ1〜2週間全身に痛みを感じています。多分ストレスによるものだと思います。
- Neue Heimatの同僚で、友人のフランツさんは、その日は忙しかったにも関わらず、3月8日の早朝6時30分にサチを病院に連れて行ってくれました。おかげで、僕はリオウを学校に連れて行くことができました。
- サチの入院が分かった時、子どもたちは大泣きしましたが、ウリとエスターが夕食に呼んでくれ、子どもたちは彼らの子どもと遊ぶことができました。平和な夜になりました!
- ギャーハートさんとマルティーナさん*は、週末の孫娘A.とのスキーにリオウも連れて行ってくれました。(*リオウもリアナも、彼らを「オパ」と「オマ」と呼んでいます。ドイツ語で「おじいちゃん」と「おばあちゃん」という意味です。そのようなオーストリアの祖父母がいることに本当に多くの祝福を受けています。)
神さまは私たちに重要な教訓を教えてくださっています。もうちょっと時間と体力を得たら、皆さんと詳しく共有したいと思いますが、次のようなことです:「何よりもまず(いやしを求めるより先に)主ご自身を求める(e.g. 詩篇63:1)」「主に従いたい者の人生には苦しみもある(e.g. ヘブル5:8)」そして「主と共に歩むことが何よりの幸せ(詩篇73:28)」ということです。