Mission conference /ミッション・カンファレンス
Before I share the last week's highlight, here is a little update on Sachi's therapies: We just came back from the appointment at another hospital where Sachi will receive the radiation therapy. We took Liana with us but the meeting with the doctor was good and thorough. The doctor explained to us what the radiation therapy is, what to expect, etc. According to him, the radiation therapy for breast cancer patients used to be everyday for 5 weeks apart from the weekends, but Sachi will receive it everyday for 3 weeks but with more amount per time - the research shows this is more effective.
The next appointment is 31 March and it will be the radiation therapy planning meeting combined with CT scans. Sachi's next chemotherapy is 29 March and she is also currently doing the hormone therapy. (Her hormone tablets are the stronger ones; therefore the side effects are also stronger.) Three different treatments are simultaneously going on and it's of course tough on the body. Please keep lifting up Sachi in your prayers.
On Saturday, a big mission conference was held at a church in Wels, a city near Linz. Our staff from the OM Austria office put a lot of efforts into it and various churches and organizations were cooperating wonderfully, so that with God's grace, the three-day conference was full of blessing and success.
The main speaker was George Verwer, the founder of Operation Mobilization (OM). His message had two points: God loves you and He wants to use you. You can listen to his inspiring and insightful message from 1:19:30 in the video (English and German). I highly recommend you take a listen to it. It was not only funny and full of humor, but also passionate and powerful. You will hear that God uses ordinary people to do His extra-ordinary work.
Another speaker was Isaac Liu, the son of the heavenly man, Brother Yun. The Heavenly Man is an awarded autobiography of Brother Yun detailing the brutal persecution, astonishing God's miracles and Gospel spread in China and his exile to Germany. If I'm not mistaken, the book was my first English book I had completed reading. I remember being totally amazed by what God had done through the man.
Isaac is a friend of our good friends and I had the privilege of getting to know him. Isaac's testimony and message was also very powerful although I couldn't understand it all because of my lack of German. His message is from 1:38:00 (German only). You can also listen to another message of his on mission (English).
The mission conference has reminded me of God's heart for the lost souls. When we read the Bible and observe what's happening in the world, you and I sense that we are living in the end time. Let us therefore not waste our time, energy and possessions but use it wisely for the Kingdom of God.
Our family is able to be on the front line of God's global mission now because you enable us with prayers and financial giving. Thank you for participating in the Lord's global mission with us.
次回の予約は3月31日で、放射線治療のスケジュールを決める計画診察になります。CTスキャンも併せて行います。次の抗がん剤は3月29日で、現在サチはホルモン療法も並行して行っています。 (彼女のホルモン錠剤はより一般的なものより強い作用のものなので、副作用も強く出ます。)3つの異なる治療が同時に行われており、もちろん体に負担がかかります。引き続き祈りによって、サチを支えてくださるととても嬉しいです。
メインスピーカーは、Operation Mobilization(OM)の創設者であるジョージ・バウアーさん。彼のメッセージには2つのポイントがありました:神はあなたを愛しておられ、主はあなたを用いたいと願っておられる。英語とドイツ語のみになってしまいますが、彼のメッセージを(1:19:30から)聴いていただけます。心奮い立つ、洞察に満ちたメッセージです。面白くてユーモアに溢れているだけでなく、情熱的で力強いメッセージ、ぜひお聴きください。「普通の人(凡人)」を用い、並外れた御業を行う主の偉大さをお聴きいただけます。
もう一人の講演者は、The Heavenly Manの著者、Brother Yunの息子であるアイザック・リウさんでした。The Heavenly Manは、中国での残忍な迫害、神の驚くべき奇跡と福音拡大、ドイツへの亡命を詳述したBrother Yunのベストセラー自伝です。僕が間違っていなければ、その本は僕が初めて読み終えた最初の英語の本でした。当時19歳ぐらいだった僕は、神がBrother Yunを通してなされたことに圧倒されたことを良く覚えています。