Pathological diagnosis/病理検査の結果
Although the next appointment was 2 March, Sachi's arm was hurting and she had a spontaneous visit to the hospital. The result of the pathological examination was already there and we heard it. It was a mixture of good and not-the-best news.
The good news is that the surgeon was able to take all the visible cancer cells out of Sachi's body. It means that Sachi is macroscopically cancer free! Praise the Lord!!
However, the not-the-best aspect is that it wasn't unfortunately 'complete response' that we had so wished. In two (sentinel) out of six lymph nodes and another tissue the pathologist still found cancer cells. Therefore, there is still the possibility of invisible cancer cells hidden in the body. This raises the probability of reoccurrence (moderate burden). After we heard the result, we were crying, shaking in fear and praying, because it can be harder to treat the reoccurred cancer.
But staying there doesn't make us any good, so we have decided to count God's blessings we have experienced so far (Psalm 103):
1. Chemotherapy has shrunk the original cancer significantly from about 60mm to 2mm at the time of surgery. (Because of calcification, no one knew exactly the original size until the surgery.)
2. Although the cancer has invaded to the lymph nodes but only the sentinel lymph nodes (so-called guardians) were cancerous and other ones were clean.
3. The result shows that the lymph vessel, blood vessel and nerves were not invaded.
4. The surgeon took out the all the visible cancer with the margin of 10mm. Thus, Sachi is now macroscopically cancer free!
5. We have amazingly supportive friends and the faith family in a country where things are still very new to us, and our oncologist friend in Japan who gives us the latest information and encouragement.
Now, in order to kill all the possibly remaining micro cancer cells and reduce the probability of reoccurrence, Sachi will receive:
1. the additional chemotherapy of 14 doses in total (once every three weeks)
2. the Hormone therapy/tablets for 10 years
3. the radiation therapy
We still sometimes become overwhelmed by fear and anxiety. But through the experience, we are learning to trust the Word of God and His promises in a new level. We are earnestly reading the Logos Word (God's Word objectively recorded in the Bible) and experiencing hope, peace and strength through the Rhema Word (the word of God spoken to us "now" at a specific occasion).
Please pray that the Lord will help Sachi go through the further treatments well and that with His mighty Hand, He will stop any reoccurrence.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
Romans 4:20-21
No unbelief made him (Abraham) waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.
1. 抗がん剤治療により、がんは元のサイズの約60mmから、手術時には2mmに大幅に縮小していました。(石灰化のせいで、元のサイズは誰も手術まで正確に知りませんでした。)
2. がんはリンパ節に浸潤していましたが、センチネルリンパ節(いわゆる「見張りリンパ」)までで、他のリンパ節はきれいでした。
3. 検査の結果、リンパ管、血管、神経は浸潤されていませんでした。
4. 外科医は、すべての面で10mmのマージン(余白、ふち)を確保し、目に見えるすべてのがんを取り去ってくれました。したがって、サチには肉眼的にがんがありません!
5. まだまだ右も左もよくわからないこの新しい国で、驚くほどサポートしてくれる友人たちや信仰の家族が与えられていること。そして、日本の腫瘍内科医の友人が最新の情報と励ましを与えてくれること。
1. 合計14回の追加の抗がん剤治療(3週間に1回)
2. 10年間のホルモン療法/服用薬
3. 放射線治療