Hospital discharge/退院
Sachi came home today on Saturday 19 February. We were initially told that her hospital discharge would be next week, so we are very happy! Sachi is doing better!
The three-hour surgery was done without problems. The surgeon took out the sentinel lymph node as well as some lymph nodes. The hospital has sent the tissues to the pathological laboratory for the detailed examination. The official result will come back in the next days and Sachi's next appointment on 2 March. We will then hear about the next treatment plan.
If the laboratory finds no cancer cell in the tissues, it is the 'complete response' that means the chemotherapy has killed all the cancer cells and the prognosis is better with the little possibility of reoccurrence. If there is, however, still any bad cell left in the tissues, the additional chemotherapy will be planned after the radiation therapy.
We really want the complete response and please pray with us for the following points.
Please pray:
for the best possible result from the laboratory.
for Sachi's quick recover.
for our family to be continuously protected from any infectious disease.
for Sachi's complete healing and no reoccurrence.
We wholeheartedly thank the Lord Jesus for His grace and protection. The pandemic has closed Liana's kindergarten for a while and Lior's class for a week. Despite all that, our family has been protected from diseases and Sachi was able to have her surgery as it was planned.
We would also like to thank you, our global faith family for your encouragement and support of many kinds. This week has been difficult not only for Sachi but also for the rest of us. Lior and Liana were often crying uncontrollably and I felt useless and helpless. Mother is great. We then received encouraging messages from friends; "... you are a part of my family now!! And I will always be there for matter what you need". Our local faith family also looked after Lior and Liana when I had to go to the hospital. The kids were comforted and were able to have fun in spite of all the challenges.
Sachi was suffering from the physical pain including vomiting, as well as the overwhelming anxiety and fear. But she experienced God's great comfort.
When Sachi stayed at the hospital last July, we got to know a Jesus-loving nurse, H. who had done a Bible collage in New Zealand. (Here is the testimony → . Sachi could stay at the same ward again this time and H. took care of her. She told Sachi that she had been praying for her since July. Sachi got God's great comfort through H.
Tabea, our dear friend who also works at the hospital, visited Sachi everyday after work. Tabea loves God and has a big heart for people, which you easily sense. Sachi was tremendously encouraged and comforted by her presence. Tabea also asked her colleagues to take good care of Sachi and because of that the hospitalization went smoothly, despite our big language barrier.
It's said, "a friend in need is a friend indeed". We are continuously blown away by the kindness of the Lord through such friends here.
We kneel down before the Lord and thank Him for who He is and for your prayer support.
Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Psalm 62:1
「困った時の友こそ真の友(困難な時、去らずに寄り添ってくれる友)A friend in need is a friend indeed」と言われますが、私たちは、ここでそのような友人たちを通して、神さまの親切さ、優しさに圧倒されています。
私のたましいは黙って ただ神を待ち望む。私の救いは神から来る。詩篇62篇1節