3 prayer requests/3つの祈りのリクエスト


Tomorrow on 15 February at 8 a.m. Sachi goes to the hospital and on Wednesday 16 February she has the surgery that will take about three hours. We would humbly like to ask you to pray for the 3 points below.

But before going to the points, I would like to share a little testimony, acknowledge God’s presence with us and thank you for your prayer support. 

This past week three different neighbors, with whom we had had little contact, offered us a help. One family from Slovakia 🇸🇰 that still doesn’t know Sachi’s illness, one family from Croatia 🇭🇷 and another family from Austria 🇦🇹 that were wondering, by watching us from afar, if Sachi has some health challenges. It’s not normal to receive an offer in a row in this timing from people who didn’t know our situation and we were touched by the kindness of non-believers. 

Many people from different continents were praying for us, fasting for Sachi, video calling us, sending us food, giving us messages. 

Through all these experiences, we sensed that the Lord was showing us that He is with us .

  1. Please pray for Sachi that the surgery will be successful and she will be well. During the surgery, the doctors will check if there is any cancer cell left in the body. If there is any, she will have to receive additional chemotherapy, which we want to avoid if possible. Please pray for the best possible result.

  2. Please pray for our children. Since we told Lior and Liana about mom staying at the hospital for the next few days, they have been insecure and crying a lot. Especially Lior has had a headache, stomachache and intercostal pain since Sachi’s diagnosis. Please pray that the Lord would send His comfort to them and that they will even have fun days while waiting for mom to come home.

  3. Please pray for opportunities to share God’s love and truth reveled in the Gospel despite this challenging time at the hospital, Lior’s school, our neighborhood, etc. Please pray that the Lord would soften people’s hearts so that they would be ready to hear what Jesus has done for us.

Every night before our kids go to bed, we have a family worship time. Our favorite song has been a children’s worship song that sings Psalm 121. While I was going for a walk today, I saw the alps and was reminded of the psalm. We cling tightly on the Lord who helps us. 

1  I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?
 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.
The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.



先週、今までほとんど接点のなかった3組の近所の方が私たちに助けの手を差し伸べてくれました。 まだサチの病気のことを知らないスロバキア人の家族🇸🇰、遠くから私たちを見ていて、サチの健康を心配してくれていたクロアチア人の家族🇭🇷とオーストリア人の家族🇦🇹。私たちの状況を知らない彼らがこのタイミングで、それぞれ続けて声をかけてくれるのは普通ではありませんし、未信者の彼らの優しさに感動しました。



 1. サチのためにお祈りください。手術が成功しますように。手術中、医師は体内のがん細の有無を確認します。もしあれば、サチは追加の抗がん剤を受けなければなりません。できれば、それは避けたいです。最善の結果が得られるようにお祈りください。

 2. 子どもたちのためにお祈りください。 ママが明日から数日入院することを話して以来、理央と理歩名は不安になり、泣いています。 特に理央はサチの診断以来、頭痛、腹痛、肋間部の痛みに時々苦しんでいます。主が子どもたちを慰めてくださり、ママが帰ってくるのを待つ間、楽しい日を過ごせるようにお祈りください。

 3. 困難な時でも、病院、理央の学校、近所などで、神の愛と真理を分かち合う機会が与えられるようお祈りください。 主が人びとの心を和らげてくださり、イエスさまがしてくださったことを聞くことができますように。

毎晩子どもたちが寝る前に、家庭礼拝の時間を持っています。 私たちの好きな歌は詩篇121篇のこども賛美です。今日散歩していたらアルプスが見えて、この詩篇を思い出しました。私たちを助けてくださる主にしっかりしがみついていきます。

1 私は山に向かって目を上げる。私の助けは、どこから来るのだろうか。
2 私の助けは、天地を造られた主から来る。
3 主はあなたの足をよろけさせず、あなたを守る方は、まどろむこともない。
4 見よ。イスラエルを守る方は、まどろむこともなく、眠ることもない。
5 主は、あなたを守る方。主は、あなたの右の手をおおう陰。
6 昼も、日が、あなたを打つことがなく、夜も、月が、あなたを打つことはない。
7 主は、すべてのわざわいから、あなたを守り、あなたのいのちを守られる。
8 主は、あなたを、行くにも帰るにも、今よりとこしえまでも守られる。

Akihiro Yabe