Turning point/ターニングポイント
Today Sachi and I would like to talk about one family, the family Osumi. Eriya, Cana, Noah, Niina and baby Joshua. Where do I start? There're many, too many things to write about this family.
Takanezawa Christ Church (https://holy-tcc.ssl-lolipop.jp/ ) has offered us to stay in their guest room till we leave for Austria again, and Eriya is the pastor of the church.
Since we came back to Tochigi, the Osumi family has invited us to dinner nearly everyday. It costs them to prepare four more meals each time but they're generous and say, "Inviting you to dinner is like donating to the world mission and we're glad to do it."
There're literally so many things to write about the Osumi family as we've shared a lot of good times in the past but I'd like to tell you one story today.
Since 2005, I've always had a mission-heart for German speaking nations. I've never doubted my calling as missionary till this day. But due to life's crazy obstacles, I decided not to think about it and hesitated to pursue the calling for a while.
In 2015 Sachi and I attended a conference where God touched my heart again for Europe. I couldn't do anything but say, "Lord, I will obey You."
I knew I needed to take an action for the calling but didn't know what and how. In 2016, Lior and Noah had a school’s family camp and parents participated in it too. After kids went to bed, parents had a time of fellowship. Before Sachi and me sat Eriya and Cana, and we began talking. We somehow shared our vision and calling as well as our struggles.
I was personally very curious or even afraid of what they would think about our vision because I hadn’t had positive feedback in the past. Sachi and I still vividly remember that the Osumis said with full excitement, "Wow, that sounds like a God thing! You should do it!" In my 15 years of pursuing the calling I don't remember many occasions where I was so encouraged and cheered to live for our conviction like that night. It was a turning point.
After that night, we started sharing our vision with others. I started writing letters to churches and mission organizations. The feedback and replies were sometimes discouraging and sometimes encouraging but I didn't care.
I’ve always pictured myself standing before the Lord Jesus after I leave the earth. Only one thing I want to hear is "Well done, good and faithful servant." So, we will do what we believe the Lord is calling us to do.
Our vision and calling was set into motion again that night. And God used Eriya and Cana to get us moving.
You may also have something God has told you and showed you but you're not yet seeing or living for? Maybe that's your family's salvation that you've almost given up? Maybe that's what God has been challenging you but you're afraid to take a step forward? Whatever it is and as risky as it can be, if God is in it, it will be fulfilling and glorious when it's realized. Let us not give up but keep praying and trusting the Lord.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Liana is too shy to let anyone hold her but Cana/理歩名はシャイすぎて3秒以上見つめられると号泣、家族以外に抱っこされるなんてとんでもない。でも加奈ちゃんだけは大丈夫🙆♀️
今私たち家族は、恵利也君が牧会している高根沢キリスト教会 ( https://holy-tcc.ssl-lolipop.jp/ )のゲストルームに住ませてもらっています。栃木に戻ってきてから、大角家は僕ら家族をほとんど毎日夕食に呼んでくれています。毎回4人分も余分に食事を準備するのは費用も労力もかかりますが、彼らは寛大で、「夕食を一緒に食べるのは、世界宣教に献金するようなもので、喜んでしてるので気にしないで」と言ってくれます。
2005年から僕はドイツ語圏での宣教に思いがあります。今日まで宣教師という自分の召しを疑ったことはありません。しかしさまざまな障壁が起こり、召しについてあまり考えないことにし、召命を追求することにしばらく足踏みしていました。 2015年、私たち夫婦はあるカンフェレンスに参加し、神さまはヨーロッパ宣教について再び僕の心に触れられました。「主よ、あなたに従います。」と告白する以外何も言えませんでした。
皆さんにも、神さまに語られ示されたけれどまだそれが成るのを見ていない、そのヴィジョンや召しに生きるのをためらっていることがあるかもしれません。もしからしたらそれは諦めかけていた家族や友人の救いでしょうか? もしくは神さまにチャレンジされたけれど、一歩踏み出すのを恐れている何かでしょうか?それが何であれ、どれだけリスクがあろうとも、もし神さまから出ていることなら、必ず心が満たされ、神の栄光が現わされます。だから、あきらめないで、主に祈り、主に信頼し続けたいと思うのです。