Wir sind das Team/We are the Team/私たちはチーム


'Wir sind das Team (We are the team) ' is a value we treasure when we do missions work. 

I've played soccer, a team sport for a long time. Many times on the field I experienced the power and strength of a team and supporters coming together for wining against a stronger opponent. I no longer play soccer but we’re experiencing a similar thing. 

Sachi's German study has been going well. She daily memorizes vocabulary, learns grammar and practices pronunciation. Like her teacher acknowledges, her comprehension of the language is improving quickly. We want to recognize that Sachi's improvement is possible not only because of her effort but because many people also help us and look after our kids, give us food, invite us for meals, etc, so that we can create time for German learning. 

I also experienced a grateful thing. Though I have no preaching engagement for the time being, I've voluntarily made two sermons this past week. I just so wanted to organize and release what the Lord had taught me over the months in two sermons. This is significant for me because I haven't been able to do it last one year and more. If I used the laptop to type, I'd get a strong headache, tense muscles, cold sweat and difficulty in breathing. Although the unpleasant symptoms still come back occasionally, I'm grateful to the Lord for my health improvement. And my improvement is not because I've done everything possible for it, but because God is gracious and so many friends have prayed for me and supported us when going through hardships. 

If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 1 Corinthians 12:26

As our mission is supported by many in the body of Christ, we often think how we can also be a blessing to you in the body. We daily thank God for you and pray for you. We seek the Lord for ways in which we can be a blessing to our sending church, supporting churches and every single supporter. 

Of course going to the mission field in Linz will be the best blessing for all but while waiting till the door opens again, we pray that the Lord would use our actions, our challenges, our struggles and God's testimonies and miracles we experience to help you look up to Jesus, come closer to Jesus and love Jesus even more. 

Wir sind das Team. Jesus prayed for us in John 17 that we would be one so that the world would know He is the Son of the Most High. Without exaggeration, we’re living in the end time. God lets us live in this time and Jesus is coming back soon. Every person of the world desperately needs to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, at least one time before they die.

Thank you for praying for us and supporting us as we follow God’s calling. And please let us bless you and love you in ways we can. Tell us your prayer requests and send us messages and call us as we’re there for you because Wir sind das Team. 


 'Wir sind das Team (私たちはチーム) 'とは、宣教活動する上で僕たちが大切にしていることです。

僕はチームスポーツのサッカーを長い間プレーしてきました。フィールドで何度もチームワークの力と強さを体験しました。 もうサッカーはしていませんが、私たちは今同じようなことを経験しています。




もし一つの部分が苦しめば、すべての部分がともに苦しみ、もし一つの部分が尊ばれれば、すべての部分がともに喜ぶのです。 あなたがたはキリストのからだであって、ひとりひとりは各器官なのです。1コリント12:26



Wir sind das Team。 イエスさまはヨハネ17章で、世界中の人々が主を知るようになるため、私たちが一つとなるように祈られました。大袈裟ではなく、私たちは終わりの時代に生きています。 生かされています。そしてイエスさまはすぐ戻ってこられます。世界中の人々はイエスさまの福音を少なくとも死ぬまでに一回は聞かなければならない。

主の召しに従おうとする私たちのために祈りサポートしてくださってありがとうございます。 そして私たちも同じからだに属する皆さんを祝福し、愛を示したいと思っています。お祈りのリクエストを教えてください。メッセージや電話でお知らせください。なぜなら、Wir sind das Team。

Akihiro Yabe