Way Maker/道を作られる方


Let me share with you a story of God's goodness and grace. 

Last couple of years, I've been in contact with different embassies, and I tell you embassy officers are one of the most unfriendly people on the planet. They talk to me in such a way that I feel as if I'd done something wrong. 

I needed to find out the correct information about our taxation in Austria but I couldn't, though I tried very hard. I was stuck. One day I had to call the Austrian Embassy in Tokyo to inquire about it. I was then told to send an email again to the embassy because our case was a bit too complicated. A few days past and I received this most kind and mind-blowing reply from an officer as below: (It was so kind that I thought it was a spam mail at first.)

Dear bro. Yabe, 

Thank you for your inquiry that has reached us through the political section of the Austrian Embassy. First of all, sorry for this late response due to a number of circumstances others might call unfortunate.

I am glad to hear that you and your family will be moving to Austria and learn about your link to OM. Thank you for your personal commitment to the Great Commission! OM is doing a great service on the people living in Austria, furthering the Kingdom. I would love to meet you personally before you leave, God willing. If you share this wish, please feel free to contact me directly and personally by WhatsApp / telegram.org / line.me on +81-80-○○○○○.

Here goes the answer to your questions regarding taxation:

A very detailed explanation of the information, which I, Aki wanted to find out but couldn't for a long time, came in in a single email!!

Last not least, I trust you will be aware of the entry regulations into Austria – changing quite frequently these days… Should you or OM Austria need any assistance/explanation, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards, God bless you!

Commercial Counsellor, Austrian Embassy

Austria has been becoming secular and we haven't met many born-again Austrian believers who love the Lord. But here he is at the embassy in Japan where Christians only make up less than one percent of the population. 

After the corona situation settles in Tokyo, I'm going to meet the officer at the Austrian Embassy. Sachi and I are very encouraged by this encounter that seems to have been arranged in Heaven. We're convinced again that our Austrian mission is God's Project and He is the initiator. God is making a way when things are stuck and pending due to the virus crisis. Our Lord is a Way Maker. 

Maybe you're also experiencing something difficult. But we want to encourage you with our testimony that God is making a way for you too. 

" Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19

Let us keep fixing our eyes on Jesus for our God is a good God. The Lord is a Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper and Light in the darkness. To Him be all the glory and honor. 








あなたとあなたの家族がオーストリアに引っ越し、主に仕えることをうれしく思います。大宣教命令への個人的な取り組みにも感謝します! OMは、オーストリアに住む人々に素晴らしい奉仕を提供し、御国を拡大しています。御心なら、あなたが渡欧する前に個人的にあなたに会いたいです。よろしければ、WhatsApp / telegram.org / line.me(+ 81-80-○○○○○)から直接ご連絡ください。






オーストリア大使館 商業顧問


東京のコロナの状況が落ち着いたら、オーストリア大使館に出向き、このクリスチャンの大使館職員と会う予定です。僕とサチは、天でアレンジされたかと思うようなこの職員との出会いにとても励まされています。私たちのオーストリア宣教が神のご計画であり、神さまが主導者であることを再び確信しました。主は、コロナ危機等で物事が行き詰まり、保留状態の中でも道を作ってくださいます。私たちの神さまはWay Maker、道を切り開いてくださるお方です。



私たちの神さまは良い神さまですから、イエスさまに目を留め続けたいと思います。主は道を作られる方、奇跡をなさる方、約束を守られる方 暗闇の中の光です。この神さまだけにすべての栄光と誉れがありますように。

Akihiro Yabe