Finally able to write / 遂に書ける
I've been waiting for the best time to write this article. I think now is the time as his book will be published in about 10 days (September 2nd), and I'm happy that I can finally write about Tomohiko Sagawa. It's said "Friend in need is a friend indeed", and Tomohiko and his wife Miho are such friends. Even when many people were still skeptic about our vision for Europe, even when my life hit rock bottom, the couple still believed in our calling as missionaries. Please read this till the end.
Tomohiko is currently very well-known in the Japanese agricultural industry. Without lip service, his project has a lot of potential to bless and change the agricultural world not only in Japan but in many parts of the world. Since he's become a famous person whom the media interviews, I'll let Google do its job and introduce his project and visions, etc, and today I'd like to talk about our faith episode with Tomohiko.
Tomohiko also serves the Lord as the chief accountant of Y&Y Ministry. He's engaged in Jesus' Great Commission. Tomohiko and Miho are Y&Y Ministry core members who have supported us since even before the group was formed. The naming of "Y&Y ministry" was Tomohiko's idea and he supervised our website making and made our ministry pamphlets, etc.
“Accounting and audio/sound-control (besides preaching, worship-leading and pastoral care) require the most spiritual maturity (that is being sensitive to the Spirit guidance) in the church” said one pastor. Wherever a accountant thinks financial investment is needed for a project, etc, he/she boldly invests by faith, but other times they manage the Lord's money and your valuable donations with responsibility and transparency. Not only Sachi and I but every member of Y&Y Ministry is also grateful for such a spiritual accountant, and we have full confidence in Tomohiko's finance management as we do God's mission together.
I first met Tomohiko at our friends' wedding. Tomohiko and Miho sat next to me at the reception. Since then, Sachi and I have been enjoying the friendship with them for about eight years. (It feels sorry that we've been unable to meet much recently because of busyness, but we hope to do our annual joint birthday party this year again! All four of us, Tomohiko and Miho and Sachi and I were born in December.)
The married couple, who has abundant life experience, is not only active in the front lines of society, but they also take time to understand people's pain and be with them. When I fell to rock bottom both physically and mentally, Tomohiko texted me. He and his wife drove a long way to visit our apartment, listened to me and Sachi and encouraged us. At sunset on the same day, Tomohiko suggested "Let's go for a walk" and he took me outside. As we were walking by the rail track, I let out I couldn't possibly become and serve as a missionary. His exhortation of "Don't give up!" has been in my treasure chest of memory ever since.
Even when things didn't go as planned and frustration came over, he encouraged me, "Setback is a chance for a better way." Many times Sachi and I hit the wall, God gave us encouragement and comfort through Tomohiko and Miho.
Also when I make a mistake or go off track, Tomohiko's not afraid of confrontation (which is rare for the Japanese) and he warns and corrects me, so I can also grow as a person. Such a friend is really valuable.
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
Such a friend in God is going to publish a book soon for the first time. The title is "Graduate of Tokyo University Becomes a Farmer's Right Arm. One Hundred How-To of Little Management Improvements". It is a book that focuses on the how-to of 100 selected improvements among 300 improvement examples of a pear farm 🍐. Tomohiko who is called “the right arm of the farm CEO” does everything in the farm except for actual pear-cultivation. His crowd funding successfully raised an amount four times more than the initially aimed figure, and with it he made his 300 management improvements open and available to the public online. His book, which instructs "how-to-improve" of each area, covers everything from management, general affairs, accounting to labor, from communication with staff, production management, products, sales to PR. I haven't read it yet myself, but I'm waiting with anticipation for the ordered book to arrive. I'm sure the book will be useful and a blessing for people not only in the agricultural world but also in any industry. Sachi and I hope that many people will purchase the book and bless and support Tomohiko. Please pray with us for him. And if you know of anyone who can read Japanese, who would be interested in the book, please pass the information.
We sincerely pray that the Lord would use Tomohiko more and more in the Japanese society where over 99% of the population do not know the love of Christ. Through him, may they be interested in Jesus and hopefully come to receive the Savior.
And, please pray with us that the Lord would use Y&Y Ministry so we can cross borders and bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to people in need. We're thankful for your prayers and support and looking forward to further following Jesus and making Him known together!
The Sagawa family (Tomohiko, Miho and Masahiko)
The book is published on September 2.
この記事を書けるベストなタイミングをずっと待ってました。あと10日ほどで(9月2日)彼の本が出版される今がその時だと思い、遂に佐川友彦君について書けること嬉しく思っています。Friend in need is a friend indeed(大変な時に寄り添ってくれる友は本当の友)と言いますが、佐川君と奥さんの美穂ちゃんは僕のどん底の時・サチの辛い時でさえ、多くの人がヨーロッパへの宣教に懐疑的だった時でさえ、私たち夫婦の宣教の召しを信じて寄り添ってくれた友人です。どうぞ最後までお読みください。
そんな神友がこの度、本を出版することになりました。タイトルは「東大卒、農家の右腕になる。 小さな経営改善ノウハウ100」。クラウドファンディングで440%の支持を集め公開された農家の改善実例300の中から選りすぐりの100のノウハウを凝縮した一冊。経営、総務、会計、労務から、スタッフとのコミュニケーション、生産管理、商品、販売、PRまで網羅したものだそうです。僕もまだ読んでなく、注文した本が届くのを待っているところですが、農業以外の業種でも必ず役に立ち、祝福となる内容だと確信しています。ぜひ皆さんも本書をご購入いただき、佐川君を祝福・応援してくだされば嬉しいです。ぜひ彼のためにお祈りよろしくお願いします🤲!