Recent days / 近況報告
Sachi's German study has been going well thanks to God's grace and your prayers. She goes to school twice a week and self-studies between house work and after kids sleep. For us it's a big fight every night to put kids to bed as early as possible so we can sit and learn.
The level of the German test Sachi needs to pass is A1, but the test-taker's actual language level differs even within the A1 level, depending on the location you set the test at. If you take the test in Japan or anywhere outside of Austria, Germany or Switzerland, it'll be much more difficult because it's mainly for the academic purpose, for people who want to work or study in Europe. A1 test is more difficult and the point rating is much more strict in Japan. But the A1 test has much more easygoing-ness if taken in a German speaking country because it's mainly for the integration purpose, for people whose mother tongue is not German to acquire the basic level of the language so they can survive and live in a new land.
For this reason, we wanted to set the test in Austria while we were there in spring this year, but the corona changes many plans. Though passing the test is not very easy in Japan, Sachi's progress has been impressive. Even her teacher is surprised. She did the A1 practice test from the German institute in Japan and she scored 12 out of 15 questions in reading and 14 out of 15 in listening. It's a pass score and she's now concentrating on writing and speaking that are not yet at the passing level. Sachi also did the official A1 practice test that the Austrian government requires a pass from. Without doing the writing and speaking parts, she passed the whole test only with reading and listening parts. This is such encouraging news and we'd appreciate your continuous prayers for her study and the actual test in November.
As for me, Aki I'm grateful I'm slowly back at preaching engagements. Opportunities are a weekly talk at Utsunomiya International Christian School, sharing at the prayer meeting, and preaching at various gatherings. When I burned out 2 years ago, I fell to the point where I hardly could speak in public, but the power and grace of God has slowly put me on the platform again.
Not only for us but I guess for you too that there're things and thoughts that discourage us everyday but what and where we choose to look at is our choice. If we dwell our thoughts on difficulty and negativity, we might get discouraged and down, but if we look up to Jesus and choose to focus our mind on good things, improvements, positivity and God's grace, we’re filled with thankfulness and strength. We want to choose the latter.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Philippians 4:8
Lior drew this picture for mom’s German learning. Lol理央作。ママのドイツ語学習のために描きました(笑)
At Koumedou Shalom church. Relaxing atmosphere and wonderful congregation. It’s a bakery on Tuesday and Saturday, and a church on Sunday 11am.
I so love bread (more than rice) and the bread at Koumedou is one of the best you can get in Japan. “When you bite it, kindness overflows in your month” says Sachi. Kindness from carefully chosen natural ingredients and kindness of the owner, Junko. We so recommend it if you come around Utsunomiya.
僕ら夫婦だけではなく、皆さんも同じだと思いますが、日常生活において私たちを落胆させる事や考えがやってきます。でも何に思いをとらわれるか、どこに留まるかを選ぶのは私たちの選択です。 困難なことやとネガティブなことに思いを向け続けると落ち込んでしまいますが、神さまを見上げ、良いことやポジティブなこと、神の恵みに思いを集中させると、感謝と力で満たされます。 後者を選び続ける者でありたいと思います。