True freedom/本当の自由
Most of the people who attend Neue Heimat (OM Church-planting ministry in Linz) are refugees or immigrants. There're variuos reasons why they leave strict Islam and become Christian. Some are earnestly seeking the salvation of Christ, while others come to faith because Christianity seems "easier" for them.
They seek liberation, believing "Christianity offers freedom!" But the problem is that even after they come to “believe" in Jesus as their Savior, their lives and attitudes don't change over time, and we unfortunately find many refugees (especially singles) play day and night (with aid money provided by the Austrian government).
It's not easy and is a challenge for OM staff to draw a line as to how much we are to chase after, contact, meet and follow up with people who are unfaithful in their faith-life. (We don't blame nor criticize them though). We talked about this again during the OM Austria Building Bridges online prayer meeting the other day.
There is certainly freedom in Jesus. No doubt. The Lord sets us free from all kinds of bondage and gives us freedom. But that freedom is not the same as what the refugees think it is. The freedom of Jesus is not indulgence.
I remember when I was in Cairo, Egypt for 2-3 months on a mission trip, I witnessed a couple of times the tragic sight of an accidental car turned up-side-down in the middle of the road. There may be traffic rules in Egypt, but everyone seems to drive as they want to. A two-lane road can be full of cars and look like five lanes. At that time, I realized the importance of rules. There is a real sense of security, safety, order, peace, and freedom in living within the rules set in order to protect people. We can also experience the freedom Jesus gives when we live within the boundaries God has set.
“How can former Muslims experience the freedom of Jesus?” I am in the process of exploring its depth and breadth myself, but one certainty is that experiencing God's freedom starts from knowing the love of God.
Who killed Jesus? Our sin did. When Jesus was crucified, we were not physically there, but if the Lord died for all the sins of mankind, we could say we (our sins) killed him. Yes, it could be said we are "murderers". (How I hate my sin!!) We, everyone without exception, are the ones that had to pay, be judged, and perish for our own sin. But Christ carried it and bore it all. Not only that, the Lord Jesus Christ smashed death, rose on the third day, and is still alive and cares for us. Jesus has changed us, "murderers" into "children of God", and given us the eternal life, hope of life and the meaning of life. He has done it because God loves each one of us (whether Christians or non-Christians). The more we know how much we are forgiven and loved, the more our life changes.
As we learn the Word of God and live in it, we experience God's love. It would be impossible to deepen our relationship with God without learning from the Bible. And only those who know Jesus' love can experience the freedom that comes from heaven,
“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” by Jesus in John 8:31-32
I myself want to experience the freedom of Jesus more. And I also want people we encounter in our family’s life to experience the freedom of Jesus more. I'm thinking and praying about this while walking down the countryside pathway in hot and humid Japanese June.
This is how we make friends with Muslim refugees/このようにムスリム難民と友だちになります
Neue Heimat(リンツの開拓教会)に集っている人たちのほとんどが難民または移民です。戒律の厳しいイスラム教を離れてクリスチャンになる理由は十人十色ですが、真剣にイエスさまの救いを求めている人もいれば、キリスト教の方が「ラクそう」だからという人もいます。「キリスト教には自由がある!」と解放を求めてくるわけです。しかしイエスさまを信じ受け入れた後も生活や態度は変わらず、(オーストリアから支給される援助金で)昼夜逆転で遊びふける難民(特に単身者)は残念ながら少なくありません。
「あなたがたは、わたしのことばにとどまるなら、本当にわたしの弟子です。あなたがたは真理を知り、真理はあなたがたを自由にします。」By イエスキリスト ヨハネ8章31ー32節