The next step/次のステップ
Since we came back to Japan, many people have asked us what our next step would be.
When Y&Y ministry first started, we had a handful of supporters. Even our support group core members were skeptical about our calling among German speaking people. "Why Europe?" We had to talk, discuss and pray a lot to understand each other.
Some years later, now over 100 people worldwide (also counting couples) support us with prayer and finance each month. (I now consider our core members like my own brothers and sisters. I love them.) Our support group leader said to me, "Your mission and calling is not yours alone now, but a lot of people are also on the mission with you. Some of them want to go on missions themselves but they can't for some reasons, and they entrust you with prayer and money so they can also make Jesus known together with you."
I know the weight of his words. I know from experience how hard it is to earn $10, and some people who are financially struggling faithfully give $10 every month to Y&Y ministry. Some are not well and often on bed, but they faithfully pray for us, so that unreached people can get a change to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
Our motivation is always love for God and love for people. As we carry the hope and thoughts of our supporters on our back, we really wanted to hear from the Lord for our next step. Now the door for the Austria mission has been closed by the Corona crisis, but we didn’t want to depend on our wisdom, knowledge and reasoning when deciding our next step.
We were 90 % sure that we'd like to go back to Utsunomiya, near Tokyo where our home church is located. But the Lord had a different plan.
Until the door gets open again for Austria, we've prayerfully decided to be based in Northern Japan. We'll continue living with Sachi' family in Iwate and commute 85km each way to Tome-city for ministries that OM Japan has been doing. Lior won't go to a public school but online-schooling and home-schooling until Austria.
Though I'll write about OM Japan ministries in detail another time, we'll be involved in personal evangelism, the Bible study and church-planting ministry. And that's exactly what we'll be doing in OM Austria.
Please keep us in your prayers and we truly appreciate your love, support and partnership in the Lord's mission. Praying for God's blessings for you!
Y&Yミニストリーが始まった当初、支援者は一握りしかいませんでした。 Y&Yミニストリーのコアメンバーでさえ、ドイツ語圏での召しについて懐疑的でした。 「なぜヨーロッパ?」お互いを理解するために、たくさん話し合い、話し合い、祈らなければなりませんでした。
母教会がある宇都宮に戻りたいと思っていました。でも主はこの時期に僕らに別の計画を持っておられました。オーストリアへの扉が再び開くまで、東北に拠点を置くことに祈りながら決めました。岩手のサチの実家に住みながら、OM日本が行っているミニストリーをするため片道85kmで宮城県登米市まで通います。 理央は市立の学校には登校せず、オーストリアまでオンラインスクーリングとホームスクーリングをします。(宇都宮には派遣まで毎月1週間ぐらい帰省したいと思っています。)