Update and surprise / アップデート&サプライズ
There has been a lot going on recently, and I am thankful to finally sit and write down our update. Update...if this was only about us, humans (like many posts on social media), I wouldn't make time to do it, but we feel somehow responsible and even obligated (in a good sense) to write down our updates, because it's about the Lord and about His working, and because you're a very big part of our missions in Austria. Honestly, without your faithful prayers and support we wouldn't be able to do what we do. So, here is some news from us.
1. Sachi has been invited to share her testimonies at various places. She shared her suffering and struggles, as well as her experiences with the Lord's grace during her cancer treatments, and described how the Lord brought her through the darkest valley. One church still puts Sachi's name on the weekly church prayer requests and fervently prays for her, which greatly surprised us and touched us deeply. We had the privilege of personally thanking churches, brothers and sisters in Christ for their unbelievably kind and generous support for our family.
2. We moved into our new apartment and handed over the old one. There are rules and even laws regarding how it should be at the time of hand-over. After living in Austria for 2 1/2 years, we still encounter culture shocks, and the hand-over was one of the kinds. A good friend of ours from our local church, Franz came to help us, and we could hand over the apartment. The landlord was pleased, and even said she would like to stay in touch with us, which was a surprise for us:
"Mit besten Grüßen und ich freue mich sehr, dass wir uns kennen gelernt haben. Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns bald wieder – entweder in OÖ. oder Wien. (Best regards and I am very happy that we have met. I hope we will meet again soon - either in Upper Austria or Vienna.)"
May she also one day come to experience the love and forgiveness of the Lord Jesus.
3. When our guests visited us from Japan in February, the Lord uniquely connected us with a young Middle Eastern couple. We found out later that the husband had put his faith in Christ shortly before and the wife is an atheist. (She confessed, she couldn't say she wasn't Muslim in her homeland, because she would be punished or killed. But when the secret police came, trying to arrest the husband for his newly found faith, they sought asylum in Austria and she officially abandoned her Muslim faith. )
Gernot and I started a new Bible study with the husband, and the wife is now interested! At one Bible study where we learnt the essence of the Gospel; human sin and salvation in Jesus alone, the wife cancelled her planned online German study to be with us. We didn’t expect it and it was a surprise! She asked many pertinent questions, and the husband was very glad that she was there, because he has been praying for her salvation for some time. Please pray with us that she would come to put her trust in the Lord Jesus.
4. It's been discovered that Lior's spine is somewhat curved, and he has been through several medical examinations. Thanks to God, surgery is not necessary at this moment but our son will do regular check-ups and physiotherapy to prevent it from being worsened. Lior has also developed tics, probably caused by various anxiety and stress from last years. Please pray that the Lord would heal him both physically and emotionally.
5. We are going to visit Israel in October! When I visited Israel in 2018 for the first time, I prayed to the Lord, facing the Western Wall, and one of my prayers was that God of Israel would one day grant us to visit the land as a family. Israel has been important for us. Since our marriage in 2012, we have been monthly supporting people in need in Israel. We named our children Hebrew names to show honor to the Lord and love to the country, while anti-Semitism is rampant in the world.
During Sachi's fierce treatments, one of her motivations to endure the hardship was to visit Israel as a family after finishing the treatments. As we couldn't celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary last year due to treatments, a couple in Israel offered us to come stay in their air B&B house in February, but we couldn't either because of the side effects. The same couple offered us again, and a church gave us a donation with two conditions; 1) that we must not save it, 2) we must use it for our family, not for missions work. We were truly blown away by their generosity and the surprise from the Lord!
With the generous financial gift we bought plan tickets and will visit Israel in October to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary and God's goodness and faithfulness, when Lior has a week long school holiday.
There are more to update, but I will do it another time. Thank you for your encouragement, love and prayers as we serve the Lord and people who are least reached.
1) サチは、様々な場所で証しをするために招待を受けています。がん治療中に体験した苦しみや葛藤、それらに勝る神さまの恵みを分かち合い、主がどのように暗い谷間を歩む力をくださったか証しました。ある教会では、今でも毎週教会の祈りのリクエストにサチさの名前を載せて、熱心に祈ってくれています。そのことに大変驚き、感謝でいっぱいになりました。教会、また、キリストにある兄弟姉妹の私たち家族に対する信じられないほど親切で寛大なサポートに直接感謝を伝えることができて、本当に嬉しく思っています。
「Mit besten Grüßen und ich freue mich sehr, dass wir uns kennen gelernt haben. Mit besten Grüßen undich freue mich sehr, dass wir uns kennen gelernt haben. Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns bald wieder - entweder in OÖ. oder Wien.
(私たちがお互い知り合ったことをとても嬉しく思います。また近いうちに会えたらいいですね。− 上オーストリアかウィーンで)」彼女もいつか主イエスさまの愛と赦しを体験する日が来ますように!
5) 10月にイスラエルを訪問することになりました!僕は2018年に初めてイスラエルを訪れた時、嘆きの壁に向かいながら、主に多くの祈りを捧げました。その時の祈り・願いの一つは、イスラエルの神さまがいつか家族でその地を訪れることを叶えてくださるようにという願いでした。イスラエルは私たちにとって大切な存在です。2012年の結婚以来、私たちは毎月、イスラエルで支援が必要な人たちをサポートしてきました。反ユダヤ主義が蔓延する時代、主への敬意とイスラエルへの愛を込めて、自分たち子どもたちにヘブル語の名前をつけました。サチの壮絶な治療中、苦難に耐える動機のひとつに「治療が終わったら、家族でイスラエルを訪れたい」という願いがありました。昨年、結婚10周年を治療のため祝えなかったので、2月にイスラエル在住の夫婦から「air B&Bの家に泊まりに来ないか」と誘われましたが、副作用のため叶いませんでした。この度同じご夫妻から再びオファーがあり、またある教会から2つの条件付きで献金をいただきました。その条件とは、そのお金を①貯金しないこと、そして②宣教活動ではなく、家族のために使うこと、というものです。その献金で航空券を購入させていただき、結婚10周年と神様の恵みと誠実さをお祝いするために、リオウの学校の一週間の秋休みがある10月に家族でイスラエルを訪れる予定です。彼らの寛大さと神さまからのサプライズに圧倒されています。