Good combination/良い組み合わせ
There is a combination that shouldn't be for some people but should be for others. For instance, according to my Brazilian friend, beans should not be cooked sweet in Brazil; beans should be salty. But for Asians, sweet (red) beans are absolutely favorable. In the same way, for us Japanese, rice - milk - sugar combination is unthinkable; rice should not go with milk. But in the Middle East and many parts of the world, rice-pudding is loved.
I helped a Muslim asylum seeker, A. to find a job by writing his CV (He is officially allowed to work 10 hours a week). Contrary to our expectation, he was soon able to get a job nearby - it accelerated our friendship to form fairly quickly.
What I struggle with the Middle Easterners in general is that they have a completely different sense of time. Making an appointment with them seems almost useless because they are not ready or even not there at the appointment time! Appointment at 1 p.m. can easily be at 3 p.m. or even the next day. I'm learning to be flexible and not easily irritated.
What I like from talking to Muslims is though, we can immediately dive into a spiritual conversation, which I find difficult, when talking with local Austrians. Despite our language barrier, we use English, German and Google Translate (our best friend!) to communicate.
One night I visited A .with another Christian asylum seeker. With A.'s roommate T. we had a great time talking about different topics. Then our conversation shifted to our faiths, and whether Jesus really died on the Cross or not. They showed us the verse in the Quran that says Jesus wasn't crucified. We showed them Bible verses that claim He certainly did.
For Christians, the combination of the Cross and the Savior Jesus makes a total sense, and the Cross and His Resurrection is indeed the anchor for our faith, but for Muslims it doesn't. Muslims consider Jesus as one of the mere prophets, thus not as the Son of God. Because the Quran states that He is not the Son of God and didn't die on the Cross, Muslims insist that He cannot forgive our sins. Our discussion wasn’t getting anywhere.
The world-view, logic and values of Muslims often differ significantly from the rest of the world. If it's their ideology that holds them back from tasting the goodness of the Savior Jesus, we need the better and best ideology, the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit to unveil the cover from their spiritual eyes. Please pray with us for this.
Although our conversation was intense, and I worried that I might have somehow offended A and T, some days later A. cooked the Middle Eastern rice-pudding not only for me but also for my family to show appreciation for our friendship. He even went extra-miles and used lactose-free milk to care for my lactose intolerance. Rice - milk - sugar combination might be unthinkable for us Japanese, but A's rice pudding tasted delicious (I ate three bowls of it) and his heart warmed us. We thank the Lord Jesus for every encounter and blessing He grants us, and we thank you for your prayer support to share the Gospel with people who have never heard the love of Christ.