If it is Your Will / もし御心ならば
It was a very difficult decision whether to have the surgery in the midst of chemotherapy treatments. Having received some second opinions, Sachi and I were ready to discuss with the doctor, but as we went to the hospital last Friday for the final decision-making, the doctor told us that the surgery had been cancelled after the doctors/specialists' repeated discussions. Instead Sachi will do an ultra-sound check up every three months. Oncologists and our house doctor are also glad about the decision. We felt that the Lord had intervened in the decision-making as you had prayed for us. Sachi was also able to receive the chemotherapy yesterday; she now has only three more infusions left! Thank you so much for your prayers.
Today, I am going to share with you what/a thought I have been wresting with. You might disagree with me and I would appreciate your opinions, but here is my conviction at least for now. Please excuse me in advance; my writing is longer this time.
One morning I received shocking news that a believer friend has been diagnosed with cancer. I soon contacted her husband and he replied, "...She is at the last stage. We found this so late. Average lifetime (prognosis) is 1.5 years. But we will not listen to this statistics. We will pray and get through this. Let's pray for each other."
When I read his reply, my soul was stirred and trembled because of his faith in Jesus and determination to overcome the sickness. They have small children in Liana's age and they need their mummy. It was as if my soul said, "Yes, that's right, I will pray and pray and pray, and believe with you God's healing on your wife. Even a stage 4 cancer can be cured today! "
When Sachi and I felt so weak and knocked out in our physical, mental and spiritual battles against cancer, what sustained us was God's love and mercy as well as prayers and support from you, brothers and sisters in Christ. We have been able to come this far BECAUSE you have carried us this far. I want to do the same to my friends.
When a situation is very severe in the human comprehension and the prognosis is discouraging, we are tempted to pray, "Lord, if it is Your will, please heal." But we must know that the if-it-is-God's-will prayer can really hurt the person/family who is fighting the disease, because it gives a thought/doubt to that person and their loved ones that God might not want him/her to be healed. That thought/doubt doesn't help them/us all to overcome the suffering.
Is it always God's will to heal people? Absolutely. Without exception, we, who believe in Jesus, will be all healed at our eternal home in Heaven. No sickness, no cancer, no death, no tears. (Revelation 21) That's our final destination and our goal; this earth is our temporary dwelling place.
Does God want to heal us while we are on this earth too? I strongly believe so. We all believe in God of miracles, the God of the Bible. If we believe this God of miracles is alive and working but miracles do not happen, that's a "miracle". Jesus taught us to pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10) As we read in Revelation 21 that in God's Kingdom, the New Heaven, we will experience the complete healing. However, especially we, who are living after the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, could also experience a little what it is like to be in God's Kingdom, a glimpse of Heaven, even on this earth. God's Kingdom can be revealed partially here on the earth through His Holy Spirit, Church and His people. The Bible is full of testimonies of Jesus healing people and His disciples being used for God's healing. Hebrews13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”
However, we are sometimes confronted with a heartbreaking truth that not everyone is healed on this earth. Each and every one of us will also surely physically die one day. This solemn truth shows us that we, humans are not the center of lives but the Lord is, and that God's thoughts are much higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55: 9).
The Apostle Paul was a vessel used by God to miraculously heal the sick, but as for him he describes a certain “thorn in the flesh” from which he desperately needed healing from the Lord. (2 Corinthians 12) Repeatedly he begged the Lord to take it away, but each time the Lord said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
God never leaves His children alone in suffering; He is close to the brokenhearted. (Psalm 34:18) How can you be close to someone who is brokenhearted and not feel their pain? In fact Jesus knows/feels our pain and weeps with us (John 11:35) because He Himself has experienced sufferings (Hebrew 4:15). God is faithful, gives us all we need and promises not to let us be tempted beyond our ability, but He will also provide the way of escape, that we may be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Let's remind us again that the very reason why God created us, human beings at the first place is for His glory. (Isaiah 43:7) That's our starting point. God is concerned with His glory. For us to be healed is for His glory. Not to be healed but to live in faith and trust in Jesus regardless may reveal God's glory even more, because it shows the unshakable hope that our home is not this earth but in Heaven.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for us to submit ourselves to the Lord God and His will. HOWEVER, if we pray for the sick, saying, "if it is God's will, heal the person", we really have to be careful. We need to examine ourselves why we want to say that. Is it because we really submit ourselves to the Lord and His will? (Even so, I think, the one who can say that is the person who is actually fighting the sickness, or at most his/her closest one(s).) Or is it because of our lack of faith?
When we pray, "if it is God's will", yes, our motivation is often right; we don't want to see the person disappointed even if healing doesn't take place in a way that we wish. But whether healing happens or not is not our responsibility - it is God's. Our responsibility is to believe and pray.
Because we DON'T know preciously what good and glorious intention/plan God has for that person and family fighting the sickness, we should pray for healing without doubting. When it comes to our relationship with God, we should be like children. Our God is the good Heavenly Father. When she wants something, my daughter, Liana never says to me, "If it is your will, father, please give it to me." Quite contrarily she asks fervently and persistently, "Daddy, I really want it. Give me". If she doesn't receive it soon enough, she cries and screams until she finally gets it. Though I am far from being a perfect father, I discern what is good or what is bad for my daughter, and give her what is good. How better is our Father God in giving what is good? (Matthew 7:7-11)
"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:15-16
So, when it comes to healing, I will not say, "if it is God's will". Instead, I believe, pray and fervently ask the Lord for His complete healing on my friend and for her family fighting the sickness, for the glory of Christ Jesus our Lord. Please also remember this young believing Christian family in your prayers. Thank you for your love for God and His people.
Pictures: We experienced a very thick fog the other day. We couldn't see a few meters ahead, only our feet area was visible. It then reminded me of Psalm 119:105. We don't know our future. Especially when we are fighting a serious illness, it is important not to worry about the future, but to leave it to the Lord and live each day to the fullest, thanking God. The exact same location (last two pictures), obscured by fog, was a spectacular sight the other day. Even in the midst of hardships and uncertainties, God is always with us, even if we can't feel it. We who believe in the Lord Jesus will never end in despair. (Romans 5:5) We can and will always see the glory of the Lord.
人をいやすことはいつも神の御心ですか?そうです。イエスを信じる者は、例外なく、私たちの永遠の住まい、天国で完全にいやされます。天国には病気もがんも死も涙もありません。(黙示録 21)そこが私たちの最終目的地であり、ゴールです。この地上は、私たちの一時的な住居です。
神さまは、この地上でも私たちをいやしたいと思っておられるのか?僕は、そう強く信じています。私たちは皆、奇跡の神、聖書の神を信じています。その神が生きて働いておられるのに、奇跡が起こらない方が“奇跡”です。イエスさまは、「御国が来ますように。みこころが天で行われるように地でも行われますように」祈るよう教えられました。(マタイ 6:10)黙示録 21章にあるように、神の完璧な王国、新しい天では、人は完全ないやしを経験します。しかし、特にイエス・キリストの十字架と復活の後に生きる私たちは、今の時代この地上においても、神の王国を垣間見ることがあるのです。天国がどのような場所か少し体験できることがあるのです。神の王国は、聖霊、教会、そして神の民を通して、この地上でも現わされることがあります。聖書は、イエスさまが人々をいやされた証し、弟子たちが神のいやしのために用いられた証しでいっぱいです。そして、ヘブル13:8 は、「イエス・キリストは、きのうもきょうも、いつまでも、同じです」と教えます。
しかし、私たちは、この地上ですべての人が必ずしもいやされるわけではないという、胸が張り裂けそうな真実に直面することがあります。そして私たち一人一人はいつか必ず肉体の死を迎えます。この厳かな事実は、私たち人間が人生の中心ではなく、主なる神さまが中心に座しておられること、そして神の御思いは私たちの思いよりもはるかに高いことを教えています。 (イザヤ 55: 9)
神は、苦しんでいるご自分の子どもたちを見捨て、一人ぼっちにされることは決してありません。主は心の打ち砕かれた者の近くにおられます。(詩編 34:18)心の打ち砕かれた人のそばにいて、その痛みを感じないでいることなどできるでしょうか?実際、イエスさまは私たちの痛みや苦しみを知っておられ、私たちと一緒に泣いてくださります(ヨハネ11:35)、それは主ご自身が苦しみを経験されたからです(ヘブル4:15)。神は忠実なお方であり、私たち信仰者に必要なものすべて与え、私たちが耐えられない試練に会わないことを約束してくださっています。(1 コリント 10:13)
神が私たち人間を創造された理由は、『神の栄光のため』であることをもう一度思い出したいと思います。(イザヤ 43:7)それが私たちの出発点です。神はご自分の栄光に関心を持っておられます。人がいやされるのは、主の栄光のためです。しかし、いやされないにも関わらずイエスさまへの信仰と愛をもって生き抜く姿は、神の栄光をさらに強烈に現すかもしれません。
闘病している当人や家族のために神さまがどのような素晴らしい栄光に富んだご意図・ご計画を持っておられるのか、私たちには正確にわからないので、彼らのためにただただいやしを信じて祈るべきです。神との関係に関して言えば、私たちは子どものようであるべきです。主なる神さまは天の良きお父さんです。僕の娘のリアナは、欲しいものがあるとき、「父上、あなたが望まれるなら、それをください」とは決して言いません。それどころか、「パパ、すっごく欲しいから、ちょうだい」と熱心にしつこく頼み込んできます。すぐに手に入らない場合は、手に入れるまで泣き叫びます。僕は完璧から程遠い父親ですが、娘にとって何が良く、何が悪いか判断します。そして、良いものを与えます。そうであるならば、私たちの父なる神は、良いものを与えることにおいてどれほど優れておられるでしょうか。(マタイ 7:7-11)
「私たちの大祭司は、私たちの弱さに同情できない方ではありません。罪は犯されませんでしたが、すべての点で、私たちと同じように、試みに会われたのです。ですから、私たちは、あわれみを受け、また恵みをいただいて、おりにかなった助けを受けるために、大胆に恵みの御座に近づこうではありませんか。」ヘブル 4:15-16
写真:先日、とても濃い霧を体験しました。数メートル先は見えません。見えるのは足元だけ。その時、詩篇119:105 の御言葉を思い出しました。私たちは将来のことはわかりません。特に大きな病と闘っているときは、先のことを思い煩わず主に委ねて、一日一日、その日を神に感謝して精一杯生きることが大切です。霧で先が見えない全く同じ場所(2、3枚目の写真)で、他の日には素晴らしい光景がありました。苦難で先が見えないその真っ只中でも、神さまはいつも共にいてくださります。例えその時そう感じれなくてもです。イエスさまを信じて歩む者は、絶望で終わることは決してありません。(ローマ5:5)必ず主の栄光を見ることができます。