Receiving God's grace / 神の恵みを受け取る


In the midst of cancer treatments, our family was emotionally knocked down by the hit-and-run accident that broke down our parked car. For two months we searched for a suitable car, but it wasn't easy at all. During the time, we also experienced Sachi's (thankfully non-metastasis) diagnosis, possibility of surgery and many doctor's appointments. Lior was becoming so nervous and anxious that he not only burst into tears often, but also developed some physical symptoms.

As challenging as it was for all of our family, however, we also experienced God's overwhelming love and grace in different forms. Here we will testify to the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father.

Soon after the breakdown of our car, W. contacted me and lent me their bicycle. It was so much of help because I could save a lot of time instead of going everywhere on foot. I then began thinking about buying my own, when F. contacted me and said, "Aki, we have a bike for you. Someone gave it to us to pass it to you." The bicycle was almost brand-new...I hadn't shared with anyone about wanting a bike, only God knew.

One day, J. and L. offered us to use their car for two weeks during their holiday, but I declined it with thankfulness as we already had our neighbor's car. The next day, to our surprise, the Croatian neighbor whose car we were using suddenly said to us, "we need to sell the car today for our family's situation. We've found a buyer." Their aged mother who lives in Croatia needed urgent financial aids for her medical treatments. We returned it with a lot of gratitude and we were without a car again. But J. and L. kindly lent us their car the next day. The timing was just perfect.

During these two months without our own car, we had a lot of doctors' appointments, but didn't miss them, not even once, because our faith family gave us a ride, and the neighbor and J. and L. generously let us use their cars.

There are unfortunately some sellers who cheat on buyers. In order to purchase a reliable car, we needed wisdom and discernment, which we didn't have. But the Lord provided a few people who gave us a lot of very helpful advice.

No missionary is (materialistically) well-off like Bill Gates and the biggest challenge in our unexpected car purchase was the finances. Initially we wanted to transfer our personal savings from Japan but the current exchange rate from Yen to Euro was extremely disadvantageous. Our senior pastor and support group at our sending church then offered us an emergency fund from the support group‘s savings - Without them faithfully backing us up for many years, our stay in Austria would be impossible. Our mission's work is not about our family's efforts, but rather the cooperation of many believers who love Jesus, have His heart and care for the lost souls. So, our team is named You & Yabe family Ministry (Y&Y Ministry). It's never about us; it's all about Jesus our Lord.

While I was searching for the best possible way to receive the fund from Japan, we experienced God’s totally mind-blowing provision. We never asked anyone for financial help, but the Lord gave His people a heart to give. A number of individuals from our local church, Rhema Church spontaneously collected voluntary offerings for our car purchase, although many of them didn't know us personally. The amount of the donations was astonishingly A LOT. It wrote, "many cell groups took part in the collection and it is one of the best collection results we have ever had. Jesus loves you and his brothers and sisters love you too!" Moreover, other believers from Europe also sent us unexpected voluntary financial gifts, and thus the transfer from Japan was no longer necessary. Thanks to Gerhard who patiently and graciously helped us, we were able to finally buy a suitable and reliable second-hand car! We know we don't deserve such a nice car. All thanks to God's grace.

As I ponder upon the kindness and generosity of our faith family, we sense the love and care of our Heavenly Father, and I am reminded of what Timothy Keller, a well-respected pastor said: "If you look down at the poor or stay aloof from their suffering, you have not really understood or experienced God's grace."

Generally speaking, we humans can do to others only what we have experienced ourselves before. The overwhelming help of our faith family proves that they themselves have understood and experienced God's grace; forgiveness of sin, eternal life, every blessing in our lives. God's love and grace that our faith family showed us compels us to want to debouch His blessings into people around us, especially those who don't know Christ yet.

While wishing it, a non-believing woman contacted us. She has a really difficult past and wanted to talk to us. We invited her home. Although we felt ineligible to help her, we asked the Lord to flow His grace through us. We sat, listened to and prayed for her. Though there're days she can't eat, she somehow gained strength and was able to eat dinner with us before going home. She wrote to Sachi afterwards that she would like to stay in contact with us.

Another non-believing family also contacted and asked us for help. Again, we weren't sure how we could best help them but we prayed and asked the Lord for wisdom. We were able to do to them what our faith family had done to show us God's grace.

May they also come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, and understand and experience God's incredible grace of the Cross and Resurrection themselves, so that they can go out and share God's grace further.

"In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ" Ephesians 1:4b-9

Pictures: In Austria, the local society and its sports clubs are tightly connected. Since I got involved in Lior's local team as a goalkeeper coach, people seemingly perceive me as a less strange, mysterious Asian lol. We have more opportunities to get to know the locals and be invited to their homes. (People hardly talk about their own belief or faith with others but I freely get to talk about Jesus and give my testimony, as I am already very different from them!) As there are many soccer games and parents take turns to bring kids to the games in different towns/cities, our new 7 seater second-hand car is most suitable! Liana has also recently joined the local gymnastic club.




ある日、JさんとLさんが休暇中に2 週間車を貸してくれるとオファーしてくれたのですが、すでにご近所さんの車を借りていたので、丁重に断りました。翌日、びっくり仰天、車を貸してくれていたクロアチア人家族が突然、「家庭の事情により、今日車を売らなければなりません。買い手も見つかったんです」と言うのです。クロアチアに住む高齢のお母さんが、治療のために緊急の経済援助が必要になったそうです。感謝を込めて車を返却しましたが、再び車無しに元戻り。でも早速翌日JさんとLさんが親切に車を貸してくれたんです。完璧なタイミングでした。

車無しの二ヶ月間、多くの診察があったにもかかわらず、一度も病院の予約を逃しませんでした。信仰の家族が送迎してくれたり、クロアチア人家族、 JさんとLさんが寛大に彼らの車を使わせてくれたからです。


また、宣教師はビル・ゲイツのように(物質的に)裕福ではありません(笑)ので、予期せぬ車の購入において最大の課題は経済面です。当初は自分たちの貯金から工面しようと思ったのですが、現在の円安により、ユーロへの両替はダメージ大・損出大。その後、母教会の主任牧師と支える会のメンバーと話し、寛大にも、支える会の貯金から緊急の経済支援をしてくれることになりました −− 彼らの何年にもわたる忠実なバックアップなしに、私たちのオーストリア滞在は不可能です。私たちの宣教の働きは、私たち家族の努力ではなく、イエスを愛し、イエスの心を持ち、失われた魂を思いやる多くの信仰者の協力・働きによります。それゆえ私たちのチーム名は、You & Yabe family Ministry(みんなで宣教:わいわいミニストリー)といいます。私たちの誰にも注目は集まりません、スポットライトはすべてイエスさまに注がれているのです。



一般的に、私たち人間は、自分自身が経験した(してもらった)ことしか他人に行うことができません。信仰の家族が私たちに示してくれた大きな助けは、彼ら自身が神の恵み − 罪の赦し、永遠のいのち、人生におけるあらゆる祝福 − を理解し経験していることを証明しています。信仰の家族が私たちに示してくれた神の愛と恵みは、周りの人々、特にまだキリストを知らない人々に神の恵みと祝福を分かち合わずにはいられないという気持ちにさせてくれます。






Akihiro Yabe