Supernatural God / 超自然的な神


Thank you very much for your prayers. On Monday, Sachi was able to receive her 28th chemotherapy, and now two more infusions remain. Lior has been unwell with a fever since Monday. He is anxious because of Sachi, schoolwork is getting harder, and he seems to have a little problem with a classmate, all of these contribute to his increased stress. Please continue to pray for Sachi and Lior.

As my weekly routine I visited the refugee house for friendship building. There happened to be a fierce quarrel among the Muslim residents AGAIN. N. said laughingly, "Whenever Aki comes, there is a quarrel. Just ignore it and let's go upstairs." Other guys also joined his mischievous laugher. As we were climbing up stairs, I curiously asked, "they don't normally quarrel like that?" A. archly responded, "only when you come!" I felt warmly welcomed by the residents but unwelcomed by the prince of the power of the air (Eph 2:2).

I don't support phenomenon falsely spiritual with little Biblical foundation, nor do I consider every bad occurrence as spiritual attack. Through a number of experiences, however, it's increasingly clearer to me that we, followers of Jesus are on a spiritual war (Eph 6:12). If we were not on a fight "against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms", the Lord wouldn't order us to put the full armor of God to guard ourselves and fight back (Eph 6:11). If you reckon that you can fight the war alone, you're deceiving yourself. Satan is extremely experienced in the combat, and in order for us to fight and win the war, we need the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and brothers and sisters in Christ. Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing (John 15:5).

My wife and I have been also recently learning to guard our children from and fight against lies, intimidation and low self-esteem they might experience in school or kindergarten, as Satan will use them to try to destroy the lives of our kids and their friends. We should not underestimate Satan, but should not overestimate him either. We, followers of Jesus should not give into fear because God is way stronger than the enemy (1 John 4:4). The Lord is powerful and promises to protect all who love Him (Psalm 145:20).

Do you dream in your sleep? I do but I don't often remember it. I had previously paid very little attention to dreams, however spending time with Middle Easterners and Africans on a daily basis made my perception alter; God is supernatural, and dreams can be divine.

Can dreams be really from God? My answer is 'yes' as there is no biblical indication that God has stopped using dreams. However we must be careful as to how we apply it. Whatever the dream is, it must be well examined and must be consistent with what the Bible teaches.

I searched in the Bible and found there are some types of dreams. Some dreams are in consequence of what is in a person's subconscious (Isaiah 29:8). Some dreams are from the enemies (Deuteronomy 13:1-5, Jeremiah 23:32). And, though it is rare, God does speak through special dreams such as that of Joseph (Genesis 37:5-10), and that of Joseph, Mary’s fiancé (Matthew 1:20-24) concerning the birth of Jesus.

In Islam dreams are considered sacred and divine, and Muslims treat dreams attentively. The Lord Jesus seems to reveal Himself to the unreached people through dreams, although the countries find extremely little access to the Gospel. That shows God's burning desire and passion for the lost.

A Middle Eastern refugee once told me of a dream he had had in his country. In his dream he talked with a man dressed in white, and he awoke to find that it was Jesus. His immediate conversion was met by severe persecution from his strong Muslim family, however, and resulted in his asylum seeking.

Another episode narrated by a missionary is also extraordinary. When he was secretly doing missions work in a very closed Islamic country, his international phone rang - a call from someone in that country. A female begged him to come meet her at a particular intersection. He first thought it must be a trap by the secret police but the mystery was no one knew his number except for his family and friends overseas. As directed he ventured to the busy intersection where a married couple high-handedly "kidnapped" him and took him to a dark apartment room. The wife had been desperately praying every day for 16 years for someone who could tell them about Jesus the Savior and teach them the Bible. One day as she was praying in the morning, she had a vision where she saw a phone number written on the wall. As soon as she woke up from it, she wrote it down and called the number, which "happened to be" the number of the missionary. The couple believed in Christ and was baptized that night.

Especially in the developed countries, what cannot be explained by logic or science is generally considered untrustworthy. Nevertheless, I come across people here who are into horoscope, New Age, Eastern religions and philosophies, etc. Humans are spiritual beings (Genesis 2:7) and we hunger and thirst for spiritual fulfillment.

We, who are born of God's Spirit (John 3:6) want to be aware of the spiritual realm, test every spirit (1 John 4), and give answer to people who are without Christ and thirsty for the truth. And the Christmas time is a suitable season of the year for it. What a privilege to serve our awesome and supernatural God!

Picture: Horoscope is a norm even in the Austrian national TV.


毎週のルーティーン、友人関係を築くため難民ハウスを訪ねました。すると、今回もイスラム教徒の住民の間で胸ぐら掴むほどの激しい口論のようです。Nさんが笑いながらイジってきます。「アキが来る時、いっつも喧嘩してるなぁ。まぁ無視して上(の階)に行こう。」他の難民たちも茶化してきます。階段を上りながら「普段はあんな感じで喧嘩しないの?」と尋ねると、間髪入れずにAさんが「君が来るときだけ!」と笑います。住民には温かく迎えてもらい感謝ですが、空中の権威を持つ支配者(エペソ 2:2)には歓迎されていないように感じました。

聖書の根拠がない間違った霊的な現象を支持することもなければ、すべての悪い出来事を霊的な攻撃と見なしたりしません。しかしさまざまな経験を通して、私たち、キリスト者が霊的な戦いに置かれていることはますます明らかです(エペソ 6:12)。もし私たちが「悪魔の策略に対して堅く立つ」必要がなければ、主は私たちに「神のすべての武具を身に着け」自己防衛し、戦うよう命じられることはなかったでしょう(エペソ 6:11)。一人でこの戦いに挑めると思うなら、自分を欺いています。サタンは非常に経験豊富ですから、私たちが戦いに挑み勝利するためには、神の御ことば、聖霊、そしてキリストにある兄弟姉妹が必要です。イエスを離れて、私たちは何もすることができません(ヨハネ15:5)。

妻と僕は最近、学校や幼稚園で経験しうる嘘、脅し、自尊心攻撃などから子どもたちを守り、それらに対抗する必要を学んでいます。サタンがそれらを利用し、子どもたちや友人たちの人生を破壊しようと牙を剥くからです。サタンを過小評価すべきではありませんが、過大評価すべきでもありません。神は悪魔よりもはるかに強いお方なので、キリスト者は恐れに屈する必要はありません(1ヨハネ4:4)。主は力強く、主を愛するすべての人を守ってくださると約束しておられます(詩篇 145:20)。

皆さんは睡眠中に夢を見ますか?僕は見ますが、ほとんど覚えていません。以前は夢にほとんど関心を払いませんでしたが、日常的に中東やアフリカの人たちと時間を過ごす中で、認識が変わりました − 神さまは超自然的で、夢は神聖なものであり得る。


聖書を調べてみると、夢にはいくつかの種類があることがわかりました。ある夢は、人の潜在意識によるもの(イザヤ 29:8)。ある夢は、悪魔からのもの(申命記 13:1-5、エレミヤ 23:32)。そして、稀ではありますが神さまは特別な夢を通して語られることがあります。ヨセフの夢(創世記 37:5-10)や、イエスの誕生に関してのマリアの婚約者ヨセフの夢(マタイ 1:20-24)などがその例です。



ある宣教師のエピソードもまた驚くべきものです。非常に閉鎖的なイスラム教の国でひそかに伝道活動を行っていたとき、彼の国際電話用の携帯が鳴ります- その国の誰かからのダイヤルです。ある女性が、とある交差点まで会いに来てほしいとその宣教師に懇願します。最初は秘密警察の罠に違いないと思いましたが、奇妙なことは、彼のその番号は海外にいる家族や友人以外は誰も知らないはずでした。指示通り、彼は人通りの多いその交差点に向かい、そこである夫婦が強引に彼を“誘拐”し、暗いアパートの部屋に連れて行きます。その奥さんは毎日16年間、救い主イエスについて語り、聖書を教えてくれる人を必死に祈り求めていたそうです。ある朝、彼女が祈っていると、幻の中で彼女は壁に書かれた番号を見ました。覚めるやいなやそれを書き留め、その番号に電話をかけます。それが“たまたま”その宣教師の番号だったのです。夫妻はその夜主イエスを信じ、洗礼を受けました。


御霊によって生まれた私たちは(ヨハネ 3:6)、霊の領域のことも認識し、すべての霊を吟味し(1ヨハネ 4:1)、キリストを持たず真理に渇いている人々に答えを与える者でありたいと思います。クリスマスの時はそれに最適な時期です。偉大で超自然的な神さまに仕えられることは何という特権でしょう!

写真: オーストリア国営テレビでも星占いは当たり前。

Akihiro Yabe