Interview - Life in the second homeland- / インタビュー 〜第二の故郷での生活〜


In OM magazine, Pulsschlag (pulse beat) December 2022, Sachi and I were interviewed, and the magazine has been distributed to OM related people and supporters throughout Austria. The distribution is only in Austria, but because we couldn't do what we do without you, blog readers and prayer supporters, we would also like to share the translation with you with much appreciation.

We, all OMers truly want to witness Jesus' Kingdom expand more and more in Austria, in the continent of Europe and beyond for the Glory of our Lord.

Life in the second homeland

Why did two Japanese come to Austria as missionaries? Aki, Sachi, Lior and Liana have been living in Austria for two years, and explain how it came about.

Question: You grew up in Japan. Tell us a bit about growing up, your family, school…

(Aki) I grew up in a normal Japanese family that had nothing to do with Christianity (Protestant is less than 1 % of the population). My family valued the traditions and rituals related to Shintoism and Buddhism. I spent wild teenage years with delinquent friends, but had the hardest time when I was 16 years old and ended up becoming suicidal. My attempt to commit suicide failed, however, and I was at the bottom of despair.

(Sachi) My family had many problems when I was little and my parents got divorced when I was 9 years old. But I am thankful to my mum who raised three children by herself and loved us so deeply.

Question: How did you meet Jesus?

(Aki) Upon graduation from high school, my father sent me to New Zealand for English study. In Christchurch I got to know two Germans who told me about Jesus Christ for the first time in my life. I had always believed that the only solution for me to be set free from all my despair and fear was to die. But Jesus died in my place so I can live and be free. The Good News was tremendously shocking. I believed in Christ and He began to change me inside out.

(Sachi) At the age of 19, I met one Indonesian girl in America. She shared her life experience with God, and told me the Gospel. As I sensed something different in her, for the first time I went to church with her. Although I couldn't understand the church service all in Indonesian language, I strongly felt something in my heart. As I started to read the Bible and pray, I was touched by God’s love. I realized my sin and understood the meaning of the cross and decided to receive Jesus in my life.

Question: What was a special experience in your walk with Jesus?

(Aki) If I am to choose one, it is the salvation of my father. He was an environmental scientist who would say, "everything can be proven by science, and there is no god." But when he was in his late 50th, he got the diagnosis of a rare aggressive cancer in its later stage. Despite all the possible medical treatments, his body was deteriorating. He had somewhat begun his own quest for the Christian God. Many of our believer friends all over the world were praying for my dad and he was deeply touched. One day he suddenly told me he wanted to believe in Christ. I led him in prayer and he invited Jesus into his life. Two month later, he went back to heaven.

(Sachi) When Aki and I first met in New Zealand, we thought we had very different callings from God: Aki for Europe and I for Muslims in Indonesia. Our visions didn't seem to intersect but the Lord led us to work in Austria for Muslim people. God’s plans are always the best and greater than what we expect.

Question: What is it like living in Austria for you?

We feel very well settled here but life is very difficult with two small children because Sachi has been going through tough cancer treatments over a year. Five months after our arrival in Austria, all of sudden, Sachi received an aggressive breast cancer diagnosis. Shaken to the core, we considered returning to Japan for treatment but the Lord led us to staying here. Sachi has done 16 times of chemotherapy, the surgery, 15 times of radiation, and is now on the hormone therapy and the 14-time preventive chemotherapy. Though the life threating experience, God has connected us with good neighbors, caring colleagues, and dear friends who have become like family to us. The Lord also gifted our children with the Austrian grandparents. Austria has become the second homeland for our family.

Question: What surprised you in Austria? (positive and negative)

After sunny and even hot days in spring, it suddenly snows again!

Compared to other German speaking countries, communication is indirect. One doesn't know what others really mean from the spoken words only. That's how we communicate back home in Japan and it makes us feel at home!

Question: Tell us a bit about your ministry: what do you do, what is exciting, what is difficult, what’s special?

We are a part of the Building Bridges team in Linz and involved in an immigrant / refugee ministry. We get to know people with Muslim backgrounds, build a friendship and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them. Visiting them at home and building a relationship is what we really enjoy. Discipleship is however a challenge. We have been doing a church-plant but only a handful of people are committed and regularly attend the service. What is special is though, once they grasp deep inside what it means to walk with Christ, they are fearless despite possible brutal persecutions they might go through. Immigrants/refugees are one of the keys for the revival in Europe and beyond.

Question: Coming from outside the country, what would you like to tell Austrian Christians?

First of all, our family would like to thank you, Austrians for this amazing country. What you in Europe value, decide and follow will later greatly influence the whole world not only economically and politically but also spiritually. What you decide for Christ also influences the whole world. Love God, love others, step out of your comfort zone, and the Lord will reveal His glory through you.

Question: How can we pray for you?

Please pray for Sachi for God's complete healing. Please pray that we daily walk with Jesus closely. For more update, please visit our website: (select English)










(サチ):19 歳のとき、アメリカでインドネシア人の女の子と出会いました。 彼女の中に自分にはないものを感じたので、彼女と一緒に人生で初めて教会に行きました。礼拝はすべてインドネシア語で理解できませんでしたが、心に何かを強く感じました。聖書を読み祈り始める中で、神の愛に感動しました。私は自分の罪に気づき、十字架の意味を理解し、人生にイエスさまを受け入れることに決めました。


(アキ):一つだけしか選べないならば、それは父親の救いです。彼は環境計測士で化学・科学に長けており、「すべては科学で証明でき、神など存在しない」と事あるごとに豪語していましたが、50 歳代後半のとき、進行性の希少がんの診断を受けます。あらゆる可能な治療の甲斐も虚しく、容態は悪化の一途をたどります。そんな中、僕の知らないところで彼なりにキリスト教の神を見出す探求を始めていました。世界中のクリスチャンの多くの友人が父のために祈ってくれていることに、父は深く感動していました。ある日、父親が突然、僕を部屋に呼び、キリストを信じたいと言うのです。父を祈りに導くと、彼は自分の罪を神さまの御前に告白し、イエスさまを自分の人生に受け入れました。 2か月後、父は天国に戻っていきました。



居心地良いですが、幼い子ども2人を抱える生活は難しさも感じます。というのは、サチが1年以上厳しいがん治療を受けているからです。オーストリアに到着してから 5か月後、突然、攻撃性の強い乳がんの診断を受けました。心底震え、治療のために日本に戻ることも考えましたが、主は私たちにここに留まるよう導かれました。サチはこれまでに16回の抗がん剤治療、手術、15回の放射線治療を行い、現在ホルモン療法と14回の予防的処置抗がん剤治療を受けています。生命を脅かすような経験を通して、神さまは私たち家族を近所の方々、思いやりのある同僚、そして家族のようになった友人たちとつなげてくださいました。主はまた、子どもたちにオーストリアのおじいちゃんとおばあちゃんを贈ってくださいました。オーストリアは私たち家族にとって第二の故郷になりました。






私たちはリンツで活動しているBuilding Bridges(橋渡し)チームの一員で、移民・難民支援のミニストリーに携わっています。イスラム教徒を背景に持つ人々と知り合い、友人関係を築き、イエス・キリストの福音を分かち合う、そのようなミニストリーです。彼らの家を訪ねて信頼関係を築くことを本当に楽しんでいます。ただ、弟子訓練は大きな課題です。チームは教会開拓を行ってきましたが、定期的献身的に礼拝に出席している人は一握りしかいません。しかし、特別なことは、キリストと共に歩むことの意味や祝福を深く理解した中東の人たちは、恐れ知らずです。残忍な迫害に遭うかもしれませんが、イエスに従い続けます。移民・難民は、ヨーロッパそしてその先のリバイバルの鍵の一つです。





サチのために神さまの完全ないやしをお祈りください。私たちが日々、イエスさまと近く共に歩むことができるように祈ってください。詳しい近況はウェブサイト www.yyministry.comをご覧ください。

Akihiro Yabe