Will you forgive? / 赦しますか?


In Austria and Europe, Covid, influenza, and colds are prevalent this winter, and the symptoms of colds seem to be stronger than usual.

Since Sunday, Liana has been sick, coughing badly at night, and Sachi hasn't slept well for several days. I've had a fever since Monday, and although I want to support my wife, I'm useless. Sachi will receive the chemotherapy on Monday, so please pray that her blood test results will be good despite the lack of sleep, and above all, that she won't get sick and will be able to receive the treatment without any problem.

Lior seems doing well at school. During the parent-teacher-student meeting, the teacher gave a compliment, saying, "Lior's German is better than the children of immigrants born here. It's a great achievement to have learnt the language in such a short period of time. It's nice to see Lior have good local friends." Before coming to Europe, our biggest concern was about Lior, and we are grateful that God answered our prayers and has given him wonderful friends.

Liana is doing well too. She loves singing and dancing as always. Lately, she's been also obsessed with "homework". Lior, who doesn't like homework, brings difficult questions to Sachi or me and solves them in the living room. Seeing Lior, Liana insists she also wants to do homework. She colors, traces letters, and doesn't seem to understand, "Why on earth does Lior dislike such fun "homework"?"

As for the ministry, I’ve been recently focusing on visiting refugees. During the Bible study at the refugee house, we learnt about how we can be forgiven of sin and how we should fight against committing sins. A few days later, while walking through a supermarket, I was wrapped, out of the blue, with an overwhelming sense of gratitude that I am forgiven by God though Jesus Christ. 

The Christmas is a time that reminds us that God has come to offer us His love and forgiveness in His Son (John 3:16-17). "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."(1 John 1:9) Therefore, when God forgives us, it's important that we forgive ourselves too and move on. There is no point having self-disgust over sins that God has already forgiven us of. We should not get into the same sin again but we should not be locked away in self-resentment either. 

God's will for us, regarding forgiveness, doesn't end here. The Word of God tells us further that we are also to forgive others who have wronged us (Colossians 3:13). One thing that convinces me while interacting with different people groups is that every human being, regardless of their beliefs and cultures, needs love and forgiveness in order to live healthily. With a sense of guilt for oneself or bitterness towards others, humans can never have inner freedom.  

Having said that, I had many questions in regard to forgiving others. "What does it mean to forgive others as Jesus forgave me?" "If the offender is not sorry, wouldn't forgiving mean that I indicate an approval for the offense he/she committed?" I also know people whose lives have been devastated but their aggrievers are already dead. What and how on earth are the victims expected to forgive?  

It's said that not only is unforgiveness a big factor of mental illness, but it can also be a cause for physical sickness. Unforgiveness ruins human relationships and negatively affects our relationship with God. I sadly frequently observe in asylum seekers/refugees/immigrants an incredible amount of bitterness and even hatred towards others. Even among believers. From a personal level to a national level such as Azerbaijan and Armenia, Kurdistan and neighboring countries.

Then I began to realize that the reason why the Lord tells us to forgive others is ultimately for our good. God wants us to live a blessed life (3 John 1:2), but unforgiveness blocks God's blessings and puts us in the darkness (1 John 2:9). 

Brother/Pastor Yun, who miraculously survived severe persecutions, states in his book, Living Water,

“ Reconciliation requires two parties to come together and sort out their differences. Forgiveness requires only one. We forgive not to set the other party free, but to set ourselves free.”

He continues,

"Forgiveness does not mean that people who have committed heinous crimes will get away with it. Not at all. Rather, forgiveness is the act of releasing our own desire for vengeance and leaving it in God's hand."

Romans 12:19 says, "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord." 

If forgiveness is a one-way act that sets ‘me’ free, the aggrieved have the responsibility in hand. We are to forgive the perpetrator and leave it to God's righteous judgment for the offense he or she caused to us. In this way, forgiveness is possible even if the perpetrator is already dead. The bigger the hurt is, the more impossible it seems to forgive, but Jesus showed us His example on the Cross. “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”(Luke 23:34).

God has voluntarily and unilaterally forgiven us in Christ (Ephesians 4:32) and has reached out to us to receive His forgiveness. It is then up to us, humans to receive His forgiveness and reconcile with God. In the same way, we are told to forgive people who have wronged us. 

If unforgiveness is a cause of mental illness, physical sickness, social life destruction and spiritual dryness, forgiving will bring in God's healing and blessings in every aspect of our lives. God doesn't want us to be bound in the darkness - He wants to us be free. If we ask the Holy Spirit to bring people to our mind whom God wants us to forgive, He will.

If we have received God's love and forgiveness, let us not go to the year 2023 with bitterness and unforgiveness in our hearts. The Lord is waiting to bless us even more, but will we forgive and be free? 

Pictures: Liana doing her favorite "homework”. Indoor soccer with refugees. The Ethiopian Bible (In red is John 3:16-17).






クリスマスは、神が御子にあって愛と赦しを与えるために来られたことを思い出させてくれます(ヨハネ3:16-17)。「もし、私たちが自分の罪を言い表わすなら、神は真実で正しい方ですから、その罪を赦し、すべての悪から私たちをきよめてくださいます」(1 ヨハネ 1:9)。したがって、神が赦してくださったなら、私たちも自分自身を赦して前へ進む必要があります。神がすでに赦してくださった罪を自己嫌悪しても仕方がありません。再び同じ罪を犯すべきではありませんが、自己嫌悪の中に閉じ込められるべきでもありません。


とは言っても、他人を赦すことに関して、僕自身多くの問いがありました。 「イエスさまが赦してくださったように、人を赦すとはどういうこと?」「加害者が謝罪してないなら、赦すことは、その加害者が犯した罪を容認しているということでは?」 僕はまた、人生がめちゃくちゃにされた人々を知っています。でも彼らに悪を行なった加害者はすでに亡くなっています。被害者はいったい何をどのように赦せというのでしょう?


そして、主が私たちに他人を赦すようにとおっしゃる理由は、究極的には私たち自身のためであることに気づき始めました。神は私たちに祝福の人生を望んでおられますが(3 ヨハネ 1:2)、赦さないことは、神の祝福を妨げ、私たちをやみの中に投げ込みます(1ヨハネ 2:9)。

言葉を失うような厳しい迫害の数々を奇跡的に生き延びたユン牧師は著書『Living Water』の中で、このように述べています。(僕の訳で失礼します)

「和解には、2人の当事者が歩み寄り相違点を整理する必要があります。赦しに必要なのは 1 人だけです。私たちが赦すのは、相手(加害者)を自由にするためではなく、自分自身を自由にするためです」「赦しとは、悪を犯した人々がそれを免れることを意味するのではありません。赦すとは、私たちが持っている自分自身で復讐したいという欲求を解放し、それを神の手に委ねる行為です。」


赦しが一方的な行為で、しかも「」を自由にする行為あるなら、被害者は自分自身の手の中に赦しの責任を持っています。私たちは加害者を赦し、彼らの罪に対する神の正しい裁きに任せるべきです。これなら、加害者がすでに亡くなっていても赦しは可能です。傷が大きければ大きいほど、赦すことは不可能に思えますが、イエスさまは十字架上で模範を示してくださいました。「父よ。彼らをお赦しください。彼らは,何をしているのか自分でわからないのです」(ルカ 23:34)。

神は、キリストにあって私たちを自発的に一方的に赦し(エペソ 4:32)、神の赦しを受け取るよう手を差し伸べてくださいました。ですので、神の赦しを受け、神と和解するかどうかは人間側に委ねられています。同様に、私たちも私たちを不当に扱った人を赦すように教えられているのです。




Akihiro Yabe