Neue Heimat, the church plant/開拓教会ノイエ・ハイマット
Neue Heimat (New Homeland) is a very unique church. It's not an Austrian church, but it's not a diaspora church neither (people of the same homeland or ethnicity worshipping together in another country). Neue Heimat is a multi-cultural church focused on people with the Islamic background, especially immigrants and refugees from the Middle East. They are a people group least reached with the Gospel.
Our aim is to become one in Christ, reconciled to God, each other and oneself despite differences in ethnicities, cultures, languages and backgrounds. (Ephesians 2:19) The church exists to be a bridge between Jesus and people, between foreigners and the Austrian society/people, and among Middle Easterners who might be possessed with conflicts and hate (Our target groups such as Afghans, Iranians, Kurds, Turks and Syrians have ethnic, cultural, political issues against one another).
There're many challenges in the church-plant but one thing I find particularly difficult is that many immigrants and refugees have wrong image of and expectation on Christianity. (Needless to say, there're also truth-seekers.) Defecting from countries characterized with life-danger and a number of restrictions, they feel so much freer here and many think it's something to do with Christianity. However, some expect that Christianity means allowing them to do/get what they want; namely the worldly pleasures. Others seem to treat the Lord Jesus like a vending machine or the Genie in Aladdin that gives them what they ask for. A great number of Middle Easterners have gone through Neue Heimat so far but only a handful of true converts have remained.
This is however not limited to the immigrants and refugees only. When I first came to Christianity from the Shinto/Buddhist background, I had a lot of wrong motivations and expectations. I'm very thankful to the Lord that He hasn't given up on me. With a number of encounters with Him through the Word of God and supernatural experiences, I've become who I am. (1 Cori 15:10) God revealed Himself to and met with me many times.
None of us have been right with God from the beginning because of our sin. We all have had experiences where we accepted Jesus as our personal Savior. But the next question and challenge for us is: Is Jesus also the Lord, the Center of our lives? This is the relationship the Bible leads us to. Many people happily accept Jesus as their Savior but still remain in the center of their lives, because they misunderstand that God withhold fun and enjoyment or they experience less freedom if they allow Jesus to be the Lord of their lives. But this is very wrong and we don't understand God correctly if we hold this view, as Romans 8:32 tells us. Having Jesus as the Lord is the best of bests for humanity.
The Lord is also revealing Himself to and meeting with our target group. For instance, an Iranian member at Neue Heimat has a good immigrant friend (non-believer) whose daughters were involved in a tragic accident. It made the nation-wide news. The six and eight years old girls were in a paddleboat that got a leak. Sadly the younger daughter was drowned and the older one was in a coma for about a fortnight.
Some time ago we had a special prayer service. During the service we also prayed for the girl in the coma and her parents in an extreme grief. The girl came to consciousness while we were praying, and a week later she was released form the hospital. This miracle surely became a God-encounter-incident for all of us. However, the family is still in the deepest valley of pain and grief for the youngest daughter. Please pray that the Lord would meet with the family. Pray with us that the family would come to experience the love and reality of Jesus Christ, and accept Him as their Savior and LORD.
Neue Heimat faces many challenges but I really like the church and feel that the Holy Spirit is working among us. My conviction is that if you are a human being, regardless of your race or background, you have all the rights to hear the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ at least once in the lifetime. The God-given church plant project, Neue Heimat has so much potential to make Jesus-followers and be a blessing for the city of Linz and beyond.
Some leaders including Sachi are missing in this picture but love and respect to everyone in the Neue Heimat leadership team. サチを含めたリーダーがこの写真には写っていませんが、このノイエ・ハイマットのリーダーシップチームが大好きです。
The 8 year old girl in a coma/ 昏睡状態だった8歳の少女
During the prayer service, the girl woke up and this picture with a smile on her face came to our WhatsApp group. 祈り会の最中に少女は意識を取り戻し、笑顔いっぱいのこの写真が送られてきました。
Neue Heimat(ノイエ・ハイマット、「新たな故郷」の意味)はとてもユニークな教会です。それはオーストリアの教会ではありませんが、ディアスポラ教会でもありません(同じ祖国または民族の人びとが別の国で一緒に礼拝すること)。 ノイエ・ハイマットは、イスラム教の背景を持つ人びと、特に中東からの移民や難民に焦点をあてた多文化教会です。彼らは福音が最も到達していない未伝部族です。