God's perfect timing/神さまの完璧なタイミング
On 8 November, the second round of Sachi's chemotherapy began. It's every three weeks with different types of medicines for 3 months. This time the side effects seem more difficult to bear. The hardest is Nausea and vomiting.
Sachi could hardly drink and eating was out of the question. It's a really challenging time for her and for us but we surely see the Lord's gracious hand upon all of us.
A couple of weeks ago, I got an email from a Japanese pastor. Pastor Kawai is an over 30 yearlong missionary to Romanians. He'd heard about us from his friend and wanted to meet with us when visiting a Romanian church near Linz. On 6 November, I went to meet him at the house he way staying at. Before I left after a wonderful time, he and Sebastian, the man of the house invited me to the Romanian church where the pastor was going to preach the next day.
Sachi and kids came with me to the church. It was one day before the new chemotherapy. As soon as we went into the church building, we were introduced to the senior pastor who all the sudden asked me, "Could you give us a word (from the Bible)?" I was totally unprepared but missionaries don't say "No", you know? I took on the request, being reminded of Luke 12:11-12 , "the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.”
I talked about why our family had come to Austria, what we do here, the Neue Heimat church plant and our fight against cancer. I then shared a little message from the word of Jesus in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Following it, Pastor Kawai preached boldly and the church was filled with God's awe and glory. After the service, one Romanian lady, Maria came up to Sachi. She told us that she had had a very aggressive cancer 8 years ago and gone through every possible treatment including the operation, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. We then found out that she is the mother of our friend, Alex who is the husband of Tabea's sister. (I wrote about Tabea before. She is a radiologist at Sachi's hospital whom the Lord used to perform miracles.) Getting to know Maria was encouraging but the story didn't end there.
After church, we were spontaneously invited to Sebastian’s family. He told us that after the service, some people came to him and offered help for our family. We were blown away by the kindness and warmth of the Romanian Christians.
The chemotherapy started on Monday and the side effects have been very difficult for Sachi. On Tuesday afternoon, not expecting, I got a message from Maria. She cooked some soup for Sachi that I should come pick it up. Sachi was able to drink a bit of the soup despite nausea, praise the Lord!!! The next day, Maria cooked some meal for our family and brought it to us. Sachi received a lot of encouragement from Maria, who had gone through similar experiences and is now cancer-free! Sachi was so encouraged that she gained mental and spiritual strength that also improved her physical capacity. For us, Maria is such a blessing sent from the Lord.
Yes, the chemotherapy is very difficult not only for the patient but also for the family. But the Lord is gracious and His timing is perfect. The Lord connected us with all the amazing people just in time before the chemotherapy, so that with their help we were able to endure the first toughest days.
In our difficulties and weakness, the Lord continues to show His faithfulness, kindness and glory through His people. We can't do anything but bow down before the Lord. Thank you for your prayers and support. God is real and He is alive. Amen.
Maria kindly sharing her experience with Sachi after the worship service. 礼拝後、マリアさんがサチに自身の経験を分かち合ってくれました。
With Pastor Kawai and Sebastian. 川井先生とセバスチャンさんと一緒に。
Taste of Romania 🇷🇴 Very Delicious! Thank you, Maria 🙏ルーマニアの味 🇷🇴 とてもおいしかったです!マリアさん、ありがとうございました。
While suffering from the side effects, this song helped us to look to Jesus. 副作用で苦しむ中、この賛美がイエスさまを見上げる助けとなりました。