Making Jesus known/イエスさまを知らせる


Last Sunday at Rhema Church, we had a special service and prayed for persecuted Christians all over the world. In many parts of the world, just because one has faith in Jesus, he or she is persecuted. During the service, the Lord also led me to prayer for persecutors. Humanly speaking, it’s hard to imagine and understand but God loves persecutors too.

If we let sin abide in us and don’t deal with it, it destroys life. Sin - rebellion or indifference to the living God - is the root cause of every problem. It's reported that 7,400 ethnic groups, making up over 42 % of the world population are still unreached with the Good News of Jesus. ( The current world population is approximately 7.9 billion (7,900,000,000), so 3,318,000,000 people have no or very little access to the Gospel. They have very little understanding of how much God loves them and how devastating their sin is. 

Jesus commanded us, His followers to make disciples from every nation/ethnic people group. God wants everyone to be in Heaven with Him, but unless the problem of sin is satisfactorily dealt with in the eyes of the Creator, no one can enter Heaven.
We have the wonder remedy, Jesus Christ, available for the problem of sin, but the decision for the Son of God must be made while living on earth. Hebrew 9:27 "And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment".

If your family and close friends don't know Jesus as their Savior and Lord, I pray with you. If the Lord wants to use you to tell them about Him (that's often the case), please don't refuse it but accept the opportunity and challenge. It's so worth being ridiculed or disliked for the time being than seeing them in destruction forever. If the souls of your family and friends are already in a secure place, please remember the 3,318,000,000 people. 

I used to dislike rearranging a room. But Sachi likes and does it now and then. As I love my wife, what she likes and values matters to me too. Now I enjoy rearranging a room. When we deepen a love relationship with God, His heart becomes our own too.  

We have different motives when sharing the Gospel with others (Philippians 1:15-18) but essentially our motive has to always start from God, because it's Him that created them (Psalm 139:14), it's Him that loves them (Romans 5:8), it's Him that wants them to be saved (2 Peter 3:9). 

The fact alone that you and I and they exist proves that God loves us. When rearranging, furnishing and decorating the house, we wouldn't buy things that make us feel disgust. We buy things that we love; things that make us feel good. That's what God did with us. Because God loves us, He created us. 

When sharing Jesus with others, I'm often reminded of missionaries and their family members buried in Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery in South Korea. My family visited the place in 2018 and it has given me a huge impact till this day.

In the 19th century, missionaries travelled to Korea by ship. One of the most striking stories we heard at the cemetery was that missionaries lost their children and babies in the hygienically and medically poor conditions, but they didn't leave Korea, instead kept on preaching the Gospel. Not every missionary can do the same and without God’s special guidance and strength it’s impossible. Now South Korea is among the world’s top missionary-sending countries. 

Sharing the Good News of Jesus can cost various sacrifices, but God is faithful. The Lord understands our struggles, worries and fear, and is always with us (Matthew 28:20). God loves us and He loves everyone. Let us not stop following Jesus and making Him known in the world around us.  

" Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown." Revelation 2:10 

過ぎた日曜日、レマ教会で特別な礼拝が持たれ、教会全体で世界中の迫害されているクリスチャンのために祈りました。 世界の多くの地域で、イエスさまを信じているという理由だけで、迫害されている人々がいます。 礼拝と祈りの時、主は僕に迫害者のためにも祈るよう導いてくださいました。 人間的に言えば、想像・理解するのは難しいですが、神さまは迫害者をも愛しておられます。

罪は放っておくと、人生を破壊します。罪 −生ける神への反逆または無関心− はあらゆる問題の根本的な原因です。イエスさまの良き知らせは、未だ7,400の民族グループ(世界人口の42%以上)に届けられていません(。現在の世界人口は約79億人ですので、33億1800万の人は、福音を聞けない、読めない、アクセスできていないことになります。彼らは、神さまがどれほど彼らを愛しておられるのか、彼らの罪がどれほど壊滅的であるかほとんど知ることができません。










Akihiro Yabe