12 weeks completed/12週無事終了
① Please rejoice with us! Sachi has successfully finished her first round of the chemotherapy (12 weeks 12 doses). I am so proud of my wife. It has been a tough journey for Sachi and also for all of us. Last couple of weeks has been particularly difficult with infection but despite Sachi's infection value being still high (if too high, impossible for the chemotherapy), she was able to complete the round. We thank God for His love and mercy. We thank you for your prayers and support.
Now Sachi will get a 3 week break and the second round begins on 8 November (12 weeks 4 doses). On 30 November she has a MR and Mammography check-up to see the progress.
Please keep her in your prayers, especially that the Lord would heal her of her infection and protect her during the break.
② Last Wednesday Wolfgang, the father of Lior's best friend and classmate and I went to an evangelistic event called Unglaublich (Unbelievable) where Mr. Ulrich Parzany, a well-known evangelist in the German speaking world shared the message of the Bible.
Though I was able to understand only 50 - 60 % of the message, it was a blessing to listen to and see how the Gospel can/should be presented to German speaking natives. Sachi and I are serving immigrants and refugees now but one day we'd love to reach the locals with the Good News of Jesus Christ. (Many locals are atheists. Some call themselves "Christian" but they don't even know what four Books of the Gospel are (!), for example.)
( It was also a blessing and surprise to meet and find out that Mr. Franz Seiser , the organizer and Mr. Ulrich are good friends of Ingomar who helped us with our Austrian visa in Tokyo.)
③ Neue Heimat, the church plant is making its Facebook page. Steven, a OM teammate from the US and I have been working on the page. Once it's completed, I'll send you on Facebook a request to "Like" the page, so please support us by praying and growing the Facebook community, so that more people can be reached with the church information and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
④ Although I can't yet write anything concrete, there has been a big blessing or a step forward (for me it's a miracle) regarding the issues concerning our visa and tax payment. Thank you for your prayers. But it doesn't mean that the issues will surely be solved, as there is still a mountain of obstacles to overcome. Please remember us in your prayers.
Opening the last present of the chemotherapy basket/抗がん剤バスケットの最後の一つを開けます
With Mr. Ulrich (Middle) and Mr. Franz (Right) /ウルリッヒさん(中央)とフランツさん(右)と
③開拓教会のNeue HeimatがFacebookページを制作しています。アメリカ人のOMチームメイト、スティーブンと僕でページ制作に取り組んでいるのですが、完成したら、Facebookを利用されている皆さんに、「いいね」のリクエストをお送りします。どうぞ、「いいね」を押してくださり、教会の情報とイエスさまの福音をもっと多くの人に届けるために、Facebookコミュニティーが成長するよう、祈ってサポートしていただけたら嬉しいです。