So wide and so deep/とても広くて、とても深い
Liana got fever again and Lior has a stomachache. They had just recovered from a cold, so it came as discouragement. On Saturday Sachi had fever too and we rushed to the emergency hospital. If fever is infection-related, it can be life threating and interfere and postpone the chemotherapy and other treatments. Thanks to God, it wasn't serious and Sachi got anti-biotic and came home. While struggling with stomach problems, my throat infection and coughing has got worsen without improvement despite a week-long anti-biotic. Health issues are sucking energy and vigor out of us.
As I wrote in our last update, some problems have occurred concerning our visa and taxes, etc. Although OM Austria is doing their best to resolve them, for which we're truly thankful, there're still many unknowns. At the worst case there lays a possibility of us having to leave the country, not immediately but earlier than expected. (I'll update more detailed information when things become clearer.) We would eventually happily return to Japan that we love but we don't want to leave Austria until we fulfill God's calling for us here.
It's said that half of battle against cancer is a mental battle and Sachi is no exception. Due to the above issues and problems, we often feel weak, and one night Sachi who is normally positive spilled, " Is God making us leave Austria because I haven’t been doing much ministry because of health struggles?" We're all tempted to have a wrong image of God when life faces consecutive hardships.
I replied, "It's already enough as long as you're with us. Our kids and I love you not because of what you do but for who you are." As soon as I said that, I was startled because isn't it how our God thinks of us?
First of all, God loves us, not because of what we do/can do for Him, nor even because of who we are. God loves us primarily because of who He is (His nature); God is love. (1 John 4:7-21) When we question and doubt God's love for us, we're in a wrong place, taking our eyes off Him and focusing on ourselves, especially our shortcomings or sins, or our difficulties. We can't increase nor decrease God's love for us, whether believers or non-believers because it's not about us at the first place but always about Him. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
Secondly, we belong to God. God is love and He is also just, so He can't ignore human sins. God's justice has to punish our sins. Love and justice seems the opposite side of the road but these two intersected on the cross of Jesus. We're therefore forgiven, loved and welcomed into God's family as His children through faith in Christ (Gal 4:5-7). The Father loves us, because we belong to Him (1 John 3:1). This is an absolute privilege of only the followers of Jesus.
God cares about and treasure our "being" first and utmost, more than our "doing" (The parables of the prodigal son, the lost sheep and the lost coin Luke 15). And He wants our hearts before our deeds. The world tells us to find our success in what we do or achieve. But true success can only be found in communion with God, in intimacy with Him. Our ultimate success is to love God and to be loved by Him. Everything else flows from there.
Yes, we've been facing hardships and we aren't / can't be doing language study and ministry as much as we'd like. I also know some of our good friends have been facing hardships too. But whether it be health problems or job search, relationship issues or other struggles, let us take the opportunity to learn that God does love us when we're weak, otherwise we wouldn't be able to experience God's love so wide and deep. It's a golden opportunity .
Ephesians 3:17-19 And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Lord, as long as it’s Your Will for us, we want to serve You here. 主よ、御心の(期間)限り、ここであなたに仕えたいです。
God‘s promise (Jeremiah 29:11) that I found on the wall of Sachi’s emergency hospital. サチの救急病院の壁に見つけた神さまの約束(エレミヤ29:11)
Enjoying the autumn 🌰 秋を楽しんでいます🌰
エペソ3:17-19こうしてキリストが、あなたがたの信仰によって、あなたがたの心のうちに住んでいてくださいますように。また、愛に根ざし、愛に基礎を置いているあなたがたが、 すべての聖徒とともに、その広さ、長さ、高さ、深さがどれほどであるかを理解する力を持つようになり、人知をはるかに越えたキリストの愛を知ることができますように。こうして、神ご自身の満ち満ちたさまにまで、あなたがたが満たされますように。