Promise Keeper/約束を守るお方
I have posted in our Facebook closed page about the result of Sachi's follow-up/interim ultrasound check but I would like to inform you on this blog too. Although cancer in the breast couldn’t be examined due to calcification, the cancer in the lymph nodes has shrunk to about half of what it was before the chemotherapy. The doctor was positively surprised by the result and it shows that the very tough chemotherapy is working. Praise the Lord God and thank you for your support in prayers!
29 September was our ninth wedding anniversary. I love my wife. I truly love her more than when we got married but I don't take it for granted, as it's pure grace of our Lord. I read different sources that indicate the divorce rate of so many countries is over 40 %. Sadly among Christians (Those who identify themselves as non-Catholics) is over 50% and 33 % even among those who claim to be born again Christians. From my work experience in the past, I'm aware of various incidents in which people have to choose divorce, so I have no intention at all to blame them but the Bible is basically against divorce. One thing I am sure about is that good marriage takes efforts to continue choosing God's ways.
On the wedding day, we make a marriage vow/covenant before God. He honors and blesses us when we are faithful to the promise we made because God Himself is a Promise/Covenant Keeper. In history, the Lord has proven/will prove Himself again and again true and faithful to His covenants. The Creation covenant (Jer 33:25), The Adamic covenant (Gen 1-3), The Noahic covenant (Gen 9), The Abrahamic covenant (Gen 12), The Mosaic covenant (Exo-Num), The Moab (Palestine) covenant (Num 30:1-10), The Davidic covenant (2 Sam 7:16), The New covenant (Jer 31:31-34), etc.
When we doubt and wonder if God loves us (when we "feel" God's love, it's easy. But how about when we don't feel it?), we can see the Cross. Then we can clearly see He does love us; He has given us Jesus and Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).
In the same way, when we doubt and wonder if God is faithful to His promises, we can see the covenants (and prophesies) that He has already fulfilled. Then we know for certain that He will keep all His promises/covenants even if our current circumstances don’t seem to look like it.
I have recently learnt a shocking fact that quite a number of married couples divorce when a partner is diagnosed with cancer or serious disease. (Of course so many more couples and families fight against the disease together with the patient.) But in our case our trust and love for each other has grown so much more last few months than ever before and our family tie has become much stronger. Sachi is an amazing wife to me and a wonderful mother to the children.
We will continue to be true and faithful to each other and to the Lord, and fight the disease and overcome it together, as our Lord is true and faithful to us.
Prayer request:
Problems have arisen, concerning our visa and taxes. OM Austria, our support group in Japan and we have been prayerfully doing our best to find the solutions. Please pray that the Lord would give us His wisdom and favor, and that He would reveal His glory through the problems.
We took our wedding anniversary photos/結婚記念日の写真を撮りました
Sachi says, she’s happy to celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary with a shining head🤣/ツルピカで結婚9周年を祝えて、めでたいとサチが喜んでいます🤣
Yes, I love my wife! 妻を愛してます!
Best and fun photographer/ベストフォトグラファー
Dankeschön, Esther! ダンケシェン、 エスター!
Jesus It is You - True Worshippers