Result of follow-up examination/経過観察検査の結果
Writer: Sachie
I have a very happy report for everyone!
I received the best gift I have ever had on my birthday. One is a video message from many of my beloved friends. I am deeply grateful to each and every one of you for giving me a message. I couldn't stop crying while watching the video.
And there was another gift from God. I received the result of MR mammography by mail.
The doctor wrote in the report, "Eindrucksvolle Tumor regression (impressive tumor regression) " The tumor has shrunk dramatically, and the swelling of the lymph, which was 28 mm in July, is now normal size.
On the day of the examination, my friend, Tabea who works at the hospital, came to accompany me when the test started. I was greatly comforted by her presence.
We went to the house doctor at the nearest clinic about the result and he said the result is very good. The tumor is almost gone, but there may still be something that is about the size of small dots, and two more chemotherapy doses are necessary. (Since the size of the tumor is very small, it seems that it is invisible to the naked eye even if it is removed by surgery.)
It's really a miracle of God. I am deeply grateful that God has done such a miracle. I am deeply grateful that chemotherapy has worked very well so far and to each and every one of you for believing in healing and continuing to pray.
Please pray that all the cancer cells will be completely eliminated from my body with the remaining two chemotherapy treatments.
Please pray that God would give me strength to finish the next chemotherapy doses. I have lost some weight due to treatment and side effects, so please pray for weight gain.
著者: 幸恵
医師は報告書に「Eindrucksvolle Tumorregression(印象的な腫瘍退縮)」と書いています。腫瘍は劇的に縮小して、7月には28mmあったリンパの腫れも通常サイズになっているとのことです。
結果について最寄りのクリニックのハウスドクター(主治医)にも意見を聞きに行きましたが、とても良い結果だと言ってくれました。腫瘍はほとんどなくなっていますが、まだ小さな点々ほどの大きさのがんのようなものがあるかもしれないとのことで、さらに2回の抗がん剤は必要とのことです。 (腫瘍の大きさは非常に小さいため、手術で取り出しても肉眼では見えないレベルだそうです。)