Blown away/驚き圧倒される
"What?! What are these bags?!" We were blown away.
At the end of November Lior needed some winter clothes and shoes for his school but as it's our first Austrian winter in school this year, he didn't have any yet. The lockdown closed all the shops and I hurried to order some via Amazon, but the earliest arrival date was the end of December or sometime in January.
Around the same time, somehow our family's health struggles became known to the Romanian Christian communities in Liz area (The Biggest evangelical church in Austria is Romanian), and I began receiving WhatsApp messages. They hadn't met us and they didn't even know us but they were earnestly praying for Sachi for healing.
Within a very short period of time, we suddenly received many bags of winter clothes, food, shoes, etc one after another!!! So many that we were able to share some with others. Some believers have also spontaneously started cooking for us in turns every week. They said that until the end of Sachi's chemotherapy, each one would cook once a week; now we are given warm meals regularly.
Our car's exhaust got broken. I contacted our car technician and others but the earliest date they could fix it was 10 January after the winter break. The car didn't run well and the noise was becoming so loud. One Romanian contacted me because he has his own service garage. I went there yesterday and already got the problem fixed with a cheaper price!
All of these God's grace and care was so encouraging to us because we were all feeling exhausted: Kids are stressed and sensitive. Lior often has a headache and stomachache probably caused by stress. Sachi's side-effects are strong at times though controlled by medicines. On top of my stomach problem (it looks like I have flour allergy now), my tongue got swollen and painful. I was transferred to a hospital where a doctor palpitated and concluded that I have a lot of stress though I don't notice it.
Therefore, receiving such generous and practical help from God's people as written above was truly encouraging and refreshing. We were blown away by the grace and care of God through brothers and sisters in Christ.
On 19 December, Neue Heimat held a special Christmas service with attendances from Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, the USA, Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Even a new Japanese girl came too! (There're hardly any Japanese in Linz) We learnt about the Christmas customs in Austria, sang Christmas carols in different languages, listened to the Christmas message, followed by a fellowship with tea and biscuits. (In the Middle Eastern cultures, tea is a must!) The Middle Easterners wouldn't have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ unless they left their own countries. God is changing their hearts and lives by the power of His Spirit.
Each year as I listen to the Christmas message; what the Father God did for us and how Jesus came to save us, I am increasingly BLOWN AWAY. The more I understand my sin and shortcomings before the Father, the more thankful and speechless I become for the Son. He had everything in Heaven but sacrificed it to come down to live among us because He loved/loves us.
Sachi and I are moved to tears by the care of our Christian brothers and sisters, and above all by the love and sacrifice of our Lord. We wish you all a blessed Christmas season. Thank you for your prayers and support. All glory and honor to our Lord.
Matthew 1:22-23
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).
12月19日、開拓教会のノイエ・ハイマットは、クリスマス特別礼拝を行いました。参加者はアフガニスタン、シリア、イラン、アメリカ、スイス、ドイツ、オーストリアから。そしてなんと初!日本人の女子学生も来てくれました! (リンツには日本人はほとんどいません)オーストリアのクリスマスの習慣について学び、さまざまな言語でクリスマスキャロルを歌い、クリスマスメッセージを聞いた後、お茶とビスケットで交わりの時を持ちました。 (中東の文化では、お茶は必須です!)参加者の中東の人々は、自国を離れない限り、イエス・キリストの福音を聞くことはありえなかった人々です。主は御霊の力によって働きかけ、彼らの心と生活を変えられつつあります。
このすべての出来事は、主が預言者を通して言われた事が成就するためであった。 「見よ、処女がみごもっている。そして男の子を産む。その名はインマヌエルと呼ばれる。」(訳すと、神は私たちとともにおられる、という意味である。)