The start of the year 2022/2022年のスタート


A happy blessed new year to you! 

It's been a year since we came to Austria. Looking back, we couldn't thank God enough for His mercy and grace and thank you enough for your prayers and support.  

We had such a wonderful time during the Christmas and the New Year's Eve. We were invited to the local families. It was such a blessing for us to experience the Austrian way of Christmas and celebrate the birth of our Savior and Lord Jesus! 

Sachi's treatments will continue. 10 January is the last chemotherapy. We will hear the details of the operation plan on 1 February, but the total removal operation seems to take place on 14 or 16 February. After the operation, they will examine the tissues and if there isn't any cancer cell found, then no more chemotherapy. If there is still some, an additional chemotherapy will be planned. Please pray that the Lord would grant a good result so that an additional chemotherapy won’t be needed.  

As I mentioned some time ago, due to our particular circumstances we have got some issues that would possibly occur, concerning taxes and the stay permit here. We are the first ever-Asian family (out of EU) to join OM Austria and some administrative procedures are still unclear. In any case, as we want to be always transparent and accountable before the Lord, the authorities, our supporters and people we minister to, we have been prayerfully seeking a solution to all these possible problems. The best solution seemed that we are employed by a local entity, but of course, it's not easy.  

To our astonishment, the pastors and leadership team of Rhema Gemeinde, our local church has taken a very gracious and faith-filled step to employ us. (The fact that we're staff of Minemachi Christ Church and OM doesn't change) The official employment has started as of 1 January 2022. They also kindly wrote to OM Japan sometime ago: 

"We are writing to you on behalf of Akihiro and Sachie Yabe, who have been with us now for almost a year. As a church we are very thankful for them and the fact that they came to Austria to make Jesus known among migrants as well as Austrians. As you are aware of their personal and health situation has not been easy but even in this situation, they have shown love for the people they serve and commitment to the calling that is on their life. In their first year here and even in the midst of their difficulties as a whole family, they have become an encouragement and blessing for believers and the people they are reaching here in Austria. We believe that it is the right place and the right time that they are here with us. 

All of this is also the reason why we chose to officially employ them as a church and thereby provide a platform so they can continue with their ministry. We know that an official employment also means more financial support that they have to raise and are aware of the financial risk that this means for your organization, at the same time we are convinced that God has called them to Austria, so he will provide everything that they need.  

So we humbly ask that you would continue to support them and are looking forward to serving alongside Akihiro and Sachie to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus here in Austria." 

We are so grateful to the Lord for His help through the church. Rhema Gemeinde and OM take the Lord‘s Great Commission seriously, and we feel very privileged to work together with them to make Jesus known. But as written in the letter, Sachi and I carry all the financial responsibilities, and we/our support group/OM gather finances, monthly send it to Rhema Church that pays us the salary, after deducting taxes, etc. I will write the details in our annual financial report/newsletter in March, the official employment means our monthly-required finances will significantly increase. We would therefore humbly ask you to pray that the Lord would provide everything needed for this employment. 

In this new year, may we all experience the Lord Jesus in a new and fresh way, and love Him more and bring glory to Him alone, as He loves us so much more! 












Akihiro Yabe