What do you do? /どうしますか?


What do you do when you're put in a very difficult situation? How do you deal with the stress and fear? 

With our current situation, I'm sometimes tempted to think like this to feel better or to comfort myself. The 'this' is for example, "That person is facing more severe hardships than us." "Compared to that person, our situation is lighter."

I once even heard a prayer at church, "Thank You God, we're not like that country in misery.”The comparison to feel superior or more fortunate. It kind of reminds me of the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in Luke 18:9-14

The comparison might provide you with a quick comfort for your grief, but if you find someone in a similar situation with a better condition or outcome, not only is your comfort instantly gone but you will also feel more discouraged. Going back and forth from superior to inferior, from fortunate to unfortunate, the comparison never gives a lasting peace and courage to your soul. And your soul eventually becomes exhausted. 

I've been looking for a way to deal with my stress and fear because I'm naturally not good at it, and Watchman Nee puts it well what I'm beginning to discover in a deeper level myself: 

Every believer in this world has his unique experience, unique difficulty, and unique environment. Paul was saying that whatever problem we may have, the answer is always the love of Christ. Even if we have a hundred different kinds of difficulties, the solution is still the love of Christ. Some believers may encounter tribulation, some believers may be in anguish, others may encounter persecution, and still others, famine. Even if nakedness, peril, sword, etc. all come, they still cannot separate us from the love of Christ because the love of Christ can deal with all kinds of situations. Do we realize that after many people are captured by the love of Christ, they are able to pass through what other people cannot pass through. Watchman Nee, Notes on Scriptural Messages (1), msg. 1

When we are in a difficulty, we don't look to others and compare; we look to God who loves us. King David looked to God in his thousands of difficulties, and the Lord came to his rescue unfailingly again and again.

...God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

When a hardship comes our way, we know it's come through God's filter and we can immediately decide, "this is something I can overcome with God's help, or He will give me a way out. So, I will be ok. "

...we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Our hardship is not something to destroy us. Even if Satan intends to do so, if we cling to the Lord, He will use it to make us more like Jesus and show His glory. 

If I forget it, in my stomach pain and in Sachi's battle with disease and in challenges children bring, I "feel" like I couldn’t continue. But my feeling is totally unreliable. It changes one after another. Instead, I need to keep placing myself on the unchanging truth. The truth is that you and I can overcome every hardship with God because God loves us.

So, what do you do when life brings challenges and difficulties? Let us closely hold on to Jesus Christ who showed us how much God loves us. 

Please pray:

  1. For the maximum effect of chemotherapy and the minimal side-effect on Sachi.

  2. The Covid cases are increasing in Austria too and even our house doctor’s family has got infected. Please pray that the Lord would protect our family from it, as Sachi‘s white blood cells have gone down.

  3. For my stomach pain and problems to be cured.

During Sachi’s chemotherapy treatments, Liana and I sent photos to encourage her and make her laugh 😂 サチが抗がん剤治療を受けている間、理歩名と僕で写真を送り、ママを元気づけたり、笑わせようとします🤣

During Sachi’s chemotherapy treatments, Liana and I sent photos to encourage her and make her laugh 😂 サチが抗がん剤治療を受けている間、理歩名と僕で写真を送り、ママを元気づけたり、笑わせようとします🤣

Our ex-OM team mate, GaHee’s church in South Korea sent us encouraging letters and Korean seaweeds to us 😋 Some of the people haven’t met us and don’t know us well but their love and prayers for Sachi’s healing really touched us. Thank you Between Church!元OMチームメート、ガハーさんの韓国の教会から励ましのお手紙と韓国海苔が送られてきました🍙私たち家族を知らない人、会ったことない方々からも手紙をもらい、彼らの愛とサチの癒しのためのお祈りに心打たれました。Between 教会の皆さん、ありがとうございます。

Our ex-OM team mate, GaHee’s church in South Korea sent us encouraging letters and Korean seaweeds to us 😋 Some of the people haven’t met us and don’t know us well but their love and prayers for Sachi’s healing really touched us. Thank you Between Church!

元OMチームメート、ガハーさんの韓国の教会から励ましのお手紙と韓国海苔が送られてきました🍙私たち家族を知らない人、会ったことない方々からも手紙をもらい、彼らの愛とサチの癒しのためのお祈りに心打たれました。Between 教会の皆さん、ありがとうございます。







(矢部訳)この世界のすべての信仰者は、それぞれユニークな経験、ユニークな困難、そしてユニークな環境を持っています。パウロは、私たちがどんな問題を抱えていても、答えは常にキリストの愛であると述べました。百種類の困難があっても、解決策はいつもキリストの愛です。ある信仰者は苦難に遭遇するかもしれません、ある信仰者は苦しみ、ある信仰者は迫害、そしてさらにある信仰者は飢饉に遭うかもしれません。裸、危険、剣など、すべてが来ても、キリストの愛から私たちを引き離すことはできません。というのも、キリストの愛はあらゆる状況に対処できるからです。多くの人がキリストの愛に捕らえられた後、他の人が通り抜けることができないものを通り抜けることができることを私たちは理解していますか。ウォッチマン・ニー、Notes on Scriptural Messages (1), msg. 1


... 神は真実な方ですから、あなたがたを耐えることのできないような試練に会わせるようなことはなさいません。むしろ、耐えることのできるように、試練とともに、脱出の道も備えてくださいます。1コリント10章13節







  1. 化学療法の最大の効果と最小の副作用がサチにあるように。

  2. コロナの感染者数がオーストリアでも増加しており、私たちの主治医の家族でさえ感染してしまいました。 サチの白血球の数値が下がっていますので、主がコロナやあらゆる感染から私たちの家族を守ってくださるようにお祈りお願いします。

  3. 僕の腹痛とお腹の問題が癒えるように。

Akihiro Yabe