Fight the good fight /勇敢に戦う
On a regular basis I visit refugees and immigrants and I enjoy it. We talk about our lives, read the Bible and pray to the Lord Jesus. All of them have a Muslim background.
Isa (pseudonym) is an Afghan asylum seeker who fled to Austria a few years ago with his family. He hasn't received the refugee status yet and still faces the danger of deportation. When I first met him, he was a different person: strength-less eyes, posture with a bent back, no aspiration and no motivation. He'd previously become a Christian but wasn't being nurtured with a good fellowship and the Bible teaching. Neue Heimat team has been meeting with him regularly and over time God has changed him. He's now very eager to get to know Jesus as Lord and God more. (In Islam, Jesus is one of the prophets.)
Last week we talked about the current situation in Afghanistan. It's not the easiest topic but it's important for him to let out what burdens him. If he's deported to Afghanistan, he says he'll be 100% killed. The biggest reason is because he's left Islam and become a follower of Jesus Christ in Austria. But what he said next struck my heart. "If I can die for God, I'll be happy. They might kill me, but if I die for God, I know where I'll go." In Japan or in the West, we hardly get such persecution but that's the reality for Christians in Afghanistan and in some parts of the world. Isa is fighting the good fight of the faith and we're praying for his refugee application to be granted.
The time with him reminded me of what a Japanese pastor I respect once wrote:
Death comes regardless of age. Being a Christian does not guarantee that you will live at least for life expectancy. What is guaranteed to those who believe in Christ? (1) Not a disease-free life, but the power and peace of heart to overcome any hardships. (2) Not longevity, but complete forgiveness of sins and eternal life. (3) And, in the future, we will receive the body of the resurrection and will be able to serve God while praising God forever. In order to promise these was the redemptive death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. God keeps us alive on the earth to make this wonderful hope known and share it with others. Paul earnestly hoped that "Christ will be exalted in (his) body, whether by life or by death" (Philippians 1:20) but what about us?
Yes, the Bible commands us to pray for the sick (James 5:14) and persecuted (Hebrews 13:3). Jesus healed everyone that came to him (Matthew 12:15, Like 9:1) and He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Peter miraculously escaped from prison because the church was praying for him (Acts 12). We must not doubt when we pray for healing for the sick, for miracles for the persecuted, and for anything (James 1:6). Sachi is fighting the good fight of faith and we believe without a doubt that the Lord would heal Sachi for His glory.
At the same time, sickness or persecution reminds us of the solemn fact that we humans are mortal. Each day is therefore a gift from God. The solemn fact reminds us that our real home is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20-21) and that's our destination, it's our real hope. Therefore, we're to always rest in the good will of God and the hope of the eternal life, while fighting the good fight of the faith. Because Heaven is waiting for us, fighting the good fight is worth it. We don't fight in order to win Heaven - Jesus has won it for us-, but we fight because we know where we'll go and be welcomed, the real home.
You might be also in a difficult situation. But let us not give up but trust the Lord and keep fighting the good fight with the hope of the eternal life!
1 Timothy 6:11-12 ... you, man/woman of God, ... pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold ofthe eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
Bible reading/studying with Isa/イサさんと聖書から学びます
Worship in Persian/ペルシャ語での賛美
Kids are doing well too! Walk with Spindlers/子どもたちも元気でやってます!スピンドラー夫妻と散歩
イサさん(仮名)は、数年前に家族と一緒にオーストリアに逃れてきたアフガニスタンの亡命希望者です。彼はまだ難民の権利を取得しておらず、国外追放される危険もあります。最初に彼に会ったとき、彼は別人でした:力のない目、丸まった背中、覇気もモチベーションもありませんでした。すでにクリスチャンでしたが、良い交わりと健全な聖書の教えに与っていませんでした。 Neue Heimat教会のスタッフは定期的に彼と会う中で、神さまは彼を変え、成長させてくださいました。彼は今イエスさまを主として、神としてもっとよく知りたいと非常に熱心です。(イスラム教ではイエスさまは預言者の一人として見なされている)
死は年齢に関係なくやってきます。クリスチャンだから少なくとも平均寿命は生きるという保証はありません。キリストを信じる者に保証されていることは何でしょうか?①無病息災ではなく、どんな苦難をも乗り越える力と心の平安です。②長寿ではなく、罪の完全なゆるしと永遠のいのちです。つまりいつ死んでも天国に迎えていただけるということです。③ そして、未来において、復活のからだをいただいて永遠に神を賛美しつつ、神に仕えていけるということです。その裏づけとして、主イエス・キリストのあがないの死と復活があったのです。
同時に、病気や迫害は、人間は死を免れない存在という厳粛な事実を思い起こさせます。よって、毎日は神さまからの贈り物です。死を免れないという事実は、私たちの本当の家が天国にあり(ピリピ3:20-21)、天国が私たちの目的地であることを思い起こさせてくれます。それが私たちの本当の希望です。ですから、信仰の戦いを戦いながら、常に神さまの良い御心と永遠のいのちの希望の中で安息することが大切だと思うのです。天国が私たちを待っているので、信仰の戦いを戦う価値があります。 私たちは天国を勝ち取るために戦うのではありません−イエスさまが私たちのためにすでに勝ち取ってくださりました−、私たちはどこへ向かい、迎え入れられるかを知っているので戦うのです。
1テモテ6:11-12 しかし、神の人よ。あなたは、...正しさ、敬虔、信仰、愛、忍耐、柔和を熱心に求めなさい。信仰の戦いを勇敢に戦い、永遠のいのちを獲得しなさい。あなたはこのために召され、また、多くの証人たちの前でりっぱな告白をしました。