Carried by you/みなさんに担がれて
I'm writing this update in the car, while waiting for Sachi. Today's her third chemotherapy. Sachi’s side-effects have been appearing more strongly. Our OM teammates, Steven and Allison are kindly looking after our kids at their house. We're very grateful for all the unbelievably loving support we've been receiving locally.
People pray for us, send us messages and call us from all over the world. On Sunday, in the opposite part of the world from Austria a church held a special prayer and offering time for Sachi and us. The Japanese church in Christchurch, New Zealand that Sachi and I used to serve.
The proposer of the prayer time was Geoff Colvin, my spiritual father figure who has been encouraging, correcting, inspiring me to follow Christ and His Call in my life no matter the cost since 2004 when my hair style was still Afro :-P.
Before the prayer, Pastor Ken, who together with his wife Sunny was matchmakers and mentors for Sachi and me since 2009, shared from the story in Mark 2:1-12. There Jesus forgives and heals a paralyzed man. The pastor said, "The paralyzed man was healed because of the faith of his four friends who had broken the roof and brought the man to Jesus, more than the faith of the paralyzed man himself. Verse 5, when Jesus saw THEIR faith, His healing began for the man. (Side note: In other parts, Jesus requires faith directly from the person to whom He does a healing or a miracle. So, that we have faith ourselves is also very important.) The Yabe family might be sometimes too exhausted to pray even though they want to. So, like the four men, we want to support and pray for Sachi and the Yabe family and carry them to Jesus."
What could I say to and how could I thank people/you who show such heart-striking godly love? I have no words. We feel deeply humbled and simply blessed.
In Neue Heimat, our church planting ministry, I've been sensing a shift in our relationship with refugees and immigrants. Until Sachi's diagnosis that shook our family’s life, we didn't see a natural connection with them. Maybe for them we were like mere church staff that lived in a different world. But now, they text us, approach us, pray for us, and say that they want to meet with us. One Iranian lady cooked an Iranian rice dish and bought to us yesterday.
They are people who have gone through life or death situations themselves. They feel and understand our pain. Our relationship is no longer helpers and people in need of help. We now stand on the same ground; we're both spiritually poor people desperately in need of God's mercy, grace and miracles. Sachi and I are also carried by people whom we minister to.
After being carried by his friends to Jesus, the paralyzed man was healed. That amazed everyone and they praised the Lord. The man's healing turned into a testimony that clearly showed to the world that Jesus is the only One who can forgive our sins and He Himself is God. I pray and believe that the same would happen to Sachi. May Sachi's healing become a testimony that shows to the world that Jesus Christ is alive today and He is God who loves us and forgives our sins.
Thank you wholeheartedly for carrying us to Jesus by your payers and various forms of support.
Japanese Christian Fellowship in Christchurch
Neue Heimat After Church Picknick/開拓教会礼拝後ピクニック
Lior enjoyed Rhema Church’s Summer Kids Camp/現地のレーマ教会のサマーキャンプ、理央いっぱい楽しみました!
Kids’ Church Testimony and Worship Singing at Rhema Church/レーマ教会キッズチャーチでの証しと賛美