Setbacks and miracles/妨げと奇跡
Last couple of weeks have been significantly difficult for us but we have also experienced God's miracles. Here is the testimony. All glory to Jesus Christ alone!
Sachi's treatments and chemotherapy have been delayed from 19 July to 27 July, then to 2 August due to hospital's miscommunication among different sections and departments. Sachi was finally admitted to the hospital on 2 August but the port implantation (the port under the skin to receive chemotherapy IV) wasn't successful because her blood veins were too thin and we were told that her treatment would be delayed a few days to weeks again. Although it wasn't the hospital's fault this time, I couldn't stand it any longer. I strongly protected the delay but it didn't help.
With a huge disappointment, I came home. Uli and Esther were at the dinner table with children. (They had offered us that we all stay in their parents' house while going through the first chemo treatments so they can take care of our kids for 3 days. Without exaggeration, Uli and Esther are God's given help to us in our most difficult time. Our kids absolutely love being with them, especially with their daughter. )
Esther then suggested, "Would you like to call and ask Tabea?" This question became the turning point that changed the course of our next days. Tabea is a Christian radiologist who works at the hospital and her team is responsible for the port implant surgery. I said, "yes". Tabea had recently had an accident and hurt her hand. She normally lives at a different place but as she can't work until it's healed, she had come back to stay at her parent's house that was only 30 seconds walk away from Esther's parents' house we were staying at.
Esther contacted her and after two minutes, Tabea was in the living room with me, Uli and Esther at 10 p.m. She was the game changer of all our setbacks. For Sachi and me she was an angel sent from God.
Tabea contacted her colleagues and sought the fastest way to get the implant done. Uli advised me to explain to the hospital all the mistakes/delays the hospital caused, but do it not in an emotional manner but in a logical way. Tabea also told me that "der Ton macht die Musik" (the tone makes the music), meaning in Austria how we say things is equally as important as what we say. (I took their advice and talked to the doctor the next day who showed us understanding and sympathy.)
Next morning at 7 a.m. as Tabea had an appointment for her hand treatment at the same hospital, she took me there too. She asked her colleagues if Sachi could do her implant operation sooner. She then found out that on that day a very experienced surgeon had his first day back from his long holiday. (The surgeon who tried Sachi's implant the day before was also excellent but the implant was difficult.) Normally their section is packed with booked patients but on that particular day, a few patients cancelled their appointments, which Tabea says is very unusual. Her team was very supportive and willing to do Sachi's port implant between the cancelled appointments and it was done successfully, which made it possible to start the chemotherapy on 3 August, only one day after the planned date.
The story didn't end there. Sachi stayed in a room with another patient from Austria. She's had another type of cancer for a few years and despite unceasing attempts of treatments, she is still fighting the disease with a positive attitude. It was so encouraging for us to get to know her. With our broken German we managed to start a conversation with her and within me sprung up a strong desire to pray for her in person. I asked if we could pray for her. She looked surprised and perplexed at first, but later happily accepted our offer. I prayed in German and Sachi prayed in Japanese for her while doing the chemotherapy infusion, and I sensed the room atmosphere changed.
The next day was Sachi's hospital discharge. I returned to her room at 9 a.m. with a desire to explain to the lady the Good News of Jesus Christ. I was praying in my heart and waiting for the opportunity but my German wasn't good enough to initiate the conversation without making her awkward.
Then a cleaning lady came into the room. I had befriended with the friendly Romanian the day before. Out of the blue she asked me what my faith is as she guessed the book sitting on Sachi's desk was the Bible. I answered I believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. Her face gleamed out. She was very delighted to know we're also Jesus followers. The next 15 minutes we were testifying to how good, loving and strong God is, with our personal testimonies. The Austrian lady was attentively listening to us. Later the patient gave us her contact number. We promised to meet again.
The Austrian lady shared with us that when she got her diagnosis, many "friends" left her and only three have remained. Our Turkish neighbor who married to an Austrian and has lived here over 30 years also told me that it's difficult especially for foreigners to befriend with Austrians. But as for us, since Sachi's diagnosis, the Lord has been connecting us with an increasing number of the local Austrian Christians who pray and care for us. It's not normal and we don't take it for granted. It's pure grace. We're experiencing the power of God's love expressed in His worldwide family and the power of your prayers. I really pray that when the hospital staff and neighbors who don't believe in the Lord see how our Austrian friends are treating us, the foreigners, the Father would open their eyes to the One who also died for them, loves them and longs to include them in His family and salvation.
James 5:13-15a “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him (her) pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him (her) sing praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let him (her) call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him (her) , anointing him (her) with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him (her: Sachie) up.”
Please pray:
For Sachi's physical and mental health. Some side effects of the chemotherapy have begun to appear. Please pray that God would grant the maximum effect of the chemotherapy to the cancer cells and the minimum side effect on Sachi's body.
With Esther (left) and Tabea (right) after the first chemotherapy. 最初の抗がん剤後にエスター(左)タベア(右)と一緒に。
With Uli and Esther’s daughter, our children spent very fun and blessed 3 days in spite of the intensity they must have felt from the parents. 両親から色んな緊張感を感じとっていたかもしれませんが、理央も理歩名もウリとエスターの子どもと一緒に祝福の3日をとても楽しく過ごすことができました。
The first chemotherapy/最初の抗がん剤
With the Austrian patient at the same room/同室のオーストリア人の方と一緒に
Romanian Reinigung (Cleaning) lady /ルーマニア人のReinigung(クリーニング)のおばさん
After the first chemotherapy. In front of Sachi’s hospital bed was the Cross on the wall. It reminded us many times that God loves us all and is with us. 最初の抗がん剤の後で。サチのベッドの前の壁に十字架が飾られており、神さまが私たちみんなを愛し、共にいてくださることを何度も思い起こさせてくれました。
夜 10時、エスターがタベアに連絡し、2分後、タベアは僕やウリとエスターと一緒にリビングにいました。タベアは、僕らにとって、神さまから送られた形勢を一変させる天使でした。
彼女はすぐ同僚に連絡を取り、インプラントを成功させる最速の方法を探してくれました。ウリは僕に、病院が引き起こしたすべての間違い・遅延を病院に説明するようアドバイスしてくれましたが、感情的にではなく論理的にするよう励ましてくれました。 タベアは、「der Ton macht die Musik」(トーンが音楽を作る)と教えてくれ、つまりオーストリアでは物事の言い方(喋り方)が、何を言うか(内容)と同じくらい重要であることを教えてくれました。(彼らのアドバイスを受け、翌日サチの医師やナースと話し、彼らは理解や同情を示してくれました。)
そのオーストリア人女性は、がんの診断を受けたとき、多くの “友人” が彼女を去り、今では3人だけが残っているとシェアしてくれました。オーストリア人と結婚して30年以上ここに住んでいる近所のトルコ人も、特に外国人がオーストリア人と友だちになるのは難しいと自身の体験談を話してくれました。しかし、私たちに関しては、サチの診断以来、主は、私たちのために祈り、ケアしてくれる多くのオーストリア人クリスチャンたちと繋げてくださいました。それは普通ではなく、また当然のこととは全然考えていません。純粋な恵みです。私たちは、神の世界的な家族の中で表わされる神の愛の力と、皆さんの祈りの力を体験しています。主を信じていない病院のスタッフや近所の人が、オーストリア人クリスチャンたちが外国人の私たちにどのように接してくれているかを目撃するとき、父なる神さまが彼らの目を開き、彼らのためにも死に、彼らを愛し、神の家族と救いに招き入れたい切望しているお方を見させてくださるよう心から願い祈っています。
ヤコブ5:13-15a 「あなたがたのうちに苦しんでいる人がいますか。その人は祈りなさい。喜んでいる人がいますか。その人は賛美しなさい。あなたがたのうちに病気の人がいますか。その人は教会の長老たちを招き、主の御名によって、オリーブ油を塗って祈ってもらいなさい。信仰による祈りは、病む人(幸恵)を回復させます。主はその人(幸恵)を立たせてくださいます。」