Taxi driver/タクシーの運転手さん
Writer: Sachie
Thank you for your prayers. We thank God who answers each and every prayer of yours.
Lior has been practicing soccer happily (goalkeeper) since recently joining a local club team.
Liana has recently re-started going to kindergarten, since the corona infection rate has subsided (She loves to be a princess 👸). Our children enjoy going to school and kindergarten most of the time (although they sometimes don't want to).
Today I would like to share the testimony of God's goodness.
The surgery was successfully completed a month and a half ago, and the hormone therapy and the chemotherapy treatment have begun. The radiation therapy has begun today on 4 April.
Earlier this year we were able to take out the Austrian National Insurance. Thanks to that, I can use various systems. One of them is taxi transport. Cancer patients can get free taxi tickets to the treatments.
The other day I used this system for the first time. After the chemotherapy treatment, I decided to randomly take one of the many taxis parked in front of the hospital and drive home.
I was feeling very unwell after the chemotherapy, and I am not good at German, so I was probably giving off an aura of “please don’t talk to me now”.
Whether he had understood my unspoken message or not, the driver※ started talking to me 😂. After a brief conversation about where he came from and how long he had been living here, he suddenly started talking about Jesus.
The driver immigrated to Austria from a country where the Bible/Gospel is strictly forbidden. He heard the Gospel here for the first time, was converted from Islam, and became a follower of Jesus Christ. After having studied the Bible, he now delivers the Gospel messages to the congregation as a pastor on Sundays, and to passengers as a taxi driver on weekdays.
He smiled and said that he was looking forward to reuniting with the passengers in Heaven someday again, and being told by them, "I heard the Gospel from you in your taxi."
He was very happy and thanked God when I told him that I also believed in Jesus and that I had come to Austria to do His mission with my family.
He told me that he would continue to pray for me. Now I ask him/his taxi to pick me up for the treatment every time, and he encourages me with the words of the Bible and sends me out with a powerful prayer.
※ Last August there was some confusion for the treatment scheduling and the start of my chemotherapy was delayed, and our friend Tabea kindly went to the hospital with Aki to clear up the confusion. On their way back, they took a random taxi and the driver was he! Aki had wanted to meet the driver again for a long time but couldn't find him.
As has always been the case till now, God has shown us again in this special way that He is with us. I can't speak the German language well and I often feel uneasy in the foreign setting where there are many things I don't understand, but it always reminds me that I am protected in the hands of God. I am deeply grateful to God for supporting and sustaining me/us by His grace despite the trials.
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
Last August/昨年8月
著者: 幸恵
そんなオーラを察してか、いや察しなかったのか、運転手さん※ は私に話しかけてきました。
※ 昨年8月に治療スケジュールに混乱が生じ、抗がん剤治療の開始が遅れたため、友人のタベアがアキと一緒に病院に来てくれ、問題を解決してくれました。 帰り道、彼らはランダムにタクシーに乗ったのですが、運転手さんは同じ方でした! アキはまたその運転手さんに会いたいと思っていたのですが、探し出すことができずにいました。