Goal and purpose/ゴールと目的
This Saturday we, the Yabes will take off for a month-long trip. From Iwate to Utsunomiya, Tokyo, Osaka, Tottori and back to Iwate again. Sachi on 1 Aug and I on 15 July will set German exams for our Austrian visa. Please pray for the exams becasue passing the exams means we can return to Austria.
Sachi has been self-studying hard in between taking care of kids or after they sleep but German is such a difficult language. God is surely gracious to us; He let us meet Peter and Renate Yonge, missionaries to Japan who live near us in this countryside!! Renate is a German and Peter is British but very fluent in German. Sachi has been to them twice to learn the language. As we set our exams, we truly need God's help and we'd greatly appreciate your prayers.
It sometimes feels overwhelming and discouraging when we humanly think of all the things we must overcome in order to return to Austria. But we say to ourselves, "One step at a time with the Lord".
On 6th July, we had OM Miyagi combined prayer meeting (OM Tome and OM Sendai teams). The verse of the day was Psalm 12:5 "Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise," says the Lord. "I will protect them from those who malign them."
We prayed for the oppressed and persecuted in North Korea, people suffering from mental illness, refugees, etc. Sachi and I presented what OM Austria does among refugees and our coworkers surrounded, laid hands on and prayed for our family.
When obstacles seem huge and unbearable, we're inclined to get swept up by faint-hearted emotions and feelings, and lose focus or miss the purpose.
After I was prayed for, it reminded me again of why we do what we do. Every Christian’s purpose and goal. We do what we do because God first loved us, because He first came to us and saved us. And the Lord wants to save more, and more and more people. He has seen the oppression of the weak and heard the groaning of the needy. And He will now arise. Many people will see how great Jesus Christ is.
Our goal and purpose that is GLORY OF THE LORD (Isaiah 43:7) is of course our motivation and cause too for our ministry and it’ll keep us get going. Thank you for your partnership in the same goal and purpose!
今週の土曜日、矢部家は約一ヶ月の旅に出ます。岩手から宇都宮、東京、大阪、鳥取、そして再び岩手へ。 7月15日に僕は東京で、8月1日にサチは大阪でオーストリア・ビザ申請のためのドイツ語試験を受けます。 合格して必要書類が揃えばオーストリアに戻ることができます。
オーストリアに戻るために克服しなければならないことすべてを人間的に考えると、途方に暮れ落胆してしまいそうになります。 しかし、私たちは「主と共に一歩ずつ」と自分に言いきかせています。
7月6日、OM宮城合同祈り会(OM登米・OM仙台チーム)がありました。 その日の鍵となる聖句は詩篇12:5「主は仰せられる。「悩む人が踏みにじられ、貧しい人が嘆くから、今、わたしは立ち上がる。わたしは彼を、その求める救いに入れよう。」」
祈ってもらった後、僕たちはなぜこの働きをやっているのかを改めて思い出しました。 私たちクリスチャン全員のゴールと目的。神さまが最初に私たちを愛してくださり、私たちのところに来てくださり、救ってくださった。そして主はもっともっともっと多くの人を救いたいと切望しておられる。
私たちクリスチャン全員のゴールと目的 ーそれは主の栄光ー (イザヤ43:7)がもちろん同じく僕たちのミニストリーの動機と原因です。同じゴールと目的のもと皆さんのパートナーシップを感謝しています!