Though it’s extremely difficult for me…/私にはとても難しくても…
OM Tome-city team we belong to had its 'Monthly Celebration' on Sunday after a 3 months break due to the corona crisis.
OM Tome has its emphasis on evangelism, discipleship and church-planting and we normally have a small house church on Sundays but once a month is the Monthly Celebration where we invite more people. This time we had two new believers and one non-Christian. It was a genuine and wonderful fellowship and a heart-felt worship service.
Tome-city has a population of about 78,000 citizens and in it we find only 40 Christians. There are four small churches in the city whose attendances are 5-10 people each and most of them are aging. The average age of pastors in whole Japan is said to be 67 years old. Discipleship is an urgent need in the city like many other cities in the world.
After the Monthly Celebration, only us missionaries were there, chatting and having a fellowship when a randomly walking Chinese person came and joined us. He is a non-Christian himself but he told us that we need more churches in Japan that has many problems in societies, schools, companies, homes, etc. At the end of our wonderful conversation he accepted our offer to pray for him and his wife who soon have a baby girl in Jesus' name.
I personally felt God's love and presence among us during the conversation and was reminded of what Jesus said, " ... As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34-35) He also told us that when we are in unity, the world may believe that Jesus is the Son of God (John 17:20-23) .
But, don't you agree that it's hard to love? Especially those who are very different from us, who have a very different view point than us, who seem to dislike us? Oh, I confess I struggle to love people like that. And I have recently come to a conclusion that I can't love such people. But I have also discovered that Jesus in me really loves them and wants to let me let Him in me love them instead. He wants to show love to them through me. He wants to love them through me.
In your house, school, company, society and church, there might also be people you struggle to love. It might be impossible for you to love but what is Jesus saying?
As we trust the Lord and let Him in us love people around us, we WILL see in faith people come to Jesus and are added to God's family. May His Kingdom expand in Tome-city and where you are!
With the Chinese person/中国人の方と一緒に
Kids worship/子ども賛美
Monthly Celebration/マンスリー・セレブレーション
OM登米は、伝道、弟子訓練、教会開拓に力点を置いており、通常は日曜日に小さなハウスチャーチをしていますが、毎月一度、いつもより多くの人を招待し月例のお祝いをしています。 今回は、2人の新しいクリスチャンと1人のノンクリスチャンが参加されました。 純粋な主にある交わりと心からの礼拝でした。
登米市の人口は約78,000人で、そのうちクリスチャンはわずか40人です。 市内には4つの小さな教会があり、出席者はそれぞれ5〜10人、そのほとんどがご高齢です。 日本全国の牧師の平均年齢は67歳といわれており、世界の他の多くの都市と同様に、イエスの弟子訓練は登米市で急務です。
会話中に神さまの愛と臨在を感じ、イエスさまがおっしゃたことを思い出しました。「..わたしがあなたがたを愛したように、そのように、あなたがたも互いに愛し合いなさい。 もしあなたがたの互いの間に愛があるなら、それによって、あなたがたがわたしの弟子であることを、すべての人が認めるのです。」 (ヨハネ13:34-35)私たちクリスチャンが一つになっている時、人々はイエスさまが神の御子と信じるだろうとも言われました(ヨハネ17:20-23)。
でも、愛するのって難しいと思いませんか? 特に、自分とは全く違う考えや価値観の人、私を嫌っているように思える人たち。ああ、僕はそのような人を愛するのに葛藤苦労しているとカミングアウトします。そして最近、そのような人を愛することができないという結論に達しました。 でもある大きな発見もありました。内におられるイエスさまは、僕が愛せない人をめちゃくちゃ愛しておられる。内なるイエスさまは僕の代わりにその人たちを愛させてほしいと切望しておられる。僕を通して彼らに神の愛を示したいと思っておられる。