Break my heart/心を打ち砕く


The breaking news shocked and shook not only the nation of Japan but also the world as our ex-prime minister, Shinzo Abe had been shoot to death. (Japan has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and lowest rates of gun violence.) May God comfort his family, friends, colleagues and us Japanese citizens in a grief. Some other incidents had also recently reminded me of the fact that human life is like grass (Psalm 103:15-16); it flourishes like a flower and is gone. 

The Lord God is our deliverer. God delivers us from distress (Psalm 118:5) and He bears our burdens (Psalm 68:19). However, I'm starting to realize that there are certain kinds of distress and burdens that God does not deliver us from and we should rather ask Him for more; the distress and burden for the lost. Why? 

Let's be honest. Do you usually care for the salvation of strangers that you haven't even met before? The Bible says Jesus is passionately after them (Luke 15:4-7). Paul mourns for his fellow Jews without Christ and almost wishes that he could be separated from Christ, if only it resulted in the salvation of his own people (Romans 9:1-3). It hit me hard because I don't care for strangers like Jesus does and Paul did. It hit me hard as I was passing by car Muslim women and children walking on the pavement. Many Muslims, Austrians, Japanese and your people have not heard the Gospel, not even once. If they don't have Jesus as their Savior, where are they going? 

I couldn't help but pray in anguish, "Lord, break my heart." I need God to daily break my heart for the lost, for the poor, for the sick, for the persecuted and for those whom God loves and cares. My self-centered heart needs to be replaced with God's heart. 

With a desperate desire for God's heart, I went to a barber. Normally my favorite barber is my wife but I decided to go to a local shop because I can meet the unreached people there. My conversation with the shop staff suddenly happened to become spiritual. I said I'm a Christian and go to church. Four Iraqis and one Japanese in a small room. A completely "away" match. It was a bit scary as you never know where you meet radical Muslims. When my haircut was about to finish though, the guy who was cutting my hair quietly said, to my surprise, "I'm a Christian. You're my brother", and showed me the cross necklace hidden under his T-shirt. He had converted to Christianity from Islam at a refugee camp in Greece, spent a year in Finland and come to Austria on foot a few months ago. We promised to meet for a coffee or lunch.   

We know Jesus is God, the Lord, and the Savior. We know He loves us and He is the most powerful One. But at times, we are hesitant or even afraid to tell non-believers about Him. We know we can't change people's hearts or make them believe; it's the pure work of the Holy Spirit (Ezekiel 36:26). But don't we sometimes use it as an excuse not to share Christ with others? I admit I do, especially when I am at a completely "away" match.

When my grandma was in danger of death from brain infarction, with desperation I shared Jesus with her. She saw my seriousness, listened, understood the Gospel and believed. When I shared with my best friend from high school, he first ridiculed but later listened and came to church with me. From the experiences I learnt that when we are truly caring, at least people will listen. (Good relationship/friendship might have to be built beforehand.)

The question is now: do we have God's heart that loves and cares for the lost? 

You and I are saved and can be at peace, but how about our family members, relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc? 

As human life is like grass and we will not be in this world forever, I pray, "Lord, break my heart and give me Yours."

安倍元首相が射殺されたというニュース速報は、日本のみならず全世界を震撼させました。主なる神さまが深い悲しみにある、安倍元首相のご家族、友人、同僚、私たち日本国民を慰めてくださいますように。最近あったその他の出来事からも、人の人生は草のようであるという事実を再び思い知らされました(詩篇103:15-16)− 花開いたかと思えば、すぐ枯れてしまいます。






おばあちゃんが脳梗塞で死の危険にあったとき、僕は必死になっておばあちゃんにイエスさまを伝えました。おばあちゃんは僕の真剣さを見て、耳を傾け、福音を理解し、イエスさまを救い主として信じました。高校時代の親友に伝道した時、最初は嘲笑されましたが、後日一緒に教会に来てくれました。これらの体験から、本当にその人を想って接する時、少なくとも人は福音に耳を傾けてくれることを学びました。 (前もって良好な人間・友人関係を構築している必要はあるかもしれません。)



Akihiro Yabe